P.2 How you got to their world

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You regained consciousness but your eyes didn't want to open. You suppose your too exhausted to do so. You could feel that you were being carried by someone. You must look weird with your body limp and all, like a ragdoll. Even though you couldn't see, you could still hear the voices around you speaking.
". . . and what are you going to do about this?" That voice sounded like Ike.
"Me? Nothing." Said a mysterious voice.
"But-!" "No buts," the voice interrupted. "we can solve this problem after you all eat dinner and I believe that Marth and Link have kitchen duty today. Oh and put her in one of the spare rooms we keep for future new comers." "Right away sir." Ike said in return.

You felt Ike start to take large steps signaling he was climbing stairs. To what felt like half way up Pit came along and said, "Hey Ike I'll take it from here you go on and get the table set." "You sure?" Ike said. "Yup!" "Okay then, I'll see you at dinner." Ike said walking back down the stairs. "Heh heh right dinner." Pit quietly said to himself. "More like whatever we can find to mix up and turn into soup. Seriously I found a one of Olimar's Pikmin nearly drowning in my soup last time. Ah well one of us will learn how to cook. . . eventually. . . I hope."

Pit was now carrying you up the stairs. After a while of walking Pit, opened a door and set you down on what felt like a bed. You sighed at the sensation of the soft and relaxing warm bed. Pit must have noticed for he laughed quietly but loud enough that you could hear. You could feel your energy coming back as you slowly opened your eyes. Pit noticed and smiled at you.

"Hey! You're awake. And oh- You're bleeding! Wait right there I'll be right back!" With that Pit quickly flew off to the bathroom and got some supplies and came back. "Here, thought you might be thirsty!" Pit said as he handed you a glass of water. You gladly took the glass of water. "Thank you." you said hoarsely taking a sip. "Don't thank me yet, I still have to patch up your cheek. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from those centurions." Pit looked down in shame.

"No! You saved me from that one of the Risen. I couldn't thank you enough. You saved my life! Besides this scratch will heal in no time." you gave Pit one of your most heart-warming smiles to cheer him up. It did the trick because Pit was also showing off one of his goofy smiles, with a tinge of pink dusting his cheeks? "I'm glad I was able to protect you. Here turn to the side so I can put on this bandage." You obediently did as told and got patched up. The door opened suddenly and when you turned your head back to the door you saw the Goddess Palutena standing there looking, mad?

"Pit! You're on prep duty which means today you have to write what's on the menu on the chalk board and help the rest set the tables!" "What? but I have to-."Pit argued. "No buts! Now go!" With that Palutena lifted her staff making Pit's wings turn bright with light making him fly out of the room to who knows where.

"Um he was-." you began to speak still surprised at what just happened. "Oh sorry dear, (y

) was it? Master Hand sent me here to help you get dressed for dinner. Sorry about Pit it was either that or having a loooong explanation telling him why a girl needs privacy when changing clothes, you see he really doesn't know that much." you thought back to the Kid Icarus Uprising games and remembered Pit's sense of humor and BIG personality. "Ah yeah I kinda noticed but thank you um Lady Palutena?" "Palutena is fine, now let's get you dressed up!"

~Meanwhile in the kitchen~ (Look at picture above or for bigger here- ) "I picked some more radishes!" said Peach
"Great! Thank you Princess Peach, hey Meta help me chop these will you?" said Link giving Meta Knight some radishes to chop. "You know you could help with the food Ganondorf." Ganondorf stopped his humming to look over at Link before saying. "I'd never help you but I wouldn't mind helping Princess Peach." Ganondorf had a smirk on his face before taking a radish from Peach who looked happy that he was finally starting to help out even if it was only a little. "Ahh if only Princess Zelda were on kitchen duty." "As if I'd let that happen." Link quietly said to himself.
"Guys we need more vegies!" said Pokémon Trainer. Ivysaur help me chop these! Charizard heat up the pot! Squirtle put some water in the curry!"
"Look what I found!" Marth said holding what seemed to be a pig and it did not look happy about being dinner. "Oh and I managed to grab one of Yoshi's eggs lying around. Start prepping it Ness." Ness cracked open the egg and prepped it while Mr. Game & Watch tossed sausages onto the plate R.O.B. was holding.
Roy was holding a bag full of possible 'food items. "Uh guys I don't think this stuff is edible. And where is the fish?"
"Neither is Luigi but we still make do, kinda like these little colorful carrots. Oh and the Ice Climbers couldn't fit the fish through the door so they're on the roof finding a window to throw it into." said Captain Falcon putting Olimar's Pikmin into the pot of soup.
"Wh-What do you mean my brother isn't edible!?" said Mario.
"Uaah!" said Kirby stirring the big pot of what is supposed to be curry.
"It's fine now go make the rice!" said Captain Falcon
~Meanwhile in the dining hall~ "Woaaaah umph! Dammit DK!" said Wolf.
"Yoshiiii!!!!" yelled Yoshi having glasses of water spilt on his back. Donkey Kong threw another banana peel hungry because of the late dinner. Samus shook her head in disappointment.
"You're gonna get in trouble for wearing your suit at the table again Samus." said Sonic not wanting a repeat of last time.
"Yeah Samus there's still time to go change." said Lucas
"WARIO'S HUNGRY!" said Wario.
"They must be nearly finished Wario, be patient." said Princess Zelda.
"Hey Olimar have you seen the pink Wind Waker pig I caught this morning?" said Toon Link. Olimar shook his head no and asked Toon Link if he had seen his Pikmin around. Lucario and King Dedede looked worried as they noticed all the ruckus above them.
"So Pit what's on the menu today?" Fox asked.
"Curry and rice!" Pit said cheerfully. Pikachu looked excited about today's choice of dinner.
"Somebody's in a good mood today." said Snake
"We have a visitor." said Ike not happy that it took a long time getting you back to the mansion unconscious.
"Will we be meeting this person after dinner?" Bowser said. Diddy Kong nodded in interest while eating a banana.
"Actually she will be joining us." said Marth.
"Speaking of visitors will the new comers be joining us?" said Pit.
"Actually Mewtwo and Pichu are in charge of welcoming the new comers. Master Hand said they could join us once they settle in." said Falco holding a new tray of water since Wolf slipped on a banana peel spilling them on Yoshi.
"Alright Dinner's served!" said Peach bring trays of food along with the others. "Finally!" said Wario immediately digging in.
"Ahh I'm so hungry my stomach sounds like it's singing!" said Pit. As soon as JigglyPuff heard the word singing JigglyPuff jumped on the table singing before anyone could stop jigglypuff. And before they knew it everyone in the dining hall was asleep.~Back to you~"Okay all done!" Palutena took a step back to admire the outfit she chose for you which was a Viridi outfit.() Palutena even put your (h\c) hair up the way Viridi had it. "Shall we go eat? Most of them have probably finished eating and left so you don't have to worry about talking to so many people right away." "Yes thank you." you said. "Oh it was no problem this was fun. It's like having a little sister to play with. Now I do hope Master Hand lets you stay. Now come on let's eat!" With that you got off the bed and followed Palutena down the stairs.

"So how do you know about my situation?" you asked while walking down the stairs. "Oh Pit told me and I told Master Hand about you, but don't worry you're not in trouble Master Hand just hopes to have a word with you in private." "Oh okay." you said still a little nervous. Once you reached the dining hall you guys were stunned to see food everywhere and the SSB characters sprawled everywhere as if it was normal to sleep with your face in a bowl of curry. Master Hand come in suddenly looking at us not yet noticing the bodies on the ground with funny pictures that Jigglypuff clearly drew on their faces. "Ah (y

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