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Goddess was the first word which came to my mind while looking at her. She looked the epitome of elegance and beauty. Her face shown her youth and innocence, whereas her eyes shone with maturity.

When she walked out of her apartment building, I was left speechless for a moment. I didn't even noticed the other woman coming with her until they stood in front of me. And by the comment she made, I could tell she was way too bold than my soft spoken assistant.

Felicity's reaction to the crowd of paparazzi was quite expected. But looking at her stress filled face, I wasn't able to resist myself from raising my hand to her face. I smoothen the lines from her forehead which were bothering me and ensured her she'll be fine.

I walked out of the car and ran my gaze through the crowd. Other guests were posing for cameras as some where answering the unnecessary questions. Thinking about the upcoming evening, annoyance filled me soon. These kinds of overrated gatherings, get to my nerve every fucking time. I watched the unnecessary social display while waiting for my foodaholic assistant.

I offered her my arm when she stood beside me. She took it softly but I was able to notice the tight grip she had on her purse.

As we walked the red carpet, we didn't stopped for any photos or questions. They know better what to expect. There won't be any photos of us tomorrow, anyways. I'll make sure of that, I always do.

As expected from Britney, the party was a temporary show and waste of money. People like to show their power, I do myself, but only to some extent. A party like this is nothing but waste of time and money.

I pushed the urge to ran my hand through my hair by looking at the people invited as guests. Who the fuck invites a psychopath drug dealer to their birthday?
I am a mafia boss myself but the bastard I'm talking about is a psychopathic rapist drug dealer who's even involved in human trafficking.

I shouldn't have any problem with his business, I agree. But even in underworld, we have some laws and rules and that fucktard has broken every one of them. On addition, he screwed up a big fucking time with the Knights.

I clenched my jaw in frustration and anger, doubting my decision on bringing Felicity to this hellish party. I glanced to my right and saw the surprised expression on her face.
Her eyes were sparkling with excitement and amazement. Lips were slightly parted as she looked around the big hall filled with noisy people.

Soon her awed expression was replaced by her judging face. She does this 'judging' a lot and I can nearly say this is a woman's trait.

She doesn't only judge others but also overthinks about herself, creating a new wave of anxiety which radiates through her body without even trying. She's so easy to read, just like an open book.

She glanced over the group of celebrities and ran few thoughts inside her head before moving her eyes to the next group.

I wanted to tell her that their appearance is nothing compared to her beauty. But I decided to say something more serious.

"Don't leave my side" I said near her ear.

She nodded but I wasn't convinced. She has a tendency of wandering around like a curious kitten. And I can't risk her roaming with this wolves around.

"I mean it Felicity. Don't go wandering around any where. It may look like a normal party to you but the risk is high enough to cost your life" I said getting straight to the point. There's no need to hide the risk when she's already aware of my truth.

"O-Okay. I promise I won't go anywhere" she said with a soft tone.

I placed my hand on small of her back while nodding once. Her body went rigid for a moment but when she relaxed, it pleased me to a level I didn't knew existed.

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