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"But why?" you complained.

"You just recovered! You were literally dying in bed! How can you want to go back to training now!?" Link said.

"It was just a cold! I wasn't dying!" you retorted.

"It didn't look that way to any of us! We were all worried!"

"Yeah yeah I know, you guys were starving but I made you guys breakfast this morning!"

"That wasn't why we were worried!" Link said angrily.

"Will you two shut up! I'm trying to concentrate." Ike said sitting in the field of grass, arms crossed, with Meta knight sitting beside him.

This was their before training session, all the swords men, and women, clear their mind before training. Everyone sits crossed legged with their eyes closed in a meditation type of way. Everyone had their own unique way of doing this. For instance, most of them had the back of their hand resting on their knees, but if your Ike then you have your arms crossed. Most had peaceful faces while others seemed like they were truly concentrating with furrowed eyebrows, but if your Roy smirking with a mischievous look then you're probably not clearing your mind like your supposed to. They were like statues, looking as if they were waiting for a sign, anything so they could move.

The sun wasn't out yet. It was early in the morning, too early for your liking, but it was perfect for training. At this time of day the weather is nice and cool. You've been out in the fields the moment they set out to train. You, who thought they would meet you at the field, set off to do exactly what you thought. And now here you were, in the middle of the training field trying to convince Link into letting you join them. Currently, you were sitting side by side next to him mimicking the way he and the others sat trying to sit in with the others.

"Come on, I'm better now aren't I?"

"Do you have any idea what we went through yesterday to feed you?"

"How hard is it to boil water and put it in a cup filled with noodles?"

"WHAT!?" Everyone on the field yelled out in unison. At this point, it was almost impossible to relax when you two were bickering so they decided to listen in on your conversation.

"Er, uh, yeah, you know, the cups of noodles in the cupboard that already has ready made noodles with veggies and meat in it. All you have to do is add boiled water and wait a couple minutes then its ready to serve." you said simply. "I'm pretty sure I taught you this recipe before."

"Uhm..." everyone said having a guilty look rubbing the back of their heads.

"There were instructions."

Everyone seemed to droop slightly.

"The recipe book?"

Everyone drooped even more.

"I did a whole lesson on it, remember?"

By this point everyone's morale seemed to drop. The atmosphere seemed to grow gloomy.

"Remind me to have Villager be my apprentice in the kitchen." You said.

"That's beside the point! No means no! We didn't go through all that just so you can get sick again." Link said. Before you could complain Marth stopped you.

"He's right," he said placing a hand on your shoulder. "It's would be wise to have you at your best, get some rest."

"Hmm, alright." you said standing up from your spot. "I guess I'll be off, then. See you later." you said wearily leaving.

Right when you left the sun came out signaling it was time for their afternoon session to start. Everyone sat there in astonishment. Not only did you manage to make them miss their morning meditation but you just left them with a gloomy and distraught atmosphere. Link was more distraught than anyone else, Marth managed to convince you to go back to the mansion and rest in just one sentence!

"Uh so uh, what should we, uh, start with?" said Lucina with Gloom clearly evident in her voice.

You were back at the mansion in two minutes, the training field isn't that far away depending on which area you're in. Now what to do? This morning the others were surprised that you got up really early to make breakfast this morning. They were even telling you that they would be more than happy with just cereal, although considering the time you showed them how easy it was to make they were hooked on it, so you didn't question it. It wasn't until you were at the field, when you realized they were only trying to lessen the work for you.

Not knowing what to do you decided to wander around. As you were wandering around aimlessly you noticed many smashers all heading towards the same hallway. You followed them around corners until you saw them enter a room. Curious you decided to take a closer look. You crept along the wall then crouched once you reached the door, slowly opening it you saw what looked to be living room, a very messy living room. It was crowded with all sorts of smashers. Before you could examine who and what is in there someone tapped your shoulder. You quickly spun around startled seeing it was Samus and Luigi holding an armful of snacks.

"Are you going in?" Luigi said rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

"Oh sorry." you said letting him through. You were now left with Samus who just stared at you for a while but smiled looking as if she came to a conclusion. She took a hold of your arm and started pulling you towards the door.

"Come on, you've been living with us for a while now, no need to be shy." You didn't resist as she pulled you inside.

Once inside you saw the room more clearly. It was large for a normal room but was to be expected in a household like this. There was one couch in front of a kotatsu(small wooden table) in front of a Tv. Pit was currently playing smash on the wii against Mario who seemed to be losing. Ness and Lucas were playing on a 3DS and Snake and Pikachu were sleeping on the couch. Fox was reading or, at least, trying to read while Kirby and Yoshi were relaxing under the kotatsu. The place was littered with trash consisting of wrappers, chips, bags and spilt soda. The floor was covered by a colorful blanket. Magazines were scattered everywhere. Random in game items were here and there like from Mario games: banana peel, piranha plant, and a wind waker pig. There was socks and articles of clothing thrown everywhere, it was as if no one has ever cleaned this place before.

You stood there dumbfounded just staring at everything as if it was hazardous. You weren't really much of a clean freak but living with this many smashers who didn't even know how to feed themselves you could only imagine what they knew about cleaning. While you were in your surprised state, you didn't notice the hand that was being waved in front of your face by Pit. He looked to the others worriedly seeing as how you've been standing there with a smile plastered on your face. You snapped out of your state by shaking your head and looking towards them showing you were fine.

Pit went back to his match with Mario and you stood there not knowing where to go. Samus seeing this decided to help you out. Without asking she pushed Snake off the couch, along with Pikachu who was resting on his belly. Snake groaned as he hit the ground while Pikachu simply went under the kotatsu with Yoshi and Kirby.

"Samus! Why did you push me off?!" yelled Snake rubbing his now forming bump on his head.

"Because you're hogging the couch! You can still sit on it but give (Y/n) some room." She said pointing to you.

Snake glanced over in your direction seeing you standing there and quickly got up and sat back on the couch leaving you with plenty of room. You sat down on your side. Samus seemed satisfied by this and left to the other side of the room to join a card game that was happening with Mr. Game and Watch, Sonic, Wolf, and Donkey Kong. Both you and Snake were sitting straight up in an awkward silence aside from the game that was going on. Ness and Lucas were too busy playing on their 3DS to chat with you. Hoping to relax yourself you sat back in the couch and watched Pit and Mario duke it out. While you were watching, you noticed the graphics looked different. That's when it hit you, they were playing Super smash bros Brawl, the one that had characters like Snake, Ice climbers, Wolf, and Pokémon Trainer. After your realization you heard Pit cry out in despair.

"Aww man I lost!"

"Yahoo! Victory!"

"We'll see about that, we should do team battles!"

"Alrighty then, my brother will-a be on my team." Mario said as Luigi grabbed a control and joined him.

"Hmm okay then I choose..." Pit started as he looked around. His eyes brightened when they landed on you. "(Y/n)! Do you want to play?"

"Umm okay!" you said taking a control that Pit was holding out.

You and Pit were on blue team while Mario and Luigi were on Red team. Looking over the list of smashers your eyes landed on Snakes character. You never actually played as Snake before but the actual Snake was right behind you, couldn't hurt to try.

"Snake? Oh I guess they don't have mii characters in this one. We can play the newest version of you want." Pit said getting ready to change games and consoles.

"Oh uh no, actually I want to play this version. This one has all my favorite characters."

"Oh okay then. Let's start!"

Your favorite characters just so happened to be all in that room. Everyone was your favorite but if you had to pick only one it would be (Fav. Char.). Hearing this they all took interest in your game. Even though you've played this game, it's been so long since you've played the wii that you forgot the controls. Pit seemed to notice this when you kept jumping instead of fighting and found it weird when you stood in front of and item. In the end, you lost.

"Sorry, Pit. It's been a while since I played on this console. And sorry Snake, I wish I played your character better." you said rubbing the back of your head. Snake eye's widened at this. Why apologize? he thought.

"It's fine." Pit said. "We can just switch over to a different one."


Silence. You're out burst was unexpected.

"It's not fair! You guys should be in the next game and games to come! I don't get why you can't go onto the others."

"It's not like we had a choice." Snake said catching everyone's attention. "It's just the way it is. Not everyone can be in every game they make. The people get old of us and choose who they want new to join. Think of it as a-hmm what's the word?"

"Replacement?" you said wearily.

"Sigh, no. If we were to always be included in other games then there would be too many characters. Then what would happen to the newbies like you here? You wouldn't be here."

"But still-!"

"We're still here aren't we? It's people like you that we like who still play our games. That's all we need." he finished.

It seems that all of the smashers Snake was referring to, including him, gathered around the couch to listen. They all had understanding expressions. They smiled towards once Snake finished his little speech, then left to go do whatever they were doing before. Leaving you with the other smashers with understanding and surprised looks. It was quiet, the screen still had the words you lose on your team's side of the screen. Without waiting you hit continue and started looking for another stage to play on. The others looked at you thinking you were going to quit, but you didn't. Before you started the match, you patted the spot next to you and said:

"Come on Snake, teach me how play as you." you said looking back to smile at him. He smiled back closing his eyes before he sat next to you.

In total, you played as each of the characters that never made it to the on going series. It took a while but as you played as their characters they were right beside you telling you all about their combos and teaching you how to play along the way. Towards the end, you won each battle as their characters. Blue team Wins was kept on the screen as you laid back against the table and smiled to yourself for your victories. The others were sprawled everywhere, when they taught you they put their whole body into it. That means that they physically and verbally showed you their moves. Snake was back on the couch with every other smasher either on the floor or under the table. It was an intense battle. Mario and Luigi were passed out from the "ultimate" defeat. The only one awake was Pit.

"So wanna play another round?" Pit asked. But before you could tell him you were tired and wanted a break something hit you. Isn't Pit a sword fighter?

"Uh Pit, I just remembered, aren't you supposed to be in the fields training with the other swordfighters?"

"Huh? Oh, nah. We're taking the day off."

"Are you sure? Because I went to the fields this morning and they were all there."

"What? Really? Well, they should be done soon so no point going now." he said before starting another match while stuffing his face with chips. Just then, stomping could be heard heading straight towards this room. Then the door slammed open revealing a very mad Dark Pit.

"There you are I've been looking everywhere for you, you idiot!" He said stalking closer towards Pit.

"What!? Me? Why?"

"Because we have training today like we always do, now let's get going." he said pulling him by the back of his shirt out of he door.

"What!? But (Y/n) didn't go!" Pit said holding onto the door frame to prevent from going any further.

"That's because she's recovering! Now let's go!" He said giving one last pull.

Now you were left alone surrounded by sleeping smashers. Even Samus and the smashers she was playing a card game with all fell asleep on the table with cards scattered everywhere, must have been an intense game. It was almost sunset. Being bored messed with the wrappers that were around you. You picked up one, then another, then another until you were actually cleaning up the place. With you moving around, Snake sensed it and woke up.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Snake said taking the magazine off his face.

"Oh, I'm cleaning."


"Yeah. You know it looks like you've never cleaned this place ever."

"Cleaning?" he said as if it was a foreign word.



Silence. This seems familiar.

"Hey guys what's up?" Captain Falcon said walking in throwing garbage banana peel.

"Hey! I'm cleaning up here!"

"Cleaning?" Captain falcon said.



As you kept talking you started to wake up all the other smashers. Realization struck you, they don't know how to feed themesleves and they're questioning what cleaning is, and it doesn't look like they're joking. You stood there frozen in shock, but snapped out of it and decided to test it.


"What?" Snake said.


"Mop?" Captain Falcon said.

"Feather duster?"

"What are these things you keep saying."

After this you couldn't help but hang your head down and hold the wall to support you. After some explanations and drawings they told you they saw 'something like that' in a room. They showed you and it was a room full of dusty cleaning supplies covered in cobwebs. Without anything better to do you decided to clean the whole room, with help of course. You didn't really need to ask though, because just like those times you made them something they were quick to volunteer.

It took a couple hours to clean the whole thing but it was clean. By now it was sunset and the swordsmen/women were back. You knew they came back a while ago when Marth walked in wearing one of Peach's aprons on telling everyone it was time for dinner. You were surprised thinking that he and some others cooked something until he told you it was leftover soup from last time. After the meal Master and Crazy Hand floated around and came upon the room you are in, the now clean room.

"Did you guys clean this room?" Master Hand asked.

"Yup." you replied. "We all did."

"It was a lot of work but this room actually looks nice now." Samus said.

"You got that right." Captain Falcon said finishing his banana and throwing the peel on the floor. This made everyone go into a frenzy and tackle him.

"We just cleaned this place!" many smashers yelled at him from the tackle pile with Falcon in the middle.

"Oh, I see." Master Hand said a little frightened. "I imagine you were the mastermind behind this and why everyone cleaned in the first place?"

"Yeah, I just saw how messy it was and got bored so I just cleaned up."

"Well thank you. I've been trying to tell them to clean for months but they always seemed to avoid it for some reason. I mean, I tell my brother to give them the cleaning supplies but they don't seem to use them." Master Hand explained.

"What's cleaning?" Crazy Hand said.

"Why you! I told you to tell them to clean!" Master hand said tackling him into a hand(arm) wrestle.

"Just another crazy day with the smashers." you said smiling to yourself.

~Meanwhile with the sword smashers~

They were still in the dining room, it looked like they had the life sucked out of them. After your little speech and some training, it left them a hollowed and tired out shell.

"Geez what happened to you guys?" Sonic said casually walking around.

"We're masters at swords." Ike started

"We know many moves and combos that bring our foes down." Lucina continued.

"And yet we can't even remember a single recipe to feed ourselves." Pit finished.

"Join the club, which is basically everyone here. Except Villager apparently."

Ike slammed his sword down into the ground and got up looking determined. "That's it. tomorrow I'm challenging him to a match to see how good his skills really are. And that includes cooking too!" he said holding a fist in the air, eyes full of determination.

"Er okay?" Sonic said walking away awkwardly. It seems that something really happened.

"You go for it!" Link said.

"Guys Sonic is right. None of us knew how to cook. You can't expect to learn that quickly." Lucina reasoned.

"But Villager did!" Pit joined in.

"Yeah but..." Lucina said running out of ideas.

"There's no stopping us now, it's already settled. And I'll show that (Y/n) too!" Ike said the last part quietly. No one heard it for they were too pumped up and excited to listen any further.

"Yeah!" everyone except said except Meta knight and Lucina who sat back and watched a war unfold. Lucina looked over at Meta knight.

"We got to help those two tomorrow." Lucina said sweat marking at the cheering smasher. Meta knight nodded in agreement.

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