Super Mario's World

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Okay someone asked me to include bowser in this so I'll try to make him the center of attention ;)

For some reason when you woke up, no one was at breakfast, in fact the whole mansion was empty. Not even Master hand or Crazy hand were in sight. No monsters on the field and no smashers in sight, what was going on? You checked every room in the house except the hand's office.

Once you opened the door to the hand's office you saw many portals that led to many different places. What was this? Walking further in and looking at the many different places you saw two smashers entering a portal, it was Mario and Bowser. Wario had just jumped into the portal and Bowser was next and was about to enter too until you called his name. He looked around with one foot in the portal then spotted you and took his foot out.

"Oh hey (Y/n), are you going back to your world?"

"My world?"

"Yeah, Master and Crazy hand made it so that we could return to our world once a month or whenever we get home sick. Today's that day. Did he forget to tell you?"

"Well, yeah, this is the first I'm hearing about this."

"Oh! Well at least you know now. Do you see your portal? I'll help you find it."

"That would be nice, thank you."

So you two went and stuck your head in each portal. The first portal you stuck your head into wasn't yours but Ryu's. He was in a middle of a match with Ken. Not your world.

Next portal was of a field of grass and in the middle of it was Link rolling around in it. Not it either.

Next one was a portal that opened in the middle of the sky and not so far in the distance you could see Pit chasing Pittoo. Not it either.

Next one was in the middle of space, must be Falcon and Fox's world. Not your either.

In fact, you checked everyone of them and none of them seemed to be your world. I guess you were just going to be stuck in the mansion all day alone. You lowered your shoulders in sadness and started walking back into the hallway until you felt a gigantic hand grab your arm.

You turned around and saw Bowser giving you a bright smile almost as if he had an idea. He started almost dragging you back into the office excitedly and brought you in front of his portal. Without asking, he picked you up and jumped in. You guys landed in front of a castle. It was the mushroom kingdom.

"Bowser what took you so long?" Peach asked approaching you two.

"Oh! (Y/n)! Are you going to be spending the day with us in our world?"

"Ah! I guess so." You said looking back at Bowser smiling.

"Oh what a delight! Let me show you around my kingdom!" She says running off into the courtyard with your arms linked.

"Hey wait! I want to show her my castle first!" Bowser yelled stomping his feet towards you two.

"Bowser you know can't-a enter the mushroom kingdom!" Mario and Luigi intervened stopping him from entering the kingdom. "Did you forget the treaty?"

"Sigh, no..." Bowser said before walking away back to his kingdom.

You noticed this and made Peach stop, she looked at you confused before she saw you looking at Bowser's back. She has an innocent smile but was thinking deviously in her head. "Oh I see~. You want to go with Bowser. Hmm?" She said poking you in the shoulder knowingly.

"Y-yes." you said in embarrassment.

"That's okay. You already spent some time with me at the beach the other day. So go catch up with him and share this." She said giving you a box and pushing you towards him. You didn't hesitate and ran towards him.

"Oh (Y/n)-a! Are you here to hang out with us!?" The brothers said but you ran past them leaving them confused. They were about to run after you, that is until Peach intervened and grabbed them by the ears and dragged them back to the castle to have some tea.

By the time you reached him he was at the entrance of his castle.


"Huh!? (Y/n)? I though you were gonna have tea with the princess?" He said forming a smile.

"Well I thought since you invited me here it's only fair that you'd be my first choice as to who I want to hang out with, and I also heard that you wanted to show me your castle?" You said.

"Uh yes! Hm-hm, this way my lady." he held his arm out.

"Why thank you."

First he showed you the "courtyard" which was basically all lava. Then he showed you the living room which you didn't expect to look so normal and decent. Aside from the furniture that was red black white and brown it looked comfy. Then he showed you his room, it was gigantic and red. Finally he showed you the koopalings room, which was a big mistake because now they all wanted you to play with them. They made you and Wendy the princesses and the other koopalings the princes as they protected you from the evil bad guy Bowser, which all in all made you laugh so much.

Time seemed to by fast because before you knew it, it was already night time. And you and bowser were just sitting on chairs on his balcony chatting. Before you knew it you were yawning and fell asleep in the chair. The next day however you weren't in the chair but back in your room. Suddenly the door to your room opened revealing peach smiling at you.

"How was your trip back here? I saw Bowser carrying you in his arms holding you tight." she giggled.

"Yahh!" You threw a pillow at her but she quickly ran away from the opening yelling 'Your secret is safe with me!'

"Uhh what's going on?" Bowser said walking towards the opening of your door to reveal you on your bed. He started to blush and ran away. For the whole day you two couldn't look at each other.

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