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My father, Matt Miller, is a well known business man. He own many restaurants, hotels and small companies.

But I, not even in my dream, thought about him buying our company. Throughout the whole meeting, I kept thinking about what was going on. All my embarrassment was long gone and confusion took that place.

As the meeting neared the end, everyone clapped at my father's motivational speech. He is a well-known, highly honorable man for the outside world. But for me, he's nothing but a sorry in the name of a father.

Everyone started to leave but I stayed where I was standing, glaring at the man sitting behind the desk. As the last person left the room, I took steps towards him.

"What is the meaning of this?" I politely but firmly, asked.

"What is the meaning of what?"

"Why didn't you told me that you're my new boss?"

"You are not my father. I am yours. I don't have to tell you everything"

"When it's related to me, yes you have to tell me everything. You knew very well that I worked here. Still you didn't informed me"

"Oh stop whining. What is the actual point of your anger Felicity? Even if you knew, you cannot change anything" Rachel said as she entered the room.

"You people are my actual point of anger" I angrily said and walked out of the conference hall.

My work place was the only place where I felt free, other than my apartment room. Now I guess that is also ruin.
I went straight to the washroom, to freshen up my face.

'oh how much I hate Monday'

Walking out of the washroom, I went to my office cubicle and began editing some new articles. Suddenly, a huge stack of papers was placed on my table, making me jump a little.

"What the- what is all these?" I looked behind me and saw Jeff, my father's assistant.
"Mr Miller ordered you to edit all these articles today itself" he said in a monotone.

"H-how the heck am I suppose to do all these today?" I said while watching the stack of papers in utter shock.

The man only shrugged and walked away.

I whined lightly while covering my face. Of course this is a punishment for talking to them rudely, back in the conference hall. They won't dare to fire me because I'm the best at my editing work in this whole department, even though I'm a total mess of clumsiness.

Building up some strength, I took the first copy of article and resume my work.

A knock on the table broke my trace from the article lying front of me. I looked up and saw Elijah, smiling charmingly.

"You love to make dramatic entrances, don't you?" He said, refering to the meeting, this morning.

"I'm one of a kind" I shrugged and smiled back at him.

"True though" chuckling, he said, "Anyways, I'm going to grab some lunch, care to join?"

Hearing the name of food, I felt myself hungry since I never had any breakfast in the morning. Smiling brightly, I got up and grab my purse.

"Lead the way"

Elijah took me to a small resturant. There I ordered a heavy meal, keeping my hunger in mind and a cup of coffee. Elijah looked at my plate and shook his head, while laughing lightly.

"What?" I asked in confusion while digging through my lunch.
"You're very foody, aren't you?"
"You know the answer" I giggled, stuffing my mouth.

"So you didn't knew your father is taking over our company?" He asked suddenly.

'here it comes'

I was actually waiting for him to ask this question because he already knew who my father was. He doesn't know the exact details of my past but the fact that there was a thick family tension between me and my father's family, was well known to him.

"To tell you the Truth, I had no idea"

"I guess that. Your shocked expression was quite natural"

Thankfully, he changed the topic and we continued to eat. Elijah is one of my close friend. He is the only one who knows about me and my family issues, other than Sasha.

Lunch was over in few minutes and we all returned back to our offices. I groaned as I remember the huge load of work waiting for me on my table. I said bye to Elijah and returned to my table.

As we near the evening hours, people start to leave one by one. I tiredly sighed and thanked God, as only last few articles were left. When I was finished with my last article, I noticed that I was the only one in the office. Packing everything up, I got up and left.

Night air was chilly, making me wrap my arms around myself. I walked down to the bus station as there was no taxis available. Bus arrived shortly and in the next few hours, I found myself lying flat on my bed with my work clothes still on.

Lazily I got up and got changed. After a fresh shower, I went straight to kitchen and fix myself something to eat.

When the clock struck 11 at night, I found myself totally drained out and soon without thinking anything else I drop myself down in the bed.

Only if I was not so tired, I would've noticed the black SUV standing across the street outside, right straight to my window. Only if I was not so tired, I would've noticed that the car was a familiar one.

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