Chapter 19

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I stare at Mia as she swirls her straw around her chocolate milkshake, with an adorable smile on her face.

I'm glad she is not mad at me anymore after what happened at the party. She scolds me like a child for 15 minutes for my remark. My intention wasn't to cause an argument between her and her boyfriend. She didn't forgive me yet so I'm hoping that by the end of today she will.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" She asks in a soft voice, snapping me from the trace she had me in.

"I like your eyes. I especially like them when the sun is shining on them, they look so beautiful, " I say watching as she bites her soft-looking plump bottom lip.

Why did I say that? I don't know.

"Like a piece of art with a soul, " I whisper, half of me hoping that she didn't hear me half of me hoping she did.

I can't tell which one it is though.

She has a soft smile on whilst looking at her milkshake. Her elbow rests on the table and her palm becomes the pillow for her chin to rest on.

"Your eyes remind me of a dolphin, " she says making me choke on my milkshake.

"Wow, what a nice comparison, " I say rolling my eyes.

"Hey! I wasn't finished yet, " she says throwing at me a spare straw hitting me right in the nose.

What is it with this girl and throwing things at me?

"So, as I was saying they remind me of a dolphin. Loyal, sweet, funny and you can never know what they feel, " she says, her eyes squinting looking at mine.

"Although sometimes I feel like they're a bit greenish rather than different shades of blue, I guess it depends on the lighting, " she says shrugging and taking a sip of her drink.

"Sunflower! That's what the greenish reminds me!" She says with enthusiasm.

I'm not sure why though.

"I would've like to think of myself more like a shark or a lion than a dolphin and sunflower, " I look at her questionably.

"Well I don't, " she says sticking out her tongue to me.

I shake my head at her childishness today, a question burning in my mind since last week.

"How are you and Carter?" My question throws her a bit off guard.

"Why are you asking?" She pulls out her straw and licks it cleans.

Jesus! I readjust myself in the chair.

"Because we both know that I cause some tension between you two last week. You didn't tell me how things went between you two after you lecture me," I say waiting patiently to see if she finally open her eyes or not about him.

"Oh, don't worry. Everything is all good with Carter! He apologized for his behaviour and even bought me a teddy bear and chocolate the next day and we talked about it, " she says smiling.

It's the first time that I feel like her smile pains me. Why? I furrow my eyebrows at myself.

"That's good, " I say lying through my teeth.

I don't like her with Carter for some reason. I mean it could be from all the things Mia told me or from what I got out of him at the party.

I feel like Mia could do better.

I don't know why she is settling for silver when she could have gold.

"Look I also wanted to apologize again for kinda being an asshole to your boyfriend at the party. I'll admit I did it to piss him off a bit but I never did it to cause a fight between you two, " I say sincerely.

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