Happy Birthday

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"Happy Birthday to you~Happy Birthday to you~Happy Birthday dear (Y/n)~Happy Birthday to you~"Cheers were heard all around you as every smasher had ended on a happy note

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"Happy Birthday to you~
Happy Birthday to you~
Happy Birthday dear (Y/n)~
Happy Birthday to you~"
Cheers were heard all around you as every smasher had ended on a happy note. Everyone had excited smiles on their faces as a 10 foot birthday cake was rolled in on a cart by Princess Peach. Her apron was covered in frosting but she held a proud smile on her face, after all, she was the one who baked it all by herself. When the cart stopped and reached its destination you couldn't help but notice the interesting choice of decoration. Sitting on the two layers of cake appeared to be a blue cotton candy swirls, rainbow grass, a pair of red sunglasses, a radish, a pink bow, three black pocky sticks, light blue grass, and a red feather.
"Hey Peach? Where did you get the idea for those decorations?" Not that you disliked them, in fact you were touched when she offered to bake you a cake, but those toppings look awfully familiar.
"Huh? Oh! I didn't put those there, I wonder who did?" Peach said handing the knife to Bowser who was the tallest and strongest to cut a cake that great a size. That's when Bowser looked up and instantly knew what was happening, "Uh Oh."
"Uh Oh?" you questioned seeing the panicked look on his face. That's when Bowser Jr. popped out of the top of the cake and yelled, "Down with the Hand brothers!" After that was said, the other koopalings jumped out of the cake and started to pounce and throw cake at Master and Crazy Hand."

But before I tell you the rest, let me tell you what happened in the beginning.

You had just woken up, well, more like suddenly thrown onto someone shoulder thus waking you up. *cough* It was Captain Falcon. *cough* And you were taken down to the living room.
Master and Crazy hand had walked into the living room wondering what all the commotion was about, only to see Captain Falcon ranting about something and you sitting and patiently listening, although you looked as if you were unsure about something.
"What's going on?" Master hand asked.
"Well, Captain Falcon found out today is my birthday and is reading off of my wish list of things I wanted to do with you guys. Note, this was before I knew any of you were real. Although, now I'm thinking about adding a lock to my door and was wondering if you could let me have one as a birthday gift?"
"Why do you need a lock?"
"That wish list was in my diary... that was locked... and put in a secret compartment in my drawer... that also has a lock on it... I'm still wondering how he knew exactly where it was." you squinted your eyes questioningly at Captain Falcon who was still reading off the list.
"Hmmm, I'll think about it." Master hand said as he and his brother floated to the dining room. You continued to listen to him rant.
Meanwhile, Bowser had just woken up and walked into the hallway to see a very strange scene. The koopalings were carrying a giant bomb towards Master and Crazy hands study. On the bomb read: Down with the hand brothers! It looks like they painted and decorated it themselves. Bowser simply sighed at this for this wasn't the first time they tried to cheat at winning against Master and Crazy hand in a 'battle.' He started to have flashbacks to those times the koopalings were hiding and ambushed the hand brothers. Like that one time they camped out in their office and jumped out of their hiding places screaming 'down with the hand brothers!' Bowser had to watch as they all struggled in the cage they were put in for ruining their office. Bowser knelt down on one knee and started to explain to them that they couldn't keep doing this.
"Guys, today is a special day and I know you want to celebrate her birthday so don't do anything that will get you in trouble, okay?"
"Promise?" he said holding a finger up.
"Weee promiiiise."
Bowser smiled and patted each of their heads, but what he didn't see was that behind those innocent looking smiles were crossed fingers behind their backs. Meanwhile, you were currently talking with Princess peach about the cake.
"Hmm, how about vanilla with vanilla frosting?"
"Oh! Sounds yummy! Yes I can make that, but I'm going to need help. Hmm." she looked around unsure until she spotted the hand brothers. "You two!" She said grabbing onto the edge of their gloves and running towards the kitchen. You giggled at this.
You found it amusing how everyone was excited about your birthday. When you asked why they were this excited, it was because its been a while since they celebrated anyone's birthday. After all, they've probably celebrated their birthday for a while now. Either way, you found it adorable how excited they were. You were walking around admiring the decorations, they wouldn't let the birthday girl help, when Bowser walked up to you asking if you've seen the koopalings. When you said no he sighed in frustration and you decided to help, you wanted to do something today.
However, the koopalings were no where near the living room but instead are hiding behind the kitchen door. They were planning on ambushing the hands in the living room but their plans changed when Peach asked them for help. They watched as Peach cheered when Master hand pulled out a giant cake from the oven. Once he placed it on the table, she started icing the cake. This is when Bowser Jr. suddenly got an idea. He whispered his plan to the others as smirks slowly started to appear on to each of their faces. They then proceeded to put their plan into action.
And just like ninjas, they were able to jump from cupboards, roll under chairs and tables to perfectly, in sync, jump above the cake and drill themselves in it, only leaving the tops of their heads exposed. Peach and the hands turned their heads towards the cakes, thinking they heard something but when they turned around they saw nothing and simply shrugged it off.
Some smashers told you it was time to celebrate, that's when you and Bowser gave up on the search. Everyone was gathered in the dining room singing which brings us back to the present.
You watched as the koopalings were beating the hands with objects from the game, bats , hammers, boomerangs, etc. IT was hilarious until the cake was knocked down and everyone turned to stare at your reaction. You however walked up to the cake and grabbed a fistful and threw it at one of the koopalings screaming 'FOOOOD FIGHT!' Then the tension disappeared and everyone joined in.
You just came back from the shower and went to the kitchen to get a slice of cake peach baked, again. An you got a whole tray of slices of cake for the koopalings. You went downstairs to the living room to see them in their cage. Once they saw you they instantly attached theme selves to the cage bars wagging their little tails. Adorable. Their eyes brightened once they saw you had cake. You didn't blame them, afterall you still have yet to beat the hands, bayonetta and the corrin twins already beat them. Plus, they gave you an excited fun filled day, that was the best gift you could've asked for.

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