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It's been nearly three weeks since I started working at Knight enterprises and let me tell you one thing, he is a monster. Mr Asher fucking Knight is a beautifully cruel monster.

He doesn't know anything about mercy. He doesn't know what's called a 'break'. He uses people as if they are not human but fucking robots.

I've to work non-stop not only in office but also in my home. My day time mostly is spend by running after and arround him for coffee, meetings, documents, files, again more meeting, etc etc. Nights are nothing but being busy in replying to all hundreds of mails on his behalf.

I groaned looking at the messy table of mine with numerous papers on the floor also. It's only been weeks, but I think I've never done this amount of work back in the magazine company.

'Damn it, I miss my old job'

"My office now" I heard the intercom going off.

I got up hurriedly and straighten my wrinkled shirt and messy hair. Once feeling okay with myself, I walked out of my cabin.

Fortunately enough, he never comes to my cabin. Because I know hell would break loose if he does. His office is one of the tidyest place I've ever seen. Everything is always kept in its assigned place. Not even a single pen is out of the pen-holder.

And mine? Well my cabin looks like it went through a flood of papers and paper balls. Even my small cactus plant is placed somewhere on the top of the xerox machine. Who the hell keep a plant on Xerox machine?


I knock at the door before entering and I noticed him standing by the big glass wall window, facing the city. He was busy talking to someone on phone, so I decided not to anger him by interrupting.

After working for him these weeks now, I know how not to annoy him. But let me make myself clear, unintentionally enough, I do all those things for which he ends up filled with annoyance.

He will never shout at you but that angry glance, oh boy. That angry look is enough to make you cry. He will never show much emotions though. But his mere sentences are enough to embarrass you. He can do it in every chance you give him and I've received a whole list of his sardonic comments because God knows how many times I've screwed things up.

I, somehow, am able to keep my sassy attitude in check. I've never talk back to him but man, I do want to reply his comments.

'No need to anger the tiger here now'

Once finished talking to the other person on phone, Asher turned and walked towards his chair. He ran his hand through his hair, messing it up a bit. And damn, did I not stare?

Sasha was so right. He's hot. He's a fucking masterpiece of hotness.
As he sat down on his chair, without acknowledging me at all, I found myself lost in the place of day dreaming. Trust me I was trying hard not to drool in front of him.

"How's your day going Knight?" a voice came from behind me, pulling me out of my day dreaming state.

I look back and saw a tall handsome man, walking towards us with a charming smile. As he saw me he smiled politely, which I return.

"Bring us coffee" Asher ordered.

'Did he just call me here to order coffee?'

"Yes sir" narrowing my eyes, I walked out. Sometime, I want to throw the coffee machine at that man. That way he can drink as much coffee as he need.

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