Challenge? Already?

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"What!? But The only thing I know how to do is block and dodge!" you said worriedly as Lucina and Metaknight explained to you and Villager what was going to happen tomorrow. They explained that Ike talked to Master and Crazy Hand about wanting to challenge you and Villager and since it was late at knight and they woke him up from his "Beauty sleep", so they allowed it. Of course Villager has no problem with a match, he and the rest of the smashers have been doing it for a while now, but you, all you did was learn how to forma protective bubble and learn how to sidestep or cartwheel away from attacks. Not to mention the feeling of being smashed out of the sky or slammed into the invisible wall that's protecting the onlookers from getting hurt, doesn't sound like a nice feeling. To make things worse, they very calmly and carefully told you that it was somewhat your fault. Well, you did bring down some of the most talented swordsmen gloomy with the whole couldn't-memorize-a-single-recipe thing. Perhaps you could say you weren't feeling well and get out of the match. Before you could ask, Lucina beat you to it.

"Sorry (Y/n), I already tried asking Master Hand about cancelling the match but he insisted that you do it."


"He said it would be a good experience for you to actually go into a match, even if you lose. I even tried telling him that you're not fully trained yet but he wasn't up to negotiating at this time of night." She looked at you with a saddened look as Villager and Metaknight sat next to you in the dining room table in silence, as usual.

"Sigh, thanks for trying." you said slumping into your seat.

"Don't worry." Lucina reassured you as she placed a hand on your shoulder. "Ike challenged you to a cooking match, giving you a point. For the second match your going to be in a smash run, but it's okay, maybe you'll get lucky and final battle will be 'Run!. For your final battle you'll be fighting him and Marth, but don't worry you're not alone, we'll be cheering you on in the sidelines. Plus, you have Villager to fight beside you." You turned towards Villager to see him give you a thumbs up.

"Guys, thanks!" you said smiling brightly.

"Now get some rest, tomorrows a special day. Just think of it as your first match ever." she said lightening the room.

"Alright. I'll see you guys tomorrow, although I hope something comes up tomorrow." You mumbled the last part to yourself.

~Next Day~

It was early in the morning. It wasn't when you realized that the first part of the challenge was a breakfast challenge until Villager woke you up in the morning. And now here you were, half asleep in the kitchen standing beside Villager behind a table full of ingredients. Master and Crazy Hand wanted to make it less nerve racking for you, so they decided to act like world famous judges with a crows in the background watching(the smashers), and sat behind a table with name placements that read 'Judge 1' and 'Judge 2.' It worked for the most part as you were smiling to yourself over their serious act. Well, Crazy Hand's serious act, Master Hand was serious most of the time.

For the main part of it, the first challenge went smoothly as you and Villager worked together to make a ice cream, Crazy Hand's request. This was new to everyone but luckily, a recipe was found in Crazy Hand's cookbook. So, you did what you've always been doing and followed the recipe. The instructions were easy enough, or so you thought until you looked over at Marth and Ike only to see them hiding their panic as the smell of something burning filled the room.

In the end, you and Villager won the cooking part of the challenge. As for the other team, let's just say sour cream doesn't make a good fill-in for milk.

Next up was smash-run. While everyone was heading towards the fields, Lucina took the time to explain to you some tricks and tips.

"Okay, so you want to look out for devil car and bonkers. Although goombas are easy to smash, even the big ones. All you have to do is hop on their heads and they give out a lot of stat boosts. If you find any weapons be sure to grab them, they'll be a great help." She went on and on about things like that until you finally made it to the fields.

Master and Crazy Hand were supposed to blindfold everyone and take them to a random spot in the field. But before you could go, you had to pick which class you wanted to fight with.

"(Y/n), please choose a class you would like to fight as." Master Hand said holding out three cards that had the three classes on them. You decided to think over it carefully.

Hmm, brawler is out, no need to get close. Sword on sword? That wouldn't be the best decision. That leaves Gunner. I remember customizing each class with various moves and how Gunner had long distant special moves so that makes Gunner the perfect option. Right, I'll just choose Gunner.

Before you could choose the Gunner card he was holding out, Pit came in and changed that.

"(Y/n)! I just want you to know that we're all rooting for you so don't be afraid to give it all you got!" he said running up to you hysterically as he latched onto your back in a hug causing you to touch the Brawler card.

"Brawler it is then!" Master Hand said leaving.

"Wait! I change my mind!"

"Too late!" Crazy Hand said.

"Why'd you pick Brawler!? Wouldn't gunner have been easier for you!?" He said opening his eyes widely.

"I was going to before you tackled me causing me to choose a different one!" you said opening your eyes just as widely.

"I did!?" he said before he was knocked over on the head by a Dark Pit.

"Sorry about that, we'll be going now... Good luck." He mumbled the last part but you still heard. The others came and wished you good luck to you and the others before you set off to begin the third part of the match.

You opened your eyes to see yourself in a dungeon like scene. Almost immediately enemies started to appear. Gripping your fists and holding them up you mumbled, "Here goes nothing."

After the five minute course ended, now came the final battle. You were stocked up on speed boosts, who knows, maybe you actually will be lucky and end up in the 'Run!' match. You had very little of the others considering how much you ran but ended up getting beat by the very same devil car and bonkers Lucina told you to avoid. Well, you tried, you got away from Bonkers but that Devil car kept ramming into you throwing you off screen.

Now, the moment came. The final battle begun. Your hopes were destroyed when it turned out to be '300% smash.' You and Villager were on a stage facing Ike and Marth, each of you had 300% damage. Once the countdown ended, Ike and Marth wasted no time in lunging after you and Villager. Villager rode on his projectile towards them but Ike jumped out of the way as Marth dodged and attacked his back ending him in a smash. All the while Ike charged right at your petrified form and wasted no time in ending you in a smash as well. The next point was given to Marth and Ike.

You were on your way to the floating stage where bleachers were waiting on ground ready to transport onlookers and competitors to the stage, in this case everyone was headed for the floating battlefield in the sky.

"You did great (Y/n)! We watched you collect all those boosts!" Lucina said cheerfully.

"You don't need to act like I did great. I only got so much speed boosts from running. And I just stood there in the final battle!"

"You did, but for a new timer, especially one who came from the outside world, who could do that much is pretty impressive." Wii Fit Trainer said.

"Thanks." you said showing a small smile. While you all chatted, Marth came over and decided to help you.

"(Y/n), I know you've been stressing over this but don't be. Just have fun, we're all cheering for you, even Ike." He placed a hand near his mouth as he whispered this to you not wanting said person to hear, but he did.

"Marth! Let's go." He said sternly but still embarrassedly.

"Just a minute." Marth said calmly.

"Thanks Marth. I know it doesn't matter whether we win or lose. I don't even want to be the best or the greatest. Trophies and rewards don't mater to me. To me, it really is all about fun. But, I just want to be good enough fighter to fight alongside you guys, not behind." You said showing a closed eye, sad smile. At this point the smashers you were walking with stopped in their tracks as they heard what you said. You just wanted to be enough to fight with us? She doesn't fight for glory or for fame, she fights for friends. They thought.

Marth was shocked at first but smiled down at you. He took a hold of your hand and knelt down saying, "Who knows? Maybe surprise us and win." He planted a soft kiss on the back of your hand. "I wish you great fortune." he said before standing up and walking to where Ike was waiting leaving you flustered.

It was like a cartoon where a bunch of characters slide in at the same time with a surprised expression although this time it was an angry expression.

"What was that!?" yelled Link. Marth turned back showing a closed eye smile.

"A good luck charm." he stated simply.

"What was that really?" Ike questioned as Marth arrived to where he stood with a bunch of angry looking smashers in the background yelling at Marth.

"It's as I said it was. Why do you ask? Are you jealous?" Marth said with a smirk.

"Of course not! Why would you think that?" Ike said turning away trying to hide a small blush. Marth simply chuckled at his expression as Ike headed off towards the stands.

"Oh Ike. Before we battle (Y/n) and Villager, I wanted to ask you to go easy on her." he said seriously.

"No. What's the point in that? There's no victory in that for her, if she were to win. We have to give at much as she's throwing out there which is all of it."

"Sigh, I see very well. We'll fight them as we would fight anyone else."

As everyone gathered to the stage, you were about to go on stage when a loud siren was heard.

"New smasher!" someone yelled out.

Your eyes widened as realization struck you. This is your big break! You won't have to fight! The flag appeared near the stage showing everyone this smasher is from Fire Emblem. You glanced over at Robin and Lucina and the others to see excited looks coming form them. A boy and a girl appear on stage holding a sword. The announcer their entry which is: Corrin choose to join smash!

They new smasher showed off their special moves on many different stages and smashers. When you glanced back to see the reactions of the other fire emblem characters you noticed them missing. When you looked back on stage you saw them all lined up attacking Corrin. He jumped, slashed and did special moves on every smasher. You even saw his special final smash move. Everyone was blown away. After many battles with different smashers. Corrin jumped off stage teleporting him to Master Hand who told them how things work around here. Just like the day you came into this world.

You snapped out of your dazed state happy that you weren't going to have to fight and started heading off towards the mansion.

"(Y/n) where are you going?" asked Roy.

"Huh? Oh I'm going back to the mansion. Since there's a new arrival of a smasher I guess we have to cancel right?"

"Wrong. Master Hand is actually telling Corrin about your match and he actually wants to watch it! Now you can finish the match! Isn't that great!?" He said patting you on the back a little too roughly.

"Y-yeah great!" you said trying to hide the nervousness in your voice.

"I know! Now get out there!" he said pushing you onto Crazy Hand's palm who flew you over to the stage with the waiting Villager, Ike and Marth.

"Let the match begin!" Master Hand yelled out giving you no time to think as they already lunged towards you. You didn't let what happened at Smash run happen again as you cartwheeled out of Ike's way. You jumped onto the highest platform as Ike ran after you. This stage was open to items popping out at random times. An item appeared near you, it was a hammer. Before you could grab it Ike slashed you out of the way and took it before you could. Now Ike was slamming the hammer repeatedly chasing after you. He managed to hit you and Villager. You were both knocked off, Villager used his rocket to get back on stage, unfortunately for you, you didn't have time to block and you were face to face with the invisible wall in an awkward position. Making the smashers who were watching the match wince, even Corrin.

"I think she's fine." Roy said showing a smile even though it was clear he was worried and shocked. Everyone sweat dropped at his comment.

You arrived back to the stage. You had a five second invincibility so you wasted no time in helping Villager punch Marth out of bounds. Each of you had three lives. Right now it was tied. Although not paying attention to behind, Ike jumped and brought down his sword on you and Villager making you shoot off stage with Villager. You only had one life left, Villager two. Once you were brought back you decided to play it safe and use items to your advantage. Looking down you saw a an ore club(big stone sword that can shoot tornadoes) and a bounce pad. Jumping down you threw the bounce pad at Marth who was at the edge of the stage. You shot a tornado at him causing him to fall off and take damage. He jumped back up clinging to the edge but since the bounce pad was there whenever he tried to get up he would get pushed back and then he fell. At this time Villager was handling Ike but was slowly getting beaten by him. Ike and Villager were above you, so you decided to help out by tossing the weapon up in the air hitting Ike giving Villager a chance to attack but was knocked out of bounds by Marth who reappeared. While this happened a surprise ball appeared. When you opened it up a hammer appeared. You grabbed it and knocked Marth out of bounds, leaving him to reappear in the sidelines for it was his last life. Ike got hit by this as well but recovered and made it back to the stage. Villager came in and started fighting but was quickly smashed when Ike threw an explosive catching himself and Villager in its blast radius with Villager reappearing next to Marth.

All that was left is you and Ike. You only had one life left and Ike had six. Even though it seemed impossible to win at this point with Villager now gone, you still stood tall. Ike slashed at you but you defended with your bubble and dodged once you saw how small it was growing. Wouldn't want to be stunned. You saw a flower so you picked it up and started sprinkling sparkles onto Ike as the flower that grew on his head damaged him. Luckily a bomb-bomb was walking right past you so you picked it up and threw it at him causing him to go out of bounds. He had two lives left, maybe you could win this. A baseball bat came out of a surprise box so you grabbed and waited. Ike arrived and you ran until his invincibility wore off then you hit him out of bounds again!

Everyone was standing up and cheering wildly. Even Marth and Villager. Now the both of you were even one life each. Once Ike came back he wasted no time in grabbing an item which was a pokeball ball and threw it. You caught it and threw it yourself summoning Staryu to shoot at Ike.

Bombs were thrown, different types of swords were used, traps, pokeballs and health foods appeared. Towards this point both of you had damage just below 200%, neither giving in. There were no items, you both used them quickly. So Ike charged in and tried slashing at you but you dodged behind only to get slashed by Ike knowing that you would dodge behind. You almost fell of stage, you were now clinging the edge as Ike charged but you kicked him as you got up. Two item appeared, a blue shell and a final smash ball. While Ike was down you ran for it the blue shell knowing it was very easy for a brawler to miss. Afraid that Ike was already up and trying to get the final smash ball you yelled out, "I just want to prove that I CAN fight!" as you threw the shell at him. Ike just got up from the ground and looked to see the blue shell.

"Looks like, you won..." he said before he was ended and shot out to the sky.

"(Y/n) and Villager won!!!!!" Master Hand said as everyone went wild. You smiled so wide that you thought your face was going to stay in place. Everyone went onto the stage and congratulated you.

"Well done (Y/n)." Marth said applauding before going to where Ike was. "Looks like we lost." Marth said to Ike.

"Yeah, but that's good."


"(Y/n) may have beaten me with items, but that's impressive for someone who doesn't know how to fight. And someone like that has earned my respect. And someone who has my respect will receive the best training anyone has ever had" Ike said crossing his arms unaware that you were behind him about to tell him it was a good game until you heard.

"Wuah really Ike!? Thank you!!!" you said tackling him from behind in a hug.

"You heard!?" Ike said not knowing what to do about you hugging him.

"Yup! I'll do my best when training with you!" you said happily. Ike couldn't help but smirk at your behavior and rested a hand on your head before ruffling it up.

"Good, because I don't expect anything else."

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