Sleep Over!

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Part 1...

Another day, another hectic morning. You didn't feel like making anything today so you just let everyone have at it with the oh so special cereal. And as usual, the table was littered with scattered utensils and bowls as cereal was flung over head. By now, this was normal. Mario accidentally setting the table cloth on fire, Pokemon trainer telling squirtle to put it out but shot at the back of Shulk's head with Roy laughing at him and ending up getting soaked as well. Ah, yes, this is normal.

"Hee hee, everyone is so awake." Zelda commented. She was sitting at your table along with the other females in the mansion. Oh, Jigglypuff and Kirby were there too.

"I agree, it's never been this rowdy, maybe it's because of all the new smashers coming in?" Samus said as everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"How amusing it is too see everyone act like this. They surely look like they're having fun." Bayonetta said sipping at her tea.

"Oh! Speaking of fun, tonight will be extra fun since we have (Y/n) to help us bake treats." princess Peach said clapping her hand together in excitement.

"Tonight? What's happening tonight?" You questioned.

"Oh right! New smashers aren't familiar with what we do every two weeks." Peach said holding a hand to her mouth.

"Well, we have a sleepover every two weeks. We usually just talk, hangout, eat food, and play with the Wii." Lucinda said.

"Bayonetta, (Y/n), Rin(female corrin), you guys should come!" Rosalinda said. Everyone at the table yelled in agreement.

"Sounds lovely." Bayonets said.

"I'll come." Rin said.

"Me too." You agreed.

"Yay then it's settled. Ooh! I can't wait!" Peach exclaimed.

Meanwhile at the boys table~

After their food battle, the others settled down and chatted with the other smashers at the table.

"Geez, I can't believe you soaked us both. I bet you did this on purpose." Roy said grumpy.

"I'm not gonna lie... the second blast wasn't an accident." Pokemon trainer said eearning a couple snickers here and there.

"Watch your back today." Roy said half jokingly.

"Guys! Why are you still talking about this? Did you hear what they said?!" Captain Falcon said.

"What did who say?" Shulk questioned.

"The girls! Who else?"

"Ha ha okay what did they say?"

"They said they were going to have their sleep over tonight!"

"Uh yeah, they do that twice a month, so what?" Roy said.

"'So what' is that they're inviting (Y/n)."

"Sooooo?" Roy said.

"Link! You know what happened last time right?" Captain Falcon said turning to Link.

He placed a finger to his chin in thought before he remembered and said, "Oh yeah."

"What happened last time?" Shulk questioned unsteadily not sure if he wants to know the answer.

"Well we-"

"To make things short we tried to steal a few snacks from them, but they weren't very appetizing." Link said keeping his hand over Falcon's mouth.

"Ohhh I get it now." Roy said

"Get what?"

"You know." Link smirked.

"No, I don't." Shulk said.

"This time won't be like last time. Now that (Y/n) will be there. She'll be making the treats !" He said pointing a finger in the air in excitement.

"Ohhh! I see." Shulk.

"You had me at treats, I'm in!" Roy said.

"Wha-?!" Shulk began.

"Great!" Captain Falcon said swinging an arm around Roy's neck. "We begin, tonight!" He leaned in and whispered this to the table, but it wasn't too quite for others had heard, all except for the ones who were actually having the sleep over. Around the dining room, people started to put their plan into action.

~Time skip to later in the day~

"Oooh it's sunset, I can't wait!" Princess peach clapped in excitement.

"That's great, but I still don't know what exactly your supposed to do at a sleep over." You said.

"Oh right! We never told you. Well, sleepovers are a lot of fun. Master Hand let's us use a spare room to spend the night in and we can play games, watch movies, talk, and just get to know everyone better, especially the new smashers." Palutena explained.

"It'll be fun, I promise. I remember I was nervous my first time but don't worry, by the end of the night we'll all be considered best friends." Ribon said.

"It does sound amusing," Bayonetta commented.

"I'm hungry." Rin said stopping in the middle of the hallway in the group. Everyone turned to her surprised until everyone's stomachs started growling.

"Uh, (Y/n)?" Peach said expectantly.

"Leave it to me." You said rolling your sleeves heading towards the kitchen.

"Yaay!" Peach clapped happily.

"We'll have everything ready by the time you come back!" Rosalina said.

You waved back at them as you headed towards the kitchen unaware of a pack of hungry smashers stalking you to the kitchen.

When you arrived at the kitchen you started to pull out the nessecary ingredients and make the treats. You decided to make them one at a time so you started with Brownies. After you prepared the mixture you put it into the oven and started on your next batch. While you were working on your second batch, a couple of smashers were lingering around, outside the door. You were unaware. Although this seemed like deja vu.

"Okay so how did you do it last time?" Roy said as Shulk(who was pulled into this by Roy), Link, and Falcon were crouched down by the door.

"Why was I pulled into this?" Shulk asked.

"Because you're going to want to taste her treats. That's why." Roy countered.

"Okay so our first mistake was that we tried snatching some at the sleep over. But this time, we're going to sneak them before she brings them to the sleepover." Captain Falvon said holding a fist in the air as if his plan was the greatest of them all. 'Ohhh's and claps were heard. Just as they had finished talking about the plan, you had just taken the batch of brownies out of the oven and set it on the corner of the counter behind you. You turned around facing the opposite way of the treats you baked. "Great, we must act now before she turns around! Shulk! You go first!" Falcon said pushing him towards the door.

"F-fine." Shulk said hesitantly pushing the door open slowly so it wouldn't creek. He poked his head inside and made sure you were facing away, which you were. Shulk slowly stepped inside, quietly, as the other three took his place in the doorway with all their heads stacked on top of each other.

Shulk yiptoed his way over to the counter now in front of the brownies. He turned his head back at the others. They all motioned him by waving their hand in unison to give the 'go ahead' signal. He reached over to grab it, but as soon as he touched it a burning sensation was felt. He was about to yell until he saw the others put their hands on their mouth, showing him to keep quite, and motioned him to come back quickly. He ran back quietly and ran down the hallway were they soon heard a pained yell.

Falcon turned back to others and said, "Okay who's next?" The others gulped in fear.

As you were baking cookies and cupcakes and stuff you were unaware of the injuries you caused to the poor smashers. Roy cut himself trying to reach for a cookie but instead grabbed the knife. Link accidentally grabbed the lighter and silently ran around the kitchen silent screaming while on fire. Shulk went again but this time he got covered in a bowl of icing. Yeah, they're master plan was going great.

They were currently ranting and yelling at Falcon for not going yet until they noticed something move in the kitchen. A box was slowly making its way towards the counter with a playlet of sliced brownies, S hand came out of the box and reached for the plate and successfully took it. They all stared astonished as they witnnessed this thievery. The box was making its way towards the door the four were hiding behind. It went out the door and was about to go down the hallway until all four stomped on the box stopping it as they all had sinister glares on their faces. They pulled the box away to reveal Snake. Eating the second to last brownie. He stared at them with a blank expression as he ate the brownie.

"You!!!" They all yelled.

"What?" Snake said

"You stole the brownies!" They said.

"Yeah well so were you, I was just patient enough to wait until she put it on a plate." He said as he was about to put the last brownie in his mouth until Captain falcon stopped him by grabbing his arm. He leaned in real close and said,

"You gonna share that?"

He he attmepted to put the brownie in his mouth again until everyone's hands were on his arm stopping him. Everyone jumped on him started wrestling to try and snatch the brownie. They made a lot of noise so of course with there only being a door separating the space between you and them, you heard. You stormed over to the door and slammed it open saying, "What's going on?!"

They all froze in place still holding their position as they all looked over at you.

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