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*Few weeks later

Everything is good and is in under control in the office, except my clumsiness and hatred for Matt Miller, of course. But other than that everything is going quite perfect.
So perfect that I'm starting to doubt this perfection.

Don't think of me as a freak but let me tell you, I'm no near perfection. I don't even fall under its radar.

Hell knows it's true to say I'm the model of imperfection. Nothing goes right in my life. Nothing.

'Not even a weekend relaxation plan' my inner self screamed in frustration.

I shook the thought away as soon as it came. I don't wanna remember that night. That horrible night.

It won't be wrong to say that nightmares became permanent company to my sleeps since that night. My anxiety doubled itself.

Gunshot. Blood. Body. No, dead body.

A shiver ran down my body, thinking about that night. I took in deep breaths and calmed myself.

'Idiot. You're in the middle of your work and now only you're getting your stupid anxiety attacks? Like seriously?'
I scolded myself.

After few seconds I was calm again. I looked around, outside my office cubicle to see if anyone saw my little scene, but found everyone busy in there own work. I exhaled deeply and resumed my work.

Few hours later, I was set to go. I gathered my stuff and proceed towards the elevator.

On getting out of the building, I hailed a taxi and went home. I freshen up myself and grab something to eat. After cleaning the kitchen, I sat down on my bed with my laptop and check out my emails.

Many emails were work regarding and others were from shopping malls and stuff like that.

Suddenly one email captured my attention quickly. It was from my boss, Matt Miller, himself ; an invitation to his firm's charity event, Saturday next week. I read the email thoroughly and came to a conclusion that it was about a charity ball in support of an organization that works for the development of third world countries.

On other words, the event was a shout out to the world to know that my father owns the Life magazine company now. He does this everytime.

Previously, I never use to get any invitations, for which I'm very thankful. But since I'm one of his employee now, I guess I have to attend it even if I donot want to.

I sighed and turn off the laptop. I stretched my limbs and quickly went under the covers, falling asleep almost instantly.


Days of work were going smoothly. I was successfully enhancing my work. Almost everyday, at lunch, I got to hear about the 'email'.

Frankly, everyone was excited. Many of the employees were thinking about creating a good impression for promotion or something?

Discussion about clothes and dates were common topics getting discussed through out the office. Other women often asked me what am I wearing to the event?

'Duh! Clothes, what else?'

Or who am I going with?

"Who'll be your date for that night?" One of my friend, June, asked me one day while eating lunch.
"Huh?" I was so engrossed on eating that I actually didn't get her question.
"What are you even saying, June? Of course She'll be going with Elijah" my other friend, Sasha answered her.

I looked at her, raising my eyebrow, while chewing a mouthful of my burger.

She dramatically rolled her eyes and said, "oh come on, everyone in the office knows something is going on in between you two. Some even think that you two are in a relationship. So I'm one hundred percent sure that you'll be going him".

Ending her sentence she smirked as everyone on our table nodded in acceptance.

I frowned and wiped my mouth with the tissue.
"Stop talking nonsense Sasha. There's nothing going on between us. And, June, I don't know who am I going with. I've no idea".

Sasha rolled her eyes again,while taking a handful of fries from my plate. I slapped her hand lightly.

"Don't take my food. Order your own idiot" I scolded her.
"Stop whining Liss" she said while eating my fries. Liss is a unique nickname for me, given by Sasha, and I simply liked it.

I sighed and continued finishing my lunch. Sasha was my first friend here at work and we really hit it off. She's one of the top journalist we have and most importantly popular interviews for our magazine is done by her.
She's like a sister to me. She knows my past, but never judge me. When she found out my father is our new boss, she took me out for dinner to lighten my mood and boy, it did work out pretty well.

Although she knows my love for food, she always tries to steal. And let me tell you, I hate it. I hate when someone eyes my food.

Lastly finishing our drinks, we got up to leave. On our way back Sasha asked me to accompany her for shopping on coming Sunday. I thought for a while and finally said yes, as I too have to buy my own dress.

Suddenly, Elijah came in front of us and greeted us. I smiled politely and returned his greetings. Sasha, on the other hand, smiled slyly.

"Hey I wanted to ask you something" Elijah said.
"Ask away" Sasha replied on my behalf, smirking all along.

Elijah looked between me and her and looked hesitated but sighed at last. He know Sasha ain't gonna leave us alone, so he have to ask in front of her.

"Actually, it's about the upcoming event. I wanted to ask if you could accompany me to the event, as my date?"

My eyes widened up slightly and I blinked few times. A small blush crept my cheeks slowly.

"*ahem* told you so" Sasha said under a fake cough. I elbowed her lightly, not wanting Elijah to hear her.

"I would love to" I smiled and tried hard to hide my blush.
He sighed in relief and smiled his ever so charming smile, which always manage to make my heart skip a beat.
"I'll be really honoured Felicity" he said smiling and walked away.

I watched him leaving, lost in my thoughts, when Sasha fake coughed again to bring me back to the real world.

"Love is in the air" she whispered in my ear and ran off before I could say anything. Her floor was different from my floor, based on our department, so I sighed and walked towards the lift.

That Imperfect Addictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن