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I checked the hall one more time. Tomorrow is the event night and I did pretty good. I smiled as I looked around the hall. Golden and white theme looked beautiful with all the special flowers I ordered for decoration. Tables and chairs were placed gracefully and the stage was also looking amazing.

However, I was having a gut feeling that I was forgetting something. Something very important. But no matter how much I tried to remember, nothing comes up to my brain. I recheck the list for the millionth time and frowned when I got nothing, again.

'Maybe I'm just being paranoid'

I can't blame myself for being paranoid though. This whole week was completely stressful. I had to finish my office work early so that I could spend the remaining time fixing everything for the party. I had to check very single detail by myself before confirming it. Office work was not limited to my office only. My apartment room was also a mess with all papers and files.

'I've never taken so much stress in my entire life as I'm taking nowadays' I sighed.

Adam and Clara helped me a lot too. They didn't came to the venue for their own reasons but they did helped me through the phone a lot.

I did apologize to Adam for Asher's stupid behaviour that day. He said not to worry about it but I know he was far from fine.

"All done?" I heard from behind me.

"Yes Mr Knight" I said confidently.

"You sure it was your first time organizing an official party?" He looked around the hall before us and I might dare to say that he looked... impressed?

"Yes. It was my first time. Though Clara and Adam helped me a lot" I smiled.

He raised his eyes and gave me a pointed look. My smile wiped out as I met his gaze.

"You're still taking help from that Coulson's guy?" he asked while narrowing his eyes.

"I.. I did asked him about f-few things..." My whole confidence went out of the window.

What is his problem with Adam though? I mean he doesn't care about taking help from Clara but hearing Adam's name he just turn into a jerk.

He walked towards me and I shrunk back feeling his dominance. Once nearing me, he slightly bend to match my height and brought his face dangerously close to me.

"I don't want you to take help from any other person outside my company, you get that? I don't want you developing any kind of unofficial relationship with any those guys. Am I clear?" my eyes grew wide with each passing word coming out of his mouth.

"Y-yes" I blinked my eyes rapidly and nodded furiously.

He straighten up and walked away like nothing happened. I exhaled heavily and looked around the room to see if someone was present or not. And luckily, no living thing was visible.

I frowned while thinking about his statement. Can we talk about hypocrisy here? His ex assistant is married to his best friend, isn't it? Then what the heck did he meant by 'no relationship with other company's guy'? Not like I'm looking for any kind of relationship with them but I'm just stating my point.

I exhaled in frustration as I continued to make points for argument in my head. But unfortunately, I don't have courage to tell him all this. I can't and I won't.


Well simply I don't want to die.


I groaned as I heard my phone ringing furiously. I checked the time and groaned even loudly when it said 2:47 in the morning.

"What the-?" My eyes widen up while looking at the 'Mr Knight' on my ringing screen.

'what the hell does this man wants now?'

Rubbing my eyes and answered the phone.

"Hello?" My voice was sounding hoarse due to my sleepy state.

"My suit is here Miss Miller. Didn't I told you to drop it at the dry cleanings yesterday?" He was sounding damn calm.

I gasp out loud when I remembered one of my forgotten work. I sit up straight and started to apologise.

"I'm so sorry sir. I was busy with all the work that it slipped out of my mind. I'm s-sor-"

"Pick it up at sharp 8 in the morning. I want it back until 5" and he hung up. That's it. No please, no thank you, nothing.

"Oh god" I exclaimed and fall back on my pillows.

Morning came quickly then I expected. All thanks to my dear boss.

I hurriedly took a cab and went towards Asher's house address. As we reached there, I noticed it was a beautiful modern villa. Everything coming under my sight screamed luxury.

I rolled my eyes as I thought about how this man loves luxury. As the guards questioned me, I showed them my ID and went inside.

A maid escorted me inside and again I was rendered speechless. It was so beautiful. Light was coming through the glass doors and windows, giving the house a peaceful touch. Through the big glass door, the pool and backyard fireplace were visible.
Inside, the furniture, floor, walls, paintings, even the rug was amazing.

"You're three minutes early" I heard Asher's voice and turned towards him and oh my god. He was looking hot. A v-neck t-shirt and sweatpants doesn't sound much appealing right. But he carried them like a freaking model.

'I don't think I ever looked that hot with my pajamas on'

"Good morning sir. I was here...." I trailed off as I looked at his right arm's biceps. It was heavily tattooed. Few tattoos were playing peek-a-boo from his deep v neck cut. But most of my attention was on that weirdly awesome tattoo around his left forearm.

'how did I not noticed it earlier?' Subconsciously I scrunch my nose.

My thoughts were cut off when I heard him clearing his throat. I blushed red when I saw him watching my every move with a small smirk in his face.

"I was here for your suit. Where is it?" I fastly asked while looking at my feet.

"Follow me" he walked towards the staircase and made his way towards the master bedroom. I released a breath and tapped my burning cheeks.

Asher walked straight to the walk-in closet and I followed him silently. He showed me the suit that must be taken and gave me the address for his usual dry cleaning place.

I left his house without saying much, other than 'thank you' and 'yes sir'. I was trying hard not to insult myself any further.

As I reached the dry cleaning shop, I requested them to hurry and they promised to finish all work before 5, just because it was Asher Knight's suit. Nevertheless, I was relieved.

After that, I booked a cab and directly reached the venue. Checking everything for the last time, I was all ready for the evening.

A part of me was also thankful for my whole week busy schedule because it gave me a reason to skip my father's family dinner. A part me was relieved to know that I don't have to face them for the whole week. So I took the chance and skipped every dinner these past three weeks.

But today it's going to change. They are invited to the party. As Asher's assistant, I invited them myself.

I just hope not to see any drama this evening.

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