Summery Days

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The boys were sweating buckets inside the mansion because Crazy hand TRIED to 'fix it.' So, they decided to go outside to see if there was at least a breeze or a cooler temperature to stop their clothes from sticking to their body by sweat. But when they got outside they discovered that there was not a single breeze, in fact, it seemed to be hotter outside than inside. Lucas and Ness just stared at each other's sweaty faces as they both nodded towards each other and headed towards the shed. When they both entered the shed they saw many boxes piled up high everywhere. It just so happened that the first box they opened happened to be a fan, but it was useless because it would only flow hot air around. Ness slumped his shoulders in disappointment until Lucas tapped him on the shoulder showing him a freezie in his hand. He threw it in a corner and placed a fan in front of it blowing cool air in front of them. Except, this wasn't what they were looking for, so they brought many boxes and placed them next to them and started opening them.

After an hour of them searching, the freezie was about to melt and the heat wave slowly crept onto them. That is until they found the last unopened box. Inside it was what they were looking for. A mini pool. Beneath it were two water guns. It was small but large enough for the both of them. Now all they needed was to inflate it, and add water, maybe some ice too. But, before they left they noticed Mr. Saturn behind the box they tossed away, passed out from the heat. So, they took him along with them.

They sneaked back into the mansion and put on some swim shorts, then sneaked back outside and put the pool under a shady tree not too far from the mansion so they were able to add water from the hose. All was left was to inflate it, but how? They could spend their time blowing their lungs out, but with the heat, they wouldn't last. So, they just stood there thinking of a way to inflate without wasting anymore sweat.

As they were thinking, Pokémon trainer was about to walk in the house holding a box when he saw Ness and Lucas staring at something under a tree. So deciding to forget about the box he was carrying, he left it on the porch and went over to the two boys. He leaned down to their level and noticed the mini pool. He smiled as the two boys looked at him confused. He put a finger up and said. "I can help, on one condition."
The two looked at each other thinking. Pokémon Trainer then continued, "You let me and my Pokémon join too."

Time skip brought to you by Charizard, Squirtle, and Pikachu blasting team rocket of agaaaaaaaain!

"Ahhh, no fair! Using squirtle as a water gun isn't aloud." Lucas said laughing as he shielded his face from squirtle's move.

In the end, Lucas and Ness agreed and the fastest way to fill the pool was by using Squirtle's water gun making it like a water bed. Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Pikachu, Charizard and even Lucario, who noticed what was happening came by, all hung out under the tree enjoying the shade or in the pool. Jigglypuff came on his own accord.

"Hey! Be careful! You can't get water on Charizard's tail!" Pokémon trainer said.

"I know that. I'm just getting his back."

"He's a fire pokemon the heat doesn't affect him too much."

"Okay but that doesn't mean he can't cool down a bit." Ness countered.

"I guess." Pokémon trainer said.

"Hey! Do you know what would make this even more fun?" Ness said excitedly.

"What?" They all said in unison.

"If (Y/n) was here, ehhh?" Ness wiggled his eyes at Pokémon trainer and Lucas laughed.

"W-what?" Pokémon Trainer blushed.

"I'll go get her!" Ness and Lucas jumped out of the pool and ran into the house.

Pokémon Trainer in the meantime sunk deeper and deeper into the water to hide himself. He was shirtless after all, what would she think when she saw him?

Meanwhile you were currently putting on a swimsuit Lucas and Ness gave you which they borrowed from one of the girls and took your wrists and dragged you out the door towards the pool. Before they came in and told you about the pool they found, you were trying to cool yourself down by standing in front of the freezer.

Once you were in front of the pool they pushed you in and you fell on top of Pokémon Trainer, which made him blush tremendously only causing him to sink further into the pool until his head came underneath the water. Lucas and Ness were laughing in the background along with Pokémon Trainer's Pokémon as you scolded them both.

Later on you guys had another water gun fight as Squirtle as the champion. A minute into just relaxing in the cool water you could hear a scream come from the house which caused you to sit up and take off your sunglasses. Master and Crazy hand came out of the house holding a box that seemed to be drenched in liquid. Pokémon Trainer muttered a quick 'Yikes' as he got out of the pool and made a run for it as Crazy Hand chased after him. As it turns out, he was supposed to bring a box full of popsicles into the freezer before they melted but ended up leaving them on the front step of the mansion and forgot about them.

"I guess we have no choice." Master hand says.

"I guess so." Crazy hand answered his brother. "We're going to the beach!"

"Beach!?" All the smashers ran outside as they heard this.

"We're going to the beach! Pack everything you need! We are leaving in ten minutes!" Crazy hand yelled.

Time skip to the beach~

"What a wonderful day! I can't think of more perfect day, can you Daisy?" Peach said as they set up their umbrella.

"No I can't. Ahh, thanks for inviting me Peach! Drink?" She offers her a pink lemonade.

"Oh Rosalina~! Come join us!" They yell out to Daisy who was trying to catch Luma so she could put sunscreen on him.

"I'll be right there!"

The three finally settled down and drank some ice cold drinks as they chatted.

"Alright, time to find a nice spot to put this umbrella..." Ribbon and Robin looked for the perfect place.

"Need some help?" The twins, Corrin and Corra asked.

"Yes please!" They said in unison. Once they were done setting everything up, they built sand castles and buried the sorcerer twins.

"Oh Pit~! Oh Pittoo~! Would you mind helping me surf~?" Lady Palutena held a surf board already waiting by the water.

"Yes my lady!" Pit said saluting her.

"No way. I'd rather get buried under the sand." Pittoo said crossing his arms.

"That can be arranged." Palutena said pushing him into an already dug hole and kicking sand into the hole.

"Okay! Okay! I'll help!" He said crawling out of the hole with the help of Pit.

How the angels helped the goddess was by attaching strings to the angels to the board to keep it steady.

"Phew, all done. Now to get a drink." Zelda said wiping the sweat from her forehead. Zelda had to do all the work, from getting the supplies from the bus which included going through multiple trips. Link was too busy chasing after Ganondorf to help.

"Sorry about that princess, if you want I'll get you a drink." Link said rubbing the back of his head.

"Thank y-"

"No I'll get you a drink princess." Ganondorf pushed link to the ground as he kneeled before her.

Knowing how this was going to end she simply walked to a nearby shack that sold drinks and snacks as the two began to fight.

"Anyone up for a game of volleyball?" Wii fit trainer said.

"How about a game of watermelon smashing?" Lucina asked.

"How about we cool ourselves down first with a water gun shootout? Samus said preparing a water gun.

"I agree, let us get refreshed before we over heat ourselves." Bayonetta said already prepared with water gun pistols attached to her legs and two in her hands.

They began the water gun match and later played volleyball and watermelon smashing before relaxing under an umbrella.

This is how you spent your day at the beach, first you relaxed with Rosalina, Peach, and Daisy with a drink. Then, you built sand castles with Corrin, Corra, Robin, and Ribon. Then, you surfed with Palutena with the help of Pit and Pittoo. Then, you went with Zelda to get a snack from a nearby shack and ate it there as you both laughed at Ganondorf's and Link's wild goose chase. Then , you had a water gun fight with Bayonetta, Samus, Wii Fit Trainer, and Lucina then a game of volleyball and a game of watermelon smashing.

It was funny seeing the boys reaction in seeing all the girls bathing suit but the funniest part was seeing Villager wearing a bikini and modeling with us in a group photo. Master hand made him change after the picture.

In the end, everyone was swimming before it became sunset to still enjoy the sun and the cooling effects of the water. You had your share with every smasher and each gave you something to remember. To put it in short:

- Ike body slammed you in the water while Marth tried to keep you from drowning by pulling Ike's off of you while Roy laughed like a maniac
- You taught Ness and Lucas and toon link how to swim without a floatie
- Bowser managed to bring a ship and sailed with you and the koopalings around the ocean
- Mario and Luigi cooked fish they scooba dived for
- Donkey Kong and Diddy kong and Wario made fruit smoothies
- Ryu and Little Mac decided to hold a smash battle and you were their referee
- You saved Shulk from drowning and was about to perform CPR when Captain falcon pushed you out of the way and cracked his knuckles before puckering up, this managed to wake Shulk up before their lips connected
- Sonic showed you that he could run on water
- Megaman couldn't swim so you built sad castles with him. He managed to impress you by building a life size version of you made out of sand
- Falcon and Fox managed to bring a submarine and you explored the deep ocean
- Cloud was sunbathing and managed to fall asleep the whole time you were there
-Kirby was chasing Metaknight around
-All of the pokemon were splashing around the water and on floaties

When it came to be sunset, you all had to leave. And once everyone got home they were surprised to find that the air conditioner was working. Master hand called someone to fix it. Everyone slept peacefully that night.

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