Everyone's Here

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"(Y/n), may I have a word with you?" Master hand said curling his finger towards the direction he wanted you to come to.

You were sitting at the long dining table with the other smashers, you were asked by master and crazy hand to cook a big meal for them because a huge event was about to take place tomorrow. The event, however, was meant to be a surprise for all of the smashers except for a select few. You were one of the few selected to be told the secret.

You excused yourself from the table quickly getting away from the smashers who were stuffing as much food into their mouths as possible. It was as if they were having an eating competition. It was a side you'd never thought you'd see from them, even the girls were stuffing themselves.

As you approached them they told you to follow them to their office so you did. But one smasher seemed to have noticed your absence and sneakily followed after the three of you.

Once you made it to their office they closed the door almost all the way. You took a seat in a chair in front of their gigantic desk nervously waiting for them to speak.

"So I guess why your wondering why we brought you here today?" Crazy hand tapped his fingers rhythmically on the desk making you even more nervous.

"Well... yeah. I'm not in trouble am I?"

"Of course your not in trouble (Y/n), we brought you in here because-"

"Of course you're in trouble (Y/n)! You promised me there would be ice cream for dessert!" Crazy hand said interrupting his brother.

"I did! I made it but Captain Flacon and Ganondorf ate it all!" you said breaking down.

"I knew it!" Crazy Hand slammed his hand on the desk while his brother just limply rests his hand on the desk. "Those two are going to get it! How dare they eat my passion!" His fingers started to pop and crack and twitch as he started to float towards the door. But before he could reach the door his brother pulled him back in and planted him back on the desk.

"You can deal with them later but right now we have more important matters to discuss." He said to his brother who just grumbled in response. "Now, onto more important matters. You see, we are holding a huge event tomorrow in honor of the new game our creator is putting out called Super Smash Bros Ultimate, the newest in the series."

"Wow, sounds important." you said shocked. A new series for the game.

"It is which is why we've been keeping it a secret from everyone. We'd like to keep it a surprise. As you know, not all of the smasher scan participate on the current game because they haven't been invited there but they stay because others around the world still play the original games. The big surprise is that... EVERYONE IS IN THE NEW GAME!"

"Really?! Oh wow, they're going to be so excited tomorrow!" you said jumping out of your seat in excitement before sitting back down in confusion. "But wait why would you tell me this?"

"Ah see now you're getting it. Why would we tell you? Well, because we need help setting up tomorrow and help making breakfast for everyone once we wake them up bright and early to get prepared for the big event. But aside from that, we chose you to be the announcer. You're job will be to announce every smasher as they fight in battle, but don't worry we have your mii fighters covered with AI's. I'm hoping you'll agree to this."

"No way, you want me to announce them? It would be an honor! Thank you!" you said latching onto his thumb to give him a hug.

He gently pat the top of your head with his finger as he said your welcome. "Not only that but it will be your job to welcome the returning smashers along with some new one from the train that will arrive tomorrow."

"We're also getting new ones!? Oh please tell me a few so I can be motivated." You stuck out your bottom lip and gave your best puppy dog eyes you could muster up.

"That won't work on me missy, we'll give you a list of the smashers you will be announcing along with the new ones we-"

"Okay so it's confirmed that Chrom and Daisy and Ken and- AH!" crazy hand yelled as he was slapped by his brother.

"It's meant to be a surprise for her too you imbecile!"

"Ah geez no need to be so uptight! Wait..." Crazy Hand had heard a creak from the door to the office and saw it move open slightly. He then zoomed out of the room.

Seconds later you can hear struggling and a shout from a person before you and Master Hand see Crazy Hand carrying something in a balled up fist. "Looks like we had a spy listening. And it's one of the ones that can't keep a secret unfortunately." he sighed.

"What do you mean I can't keep a secret!?" all of you heard a muffled voice coming from his fist. He then slammed the door shut making sure it was closed before unbaling his fist revealing one of the smashers.

It was Ganondorf.

"You can't keep a secret Ganondorf!" his fist tightens around him while his head pokes out from the top of his fist. "What are we going to do brother!?"

"This is very problematic." Master hand said tapping his finger on the table in thought.

"Hey! I can keep this whole thing a secret IF you let me co-announce alongside (Y/n)." Ganondorf said smugly grinning at the two floating hands.

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