Dharkon Awakens

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After you left Master and Crazy Hand's office you left through the back door to be alone. You walked down the steps into the 'backyard' which was just the back of the house. There weren't any fences so you could say everything your eyes could see can be considered the back yard.

You slowly walked down the steps onto the green, lush grass as a soft wind blew on your face causing your hair to sway slightly. In this 'backyard' there was a single tree and many gadgets and items from the others such as punching bags, baseball bats, a hammer, a spring, and a 'POW' block. This is where many of the smashers come to mess around or train. Well, those smashers whose abilities don't cause destruction where as they would be training in the gym instead. Master Hand didn't want the grass and fields to get burned or caught on fire again.

You decided to sit under the tree to get some shade since it was a sunny day but not too hot considering there was a breeze. It's strange how something virtual can appear so real. Or maybe this 'virtual' world is real in it's own way.

Just then a leaf fell from the tree and swayed down almost like it was in slow motion. You reached out your hand and caught it examining it. The leaf felt real and looked real. This world must be REAL, right? So many questions still left in your mind yet so little time.

You let the leaf slip out of your hand before placing your arms behind your head and closed your eyes and enjoyed the peace you felt. You had no idea how Master and Crazy Hand can handle everyone everyday, every minute, and every second. It was exhausting but fun.

What they told you was overwhelming and you felt like they dropped a bomb on your shoulders. Even though Master Hand said to work hard, Crazy hand told you to relax.

Which hand is right? Which Hand should you listen to?

So far you've only gained the ability to understand everyone's language. That can't be your only power right? Even Master Hand was confused as to why none of my 'other' powers appeared yet. What's taking so long? What could be holding you back? Are you doing something wrong? They're counting on you.

How can I relax when I'm so stressed Crazy Hand? How can I train when I can't focus Master Hand?

You're head started to hurt from all these questions. Suddenly you felt a jolt of pain shoot through your head causing you to lean over and hold your head tightly.

In your heat of the moment you didn't realize something. Something very important. A tattoo started to form on the back of your left hand. The tattoo's appearance was black tendril lines surrounding a black orb. You failed to notice that the tattoo was moving because of the pounding in your head. The tattoo started to glow and throb in various colors of pink and purple. Then suddenly the black orb surrounded by the tendrils started to rotate revealing the orb to actually be an eyeball. Where the whites should be in an eye was instead an icy blue color, it's iris was golden and it's pupil was a slit like a cat's.

The eye was chaotic as it examined it's surroundings, never looking at one spot for too long. Suddenly it looked straight forward and rotated back into black orb. the glowing tendrils stopped glowing and turned black.

The throbbing in your head started to cease and you felt your body swaying back and forth. You heard someone faintly say your name, the voice becoming louder with each second that passed.

"...(-/n) ...(y/n) ...(Y/N)!" the voice shouted at you. You jolted upwards in shock at the sudden booming voice. Still dizzy, you quickly turned your head side to side looking for the owner of the voice. You're eyes were starting to come back to focus and that's when you felt the hand on your shoulder shaking you again causing your body to sway side to side again. You looked up and saw it was Samus that was shaking you, she wasn't in her suit today. She was instead wearing her training outfit.

She was looking down at you with a worried expression. She let you take a second to regain yourself before speaking again. "Are you okay?" Her voice was calm and collected as she squeezed your shoulder in reassurance.

You instantly relaxed at the sound of her voice, your shoulders slumping into a more relaxed position rather than the tense one you were originally holding before.

You took a deep breath, finding your voice again and answered her. "U-uh yeah, just thinking." you smiled yet your smile faltered slightly from how one of the corner's of your mouth twitched. Samus noticed this but merely thought you were acting nervous for some reason because she had no reason to believe you would lie.

She reached down and took a hold of your hand, pulling you onto your feet and laughing at how easily you were thrown off balance by her strong pull. "That was some pretty hard thinking. Mind telling me what's on your mind?"

"Oh, I was just thinking about what Master Hand and Crazy Hand discussed with me in their office." you explained.

"What did they talk about with you?" she asked, leaning against the tree.

You were about to answer her but you bit your bottom lip to stop yourself. You thought back to what Master Hand had told you, "I ask you of only one thing (Y/n). Please keep this Galeem and Dharkon situation between us. It's for the best."

What should you tell her? You didn't want to lie to her but you also didn't want to keep any secrets from her either.

You bit your bottom lip and quickly thought of something to say.

Samus seeing how nervous you were getting decided to not push it. "You know I understand." she sighed. "Master and Crazy Hand do like to keep their secrets. But I think I have a feeling as to why they needed to speak with you." she winked.

"Y-you do?" you uttered. Were you that obvious? Master Hand and Crazy Hand are going to freak out!

"Mhm, I think... Another smasher is coming to the mansion." she claimed. You slumped down in relief but she giggle at your reaction thinking she hit the target.

Now you were really going deeper into the rabbit hole. She got it wrong but you could use this as a chance to hide the truth. After all, it could be true. Master Hand was freaking out the last time because of the new smashers never showed up....

You stood back upright, taking a deep breath of air, and with a smile told her, "Yup, we're getting a new smasher."

Her eyes lit up in excitement at the news. She started to tell you how she was looking forward to meeting them, training with them, wondering who they were, etc. While she was ranting you were dying on the inside asking for her forgiveness. Then she stopped ranting.

"I can't wait! Don't tell me anymore, after all we both know Master Hand will get mad if he knew I knew." she smiled.

"Yeah, thank you. Let's keep this a secret between the both us." you smiled back.

"Of course and you know, I think I understand why you were thinking so hard. You're so stressed! Master Hand has been putting a lot responsibility on your shoulders right?" she wrapped an arm around your shoulder.

Now that right there is the truth. She finally hit the target with that. "You're exactly right. I just feel like they put a heavy load on my shoulders, you know? Like, I have only have so much time. Plus both of them can be very confusing when they're trying to explain something." you finished making Samus chuckle at your last remark.

"I know how you feel. I feel like that sometimes too (Y/n)." she hugged you comfortingly.

"You do?" you asked not believing that she could feel like that too.

"Yeah of course. But it's not good to keep it in. I like to destress myself by working out and punching a few bags to let all my stress, anger and worries out. In fact, I was about to go hit some punching bags with Little Mac if you wanted to come join us?" she asked pointing towards where the gym would be.

"Oh I don't know. I usually just drink tea to calm my nerves." you said, still unsure.

"I won't force you but who knows? You might like it and it could help ease your other worries." she claimed.

"Hmm, okay alright I'll give it a try. But is it okay if we do it here?" you pointed to the back yard.

"Sure. I'll go to the gym and get another punching bag. Little Mac should be back from his jog right about now so he can spar with you." She waved as she walked to the gym.

Just as she went around the house, you could see Little Mac come around from the other side. He was wearing his pink jacket with the hood over his head and his boxing gloves on with his usual boxing attire.

He jogged straight towards one of the punching bags that was lying on it's side and started setting it up. You walked towards him to explain what Samus told you.

After you told him that you would be joining him and Samus but that Samus also went to go get some more punching bags, he helped you. He placed the punching bag upright and leaned into it to combat the force you would punch into it to prevent it from toppling over. However he noticed you weren't putting your all into it.

He peeked over from behind the punching bag and looked at you, you seemed to be worried about something.

"You know I may be little but I can handle some powerful hits." he explained.

"Ah! It's not that, I just don't see how Samus thinks punching a bag can destress myself." you explained giving the bag a harder hit but it wasn't nearly enough force for Little Mac to notice that you even hit it at all.

"So you're stressed?" he questioned now just holding the bag up with one hand.

"Yeah..." you said punching the bag with weaker hits.

"What are you stressed about?" Little Mac questioned.

"Well..." Should you tell him? "It's about my powers. I know I can understand languages but Master Hand says I should've unlocked my other powers by now, if not sooner." you explained.

"Hmmm." Little Mac hummed in thought. He really wanted to help you but he just doesn't know how to comfort you. He took a minute to think before he came up with an idea. He walked over to your side and stood behind you.

You were about to question what he was doing until you felt his hand lift up your arms into a boxing position. He made sure your feet were in the right position as well. He then wrapped his hand over yours so you would make a fist. He made your fist touch the bag gently before releasing you and moving beside you to imitate your position.

"I box because I like. The feeling I get when I face my opponent, that sense of adrenaline is what fires me up. I make sure to that every punch counts, putting my all into every uppercut, jab, and punch. It's because I put my everything into my punches that after each match, whether I win or lose, I feel relaxed. Sore yes but I was able to let out all my bad energy onto my opponent. I think that's what Samus feels too when we spar, we're able to let our negativity and worries out with our fists. To us that's easier than talking about how we feel and the payout it bigger in the end. If that makes any sense." he chuckled awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Thank you Mac." you said surprising Little Mac. "This is way easier than talking about it. IF you still wouldn't mind, would be my sparring partner?" you asked.

In a way you were talking to each other, comforting each other, and supporting each other through fists rather than words. Even though it is a little odd, after he explained it to you, you feel as though you can actually give it a proper try.

Who knew Little Mac could be so 'poetic'?

"Of course! Anything for you (Y/n)." he said holding the punching bag back up. "Now, I want you to imagine this bag as your opponent, in other words your stress, worries, and anxiety. Just punch them all away! Ready?"

"Ready!" you said.

This time you punched the bag with everything you got, each punch only becoming more and more powerful as you thought back to what you were thinking about when you first stepped out here. With each punch you gave, Little Mac gave supportive comments.

Who cares if you haven't gotten your other powers yet, the other smashers will still be there to help you.

Of course your powers were going to come soon, Master Hand said so. It's just going to take some time and hard work!

The only thing holding you back is yourself!

You're doing the best you can right now and that's okay!

Master Hand and Crazy Hand are both right! You need to solve the mystery behind these powers with your own time but with the help of others like what Samus and Little Mac are doing.

They're counting on you, you won't let them down!

After all, you were brought here to-


You heard a voice say in your head. You didn't have time to comprehend what that was because everything happened so suddenly. Your boxing glove started to glow neon pink and these black and purple vines started to crawl up your left arm. The same arm you were about to punch the bag with

What you didn't know was that the Dharkon was listening and when you were thinking about those dark thoughts again, even though you were turning them good, he woke up again. His eye, underneath your boxing glove was open and jittery at the darkness it was encased in and being delighted. Hearing you think back to those darkening thoughts gave him power as the tattoo began to spread up your arm.

With your fist coming closer and closer to the punching bag and your mind confused, you didn't notice the vines on your arms making it too late. Once your fist came in contact with the bag, it was launched a few yards away from where you were standing dragging Mac along with it.

You gasped in surprise at the amount of power you put into that punch. That couldn't have been you?

You looked at your arm and finally noticed the vines wrapped around your wrist and forearm. You quickly took off your glove and saw the tattoo and made contact with the eye. As soon as you met eyes the stinging pain in your head returned causing you to grasp at your head with your right hand so you can still look at your left. The vines started to grow and head towards your shoulder but stopped when you heard a voice.

"Wow! That was a great punch (Y/n)!" Samus said standing near the house with two punching bags under her arms. She dropped them and ran over to Little Mac and helped him sit up.

The vines started to crawl back to the back of your hand and the eye started to close until all that was left was a swirling tattoo of vines with a black orb in the center.

When did this happen?!

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