How you got to their world (Part 1)

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"Hey (Y/n)?" Pit asked.

"Yes?" You replied.

"Do you remember when you first got here?"

"Yup! That was the best day of my life! I'm glad I can talk to you guys."

"Aw geez, you're making me blush." Pit rubbed the back of his head embarrassed. "But what I want to know is everything you felt and thought when you first came here. And a little about your life before you came here too!"

"Really? Okay, story time I guess."


"I heard story time?" Link suddenly came into the living room with a few others.

"(Y/n) is going to tell us the story of how she first got here!"

They all ran to sit in front of you. Pit was on his stomach, Marth was on his knees, Ike sat down on the couch across from you, Link hugged his legs close to his body, Peach and Daisy and Bayonetta and Samus all sat on the couch you were sitting on. And just when you were about to start many more smashers came into the living room gathering around you.

"Okay well it all started..."

You had just gotten back from school, today you had a test that was the hardest one you had ever taken. In fact you believed that you failed it, and that dropped your mood drastically. You weren't doing so good in any classes, but that's what you get for taking college level classes. Though they were hard, it would all be worth it. You were studying to become a game designer. Hoping to design levels, games, and characters. You had always loved video games since you were little, in fact your first game was on a Gameboy playing Kirby. Though this was your dream, you're parents had other ideas. They were hoping you'd become a doctor or lawyer, something boring like that. Somehow, you managed to convince them otherwise, although they still aren't 100% on board, they still think you'll change your mind. Anyway, after a long day of school you decided to relax by playing on your 3DS. Ever since Super Smash Bros. came out, you were addicted.

While playing as your main character and won against the computers for the 5th time, you smiled sadly at the screen. If only life were this exciting and action packed, but instead it's so boring. Your life was boring, school was boring. If only there was a way to change that...

Suddenly, a light suddenly came from your game console blinding you and a feeling of being pulled forcefully surprised you. You then started to feel like you were falling and when you opened your eyes you were indeed falling down from the sky. You started to scream thinking it was the end but when you hit impact it wasn't the ground it was a spring. You were then thrown up to a platform that was close to where you was shot up from. It wasn't a soft landing but it wasn't the hardest either. Even so you groaned in pain turning on your side away from your back where you made impact.

"Are you okay?" you heard a voice say near you say. When you looked up at the source of the voice you saw a man with pointy ears wearing a green cap...

Your eyes were wide open, you couldn't believe what you were seeing, it was Link! And he was standing over me crouching a little with his hands on his knees for support. Wait what did he say? "What?"

"I said are you okay? You must have fallen quite a distance to have made the spring bounce you back up that high. Here." He said holding out a hand for me to take.

You gladly took it and got back on your feet but you were still a little shaken up so as soon as you took the first step you tripped and started to fall off the platform. Link attempted to pull you back on the platform but ended up falling with you as well. Although, when you you hit the ground it wasn't as hard as you thought it would be, instead it was a somewhat soft landing. When you lifted yourself slightly off the soft floor and noticed that it wasn't the floor you landed on but Link. Link rubbed his head in pain then looked at you. This is when he realized the position you two were in that he started to form a pink tint on his cheeks. You quickly got off of him and bowed your head apologetically to hide your blush.

"I am so so sorry." Link then started to stand.
"Uh no I'm sorry for not catching you sooner." He said rubbing the back of his neck trying to cool down the blush on his face. "You're not from around here are you- WAIT! Are you a new character!?"

'Huh? New character?' "Come on I have to show you to the others!" He took your hand but you fell to your knees on the ground. 'Why can't I move?' Then it hit you, you remember almost falling to your death just a minute ago not to mention the platform above your head is floating. In fact you remember what field your on which is the Battlefield, the floating platform in the sky! How are you supposed to get down!? Everything is happening too fast! "Huh? What's wrong? Can't walk?" You shook your head no in response. How does he expect to get you off of this thing?

"Here let me help." He walked towards your shaken up state and lifted you up bridal style. You were blushing madly so you covered your face with your hands to hide the state you were in. THE Link was carrying me! you thought. Your shy state was short for it later turned to panic as Link started walking towards the ledge. When he got there he stopped. You looked down and saw nothing but clouds. "Uh Link!?" you grabbed his shirt panicking. "Don't worry we're just in training mode all we have to do is KO then we'll return but since you can't walk we'll do it the easy way." And with that said he stepped off the ledge so casually as if this whole scenario was normal and you both started falling. He tightened his grip on you and you covered your face in fear. You felt like you were pulled away forcefully for a second then you felt like you were no longer falling. You cautiously moved your fingers away from your eyes and saw that you were on the ground still in Link's arms.

"See? That wasn't so hard, c'mon let's go meet up with the others." He started running with you through a field of grass onto a path. Not even a minute later you guys were already in a different plain, from a grassy field to a desert like terrain. 'Kinda reminds me of smash run' you thought. You heard noise behind you guys and when you looked to see what it was you saw a red shell coming towards you two with a green koopa paratroopa following.

You was about to tell link when he said, "Looks like we have company." He picked up his pace, then once he was at a good distance he stopped and turned around and waited for the red shell before jumping on it to make it stop. He set you down gently then pulled out his sword and did a spin attack on the red koopa then took out his bow and shot the flying one out of the air. More started to appear. Link then turned towards you picking you back up and running. "I'd stop and fight but since I got to protect you we have to run."

You both kept running(well he ran while caring you)until you passed these white pillars and heading to the middle of a field with a super smash bros. symbol. As he started to walk now, you noticed that there were other people there. One of them noticed you two and started walking and waving his hand towards you.

Super Smash Bros. x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें