The Truth Comes Out

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Once again you were jolted awake by the sound of your alarm screaming at you to shut it up. So, you groggily rolled over to the edge of the bed and slammed your hand down on it to stop the beaming noise. You looked over at the clock that read 5:30, that leaves you less than 30 minutes to get ready and head outside while the Hands put a sleeping spell over the mansion. So, you took a quick shower, put on some training clothes and headed outside where the Hands waited for you. As soon as they saw you they both got to work and floated above the mansion waving their fingers around sprinkling sleeping dust over the entire mansion.

The hands made absolute sure that everyone was in their rooms by checking each one and locking the doors. However, while they were checking the rooms they noticed Ganondorf was the only one missing. They started freaking out and immediately checked every possible place he could be in, the kitchen, the train station, your room. It wasn't until they passed by the closet with cleaning supplies when they heard loud snoring coming from it. They unlocked it to reveal Ganondorf sleeping on a bunch of towels cuddling a mop. Without waking him up they closed the closet door and locked it. Problem solved.

The question was, who locked him in there? Their answer was revealed when they saw Marth walking down the hallway heading towards the closet. He stopped once he saw the Hands in front of the room. They questioned him about it and Marth being Marth admitted it was him that locked Ganondorf. Crazy Hand wasn't mad at all, in fact he gave him a hi-five but Master Hand wasn't so pleased. He made Marth go straight to his room and told him he couldn't co-host with you and that he was going to be on kitchen duty with Ganondorf once he wakes up. Marth walked back to his room disappointed he wouldn't be able to spend time with you and also annoyed he had to cook with Ganondorf, hopefully you'd have enough time to stop by the kitchen to help the two 'get along'. At that moment Marth could see why Link hated Ganondorf so much.

When the Hands were done with the spell they both flew down to tell you the plan. Well, Master Hand's plan that is considering Crazy's didn't end so well.

They told you that Marth would not be co-hosting with you because of the incident with Ganondorf and the both of them would be on kitchen duty. Great for you that Ganondorf wouldn't be allowed to co-host with you, bad for you that Marth wouldn't be co-hosting with you. Not that Ganondorf was a nuisance to be around, but he did have his flirty moments. Of course, Ganondorf comes as a close second compared to Captain Falcon. No one in the mansion can handle Captain Falcon's hyper personality, not even Master and Crazy Hand.

After they told you the situation with Marth and Ganondorf they said they would find someone else to take Marth's place by the time of the event later that afternoon. Moving on from that they discussed your job for the day. Wait at the platform for the train to arrive and take the new smashers to the indoor training room, also known as the Gym.

"You're free to spend some time with them before you help Ganondorf and Marth try not to kill each other in the kitchen. Since we'll just be announcing the new smashers today we'll head over to the floating platform right after breakfast again to ensure we come back earlier than yesterday. This time we're going to be putting the new arrivals in the booth with you, we had too many close calls yesterday because we couldn't keep our eyes on them as we were busy chasing the other smashers who kept interrupting the event by popping up in your booth." Master hand sighed thinking back to yesterday when he had to fly to your booth every 5 minutes to kick out some smashers from your booth.

"Anyway same thing as yesterday, you'll be the announcer. Now you better hurry and start walking to the platform, the train should be coming any minute now." Crazy Hand said patting his brother.

"Yes sir!" you saluted them goofily as you started to walk off but you were stopped by Master Hand speaking up.

"Oh I almost forgot, a letter from our creator came this morning." Master Hand help up a letter with the game's emblem sealing the envelope.

"Oh, did you want me to announce what it says inside?"

"Well," Crazy Hand began, "yes and no. It's actually addressed to you."

You turned to fully face the two shocked at what they had just said. Their creator, Masahiro Sakurai sent YOU a letter inside the game?

Master Hand passed the letter to you as you still stared at the two shock clearly written on your face. "We'll explain after you read it." he said. So you opened the letter and read its contents.

I've come to realize that what I assumed to be a glitch or an error in a code was actually not the result from a hacker but you.
I created this game to bring joy to all, to bring people together. A game to bring laughter and joy together. A game with all your favorite characters. I never thought it would become so famous. I never thought it would become so real...
You see, it all started when a portal appeared while I was playing the game. And the first character I saw was Kirby. He looked so happy to see me as was I. Later on, more and more portals started to appear and I met the characters I enlisted for my game. But then not so nice characters came through the portals...
I am okay, after all they did come out of the world I created for them to protect me. I only meant to find a way to stop the portals from coming in order to prevent any evil characters running rampant in the real world. Forgive me, I never meant to teleport anyone into my created world. The reason you're in the game is the result of an accident. As soon, as I discovered someone had been teleported into my world I decided to do everything in my power to find you and bring you back into the real world.
I am still trying to find a way to bring you back. Until I find a way to bring you back into the real world I've instructed Master and Crazy Hand to be responsible for your safety. In order for you to be kept safe you need to learn how to defend yourself which is why I have decided to make you an official member, but of course you will not be used and controlled by people who wish to play the game you will be given powers for protection only. Your powers will be given to you by Master and Crazy Hands.
I will continue to send letters to keep you updated but until then this is goodbye, I hope the others are treating you well.

You finished reading the letter with widened eyes before closing it and looking back up at the pair of Hands as questions swarmed your mind only to see both their fists clenched tightly as if they were channeling something. They both opened their hands out to you and presented two glowing orbs. Master Hand held an orb that glowed like the sun with a rainbow wing wrapped around it. Crazy Hand held a glowing blue orb mostly covered in a black and purple substance and a black, purple, and pink vine wrapped around. You slowly leaned forward and reached a hand out to them. You weren't reaching for a specific one but before your fingers could touch any of the orbs the hands closed their fists and reopened them but the orbs were gone.

"After you are done announcing the new smashers you will go on stage and choose your power." Master Hand spoke up.

"Wow this is all so sudden I don't even know what to say-" you began but were cut off by Crazy Hand pushing you towards the hill

"Yeah Yeah Yeah you're grateful and everything is now coming to light but you should really get going now and meet the newbies at the platform before they arrive. Our creator tried to make it very clear what is going to be done in the letter so re-read it at the platform if you're still confused." He gave you one last push which was enough to get you to start walking without any hesitation. That was until he started yelling at you to run making you panic that they were going to be here any second.

Master Hand chuckled at his brother's antics thanking him for getting him out of the situation. To be honest it was a surprise to them when they received the letter along with yours telling them what their creator's plan was. "I wonder if this is for the best though, I still worry for the future. I mean, why her?"

"Don't worry, our master intentionally brought her into this world for a reason right? We'll find out if he chose the right one once she chooses her power. And if it turns out she's not the one then she'll be teleported safely to the real world safe and sound with no memory of what happened. And a new person will come falling through the sky because a "mysterious" portal appeared just like the one (Y/n) went through." Crazy Hand patted his bro's back.

"Well yes, but I dislike lying about the whole thing. Having to say the same thing over and over again to each new person we meet as we watch them befriend the others but then once they leave we have to erase all of the smasher's minds oh and the looks on their faces always breaks my heart, if I had one. It's getting tiring along with giving the same letter to each of them." Master Hand said solemnly.

"Hey don't forget our mission our master gave to us. You know we're running out of time before it begins. And he only twisted the truth a little about her coming to our world being an accident. Besides, I have a good feeling about this one." Crazy Hand cracked his fingers in delight.

"I hope your right, I just hate lying to all of them but I know it's for their own good." Master Hand decided.

"That's the spirit brother now let's head back inside while (Y/n) brings the new smashers to the gym." Crazy Hand said.

Both the Hands floated inside the mansion towards their office where they placed the two orbs back into their chests to keep their powers contained. At least until later today where they will be presented to you where your fate will be decided.

Just around the corner of the mansion stood a smasher quietly hidden from their sight. Now this smasher is the only one who knows about the Hand's secret and was able to find a way to avoid the sleeping spell.

It was an accident that the Hand's didn't manage to erase this smasher's memory. At that time they were rushing the spell and missed one without them knowing about it. This smasher has kept all this hidden from the others thinking it was all a dream. But that changed when he felt a strong wave of Deja Vu when the exact same thing happened. Someone fell from the sky claiming a portal brought them here.

It all seemed too similar to be a coincidence. Even if he told someone who would believe him? Would the Hand's just erase his memory on the spot?

Just like a switch being flipped all his memories returned to him, he remembered all the people who have been here and have been sent back through the same portal they came in. He remembered they always showed up before a new smasher was released so that the Hands would let them announce the newcomers and that's when they'd give the people from the real world the test... the test! You were going to be given that same test today. If you failed that test you were going to be kicked out of their world immediately and their memories would be erased again resulting in history repeating itself.

He couldn't let that happen to you, he can't just sit back and let another friend leave them with a painful goodbye. He had to help you past that test. If memory serves him right they all did the same wrong thing. The moment the Hand's give you a test he'll make sure you choose the right option. With a new resolve the little smasher ran off to set his plan into action.

Meanwhile you had made it to the train platform re-reading the letter smiling to yourself excited that you were going to become an official member. You were to engrossed in the letter to notice that the train had already arrived and the newcomers were off the train standing in front of you staring at you in either amusement, curiosity, or confusion. It wasn't until one of them decided to come forword and tap your shoulder.

You quickly looked up and gasped in embarrassment and awe as you just quickly glanced at all of them before your eyes landed on the one who tapped your shoulder. "Hey, you're Joker!"

Super Smash Bros. x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora