Choosing Your Power

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You looked up and saw Joker along with the other smashers you saw yesterday except for the three you announced yesterday. Due to the circumstances of yesterday's events you were only able to announce Daisy, the Inklings, and Ridley because of the countless interruptions. Because you weren't able to announce them all the remaining new smashers had to board the train and come back tomorrow to make sure the others didn't try to sneak off to the gym to take a peak at their new teammates and opponents. 

You quickly put away your letter in your pocket and greeted them all again. "It's so nice to see all of you again! I'm sorry about what happened yesterday we should've been more strict with the others." you bowed to them to show you were sorry. You quickly looked up once you felt a hand touch your shoulder seeing it was Simon.

"Do not apologize, we are aware that some warriors are children and some act like children. I'm glad you don't seem to be one of them." Simon removed his hand after seeing you stand back up until his descendent Richter wrapped an arm around his shoulder bringing hi in for a side hug as he chuckled.

"I hope you aren't referring to me! It's nice to let loose and take a break from hunting vampires right Simon?" Richter said punching Simon's shoulder. Simon simply let out a chuckle and shook his head at his descendent.

"The only reason I agreed to come here is for the chance to battle some of the greatest warriors from their worlds." he said looking off to the distance before he felt a tug and looked down to see Isabelle smiling holding up a flower for the tall muscular man. Simon stared down at the fluffy creature debating whether to accept the flower or not. It wasn't until he saw Isabelle start to tear up when he ultimately decided to accept the flower. He lifted her up allowing her to place the flower in his hair before letting her ride on his shoulder as Isabelle cheered at the free ride. Simon finally looked up and noticed the others looking at him oddly before he spoke in a stern voice, "What are you all looking at?" Which made the others turn their heads away.

"That's Simon for you, gruff and straightforward vampire hunter yet can't say no to an adorable animal." Richter said to you before a chain whip was flung just mere inches from his face thanks to Richter dodging just in time. Thankfully the whip chain missed you by a foot.

"Watch your tongue descendent, I won't go easy on you just because we are related by blood!" Simon said placing down Isabelle before chasing Richter around the station.

"Careful! You almost hit lady (Y/n)." Richter said trying to get a distance away from you so that you wouldn't get caught up in the cross fire.

"Guys! If you want to battle each other do it inside the gym! I don't want you creating a ruckus where the others could see you." you said standing in the middle of them just as they were about to swing their metal chains at each other before stopping as to avoid hitting you.

"Very well we shall take this battle inside the building where you train." Simon said attaching his weapon back onto the side of his belt before heading off the gym while dragging a struggling Richter by the shoulder.

You shook your head at the two before following them to the gym making the other new smashers follow suit. What you didn't notice was the letter that fell out of your pocket or one of the new smashers picking it up and skimming it over before pocketing it and following you and the others.

Once you all made it to the gym you saw Simon and Richter already battling against each other. The gym was based off of Wii Fit Trainer's world. The gym was twice the size of a regular school gym. On the left side of the gym the wall was covered by a mirror and the floor was covered by padding meant for Wii Fit Trainer's yoga. The right side was a replica of the original floating platform also with padding underneath. In the center of the gym was a wrestling ring. Straight across from when you enter there are bleachers for viewing the smashers train or waiting for your turn in a training area. And lastly, in the far left corner was a mini-med station.

You started heading over to the bleachers to sit and watch as the others excitedly went to do their own training to prepare for the event that would be happening in a few hours. Unlike yesterday they were not able to train before hand but just sit in the gym and talk trying to make as little noise as possible considering the gym wasn't exactly sound proof. This was to prevent any curious smashers trying to search and sneak a peak at who the new smashers are. After all, there were surprisingly quite a few who went on a hunt for the new smashers. Those included Toon Link, Young Link, Villager, Lucas, and Ness but they were quickly caught. Today was different however because everyone knew that there are new smashers. That plus the Pittoo and Pit incident meant you couldn't stay and chat with them or watch over them so they can train.

After you sat in the middle of the bleachers you scanned the gym keeping an eye on all the new smashers ready to prevent any disagreements. Master and Crazy Hand specifically told you to make sure they don't harm each other to much in the training area.

Near the yoga area you saw Isabelle trying to teach Piranha Plant some yoga poses. On the replica platform Simon and Richter were battling against each other as Chrom waited patiently to fight against the winner. Feeling eyes on him he turned around and saw you staring at him as he gave a small wave to you to which you waved back at him embarrassedly. Ken and Incineroar were off to the sides waiting for their turn in the ring while Banjo and Kazooie and King K. Rool were in the ring fighting each other. You scanned the whole gym but you couldn't see Joker anywhere. You started to panic considering Master Hand put you in charge of watching over them and he was no where to be seen. You were about to stand up and go searching for him until you felt a tap on your shoulder. turning around you saw Joker was the one who tapped you.

"Joker! You scared me, I was so worried I lost you." you said to him. Joker stared back at you with a look of confusion as he tilted his back at you with his hands in his pockets. Realizing what you said might have sounded weird you spoke again, "What I meant to say was Master Hand and Crazy Hand put me in charge of watching over you all." you said sitting back down as Joker sat down next to you nodding in understanding.

You continued watching over the smashers as a peaceful silence settled over the both of you. You didn't try starting a conversation with Joker considering he doesn't talk a lot. You know this because he's from one of your favorite games.

You started to think about how life at the mansion would be now that you all had new members. Which makes you wonder, would a portal open to their world also. How amazing would it be if you could go to Joker's world in persona 5? The mere thought of it made you blush with excitement.

Joker glanced over at you and noticed your fidgety form before taking out a certain letter you had dropped. He stared down at the letter already having read it, curiosity go the best of him. But he decided it was best to return it back to you so he tapped your shoulder once again capturing your attention, "Um, here. You dropped it." You took back the letter with a surprised look about to say something until he continued speaking. "Congratulations."

You looked back at him in surprise before saying thanks. "It was meant to be a surprise to you all. Mind keeping it a secret between just the two of us?" you brought a finger up to your smiling lips winking at him making Joker's cheeks tint a light red, barely noticeable, and nodded back to you.

At that moment Joker realized that accepting the invitation to this world wasn't such a bad idea, after all he already met somebody kind to him. If you aren't familiar with his game, people weren't kind to him the moment you met him, however you were different. Different in a good way of course.

As the two of you continued to chat, mostly you asking him yes or no questions about his world, you were too distracted to realize what was going on around you. While Isabelle and Piranha Plant were relaxing on the yoga matt the four that were in the ring were over doing it. After Banjo and Kazooie beat King K. Rool, it was Ken and Incineroar's turn in the ring. They were really fighting their hearts out until the battle finally ended with Ken using his final smash on Incineroar. Unfortunately, this resulted in Incineroar being launched towards you and Joker.

You were in the middle of asking him a question when all of a sudden he takes out his grappling hook and shoots it at a beam on the ceiling and quickly grabbed your waist as you both were pulled off the ground. You wrapped your arms around his neck as his arm tightened around you pulling the both of you closer together. Right after you were pulled into the air you heard a loud crash. You looked down and saw Incineroar's large body crashed into the spot you and Joker were sitting on.

"Wooaah! Sorry about that! I guess I don't know my own strength." he said smirking while holding up his muscular arm flexing it.

"(Y/n)! Are you okay?" Chrom came running to the both of you as Joker used his grappling hook to let the both of back down on the ground. Just as your feet touched the ground Chrom grabbed you by the shoulders and started looking over you for any injuries. Once he saw none he let out a sigh before turning to Ken pulling Incineroar out of the dent he made. "You two need to be more careful, you could have hurt (Y/n)!" he shouted scolding the two making them feel guilty.

"Hey we said sorry what else do you want me to say?" Ken said walking up to Chrom. Seeing the burning glints in their eyes you quickly shut down Ken's attempt to provoke Chrom.

"Quit it, no starting fights unless it's to train." you pushed Ken's chest so that he stood farther away from Chrom.

"Sorry sorry it really was an accident. But even if you did get hit I'm sure you could've handled it. After all I heard from Ryu that you were able to survive one of his famous punches straight to the face!" he started laughing while wrapping his arm around your shoulders bringing you closer to his side. You were then pulled from his side as Chrom was holding you yet again by the shoulders staring into your eyes with shock.

"You were what!?" Chrom said.

"Hey Hey Hey I wasn't done chatting with (Y/n). So... who would you say is better? Me or my buddy Ryu?" he said whispering it to you. Chrom went to pull on your arm but Ken kept his hold on one of your arms.

"Excuse me for interrupting but your 'buddy' punched her in the face!" Chrom said trying to pull you back to him but Ken pulled back with just as much force making you the rope in their tug of war.

"Of course he did! His class is brawler after all! I would appreciate it if you didn't speak ill of Ryu's name." Ken said, his voice growing deeper and his eyes gaining a fiery glint once again.

"That's not the point Ken, Ryu is more powerful than (Y/n). She couldn't even dodge that attack just now!" Chrom said pulling your arm more.

"She may not be able to fight that well but at least she has a good defense!" Ken said pulling your arm back.

At this point it was starting to hurt. The arm pulling hurt but not as much as their words. Yes, you weren't the strongest. Yes, you're just some human from the real world. Yes, you did have feelings. And it hurt.

Joker and the others stood there staring, Ken and Chrom had gained a crowd but no one dared had the courage to stop them. Isabelle had a sad look on her face, little tears prickling at the edge of her eyes as she also felt the words Chrom and Ken were speaking were aimed at her too. Piranha Plant stood there in his pot with an angry look at well, he bared his teeth and growled at the two pulling at your arms.

Joker however stared at your sad form with your head down. He understood. People saw him as weak and nothing special too. But people can change. He obtained powers beyond his wildest imagination and became powerful. If what he read in the letter was true, it was only a matter of time before you found your true potential. At that moment he decided he'd stand by your side and support you through your changes. He hoped he'd help you change once you obtained your powers, he was grateful he met morgana who taught him the ropes.

He closed his eyes and called upon his persona. Arsene, his persona, loomed over him as a dark mysterious aura surrounded him. His tall figure casted a shadow over the three of you making Chrom and Ken stop argumenting immediately. Once Joker saw both their arms loosen their grip he commanded Arsene to cast Eiha on the both of them causing them both to get cursed for a few seconds.

Once you were out of their grasps Joker dashed forward and wrapped his arms around you whispering to you, "It's okay. We all start out as beginners. I know that by the end of today, the others will see your true potential. Just know that I understand you and hmm... I'll always be here if you need me." he finished. You looked up at with wide eyes, blushing and feeling a hundred times better. realizing what he said might have sounded too forward he corrected himself, "What I meant to say was! If you need help with training I'll be around." he finished awkwardly but he made you laugh.

You felt a soft furry pat on your leg and looked down to see Isabelle holding up a flower for you. You took the flower and said your thanks before kissing the top of her head, that seemed to make her happy.

Realizing you've stayed for far too long you made the others gather around, aside from Chrom and Ken who were still on the floor recovering. "I'm afraid I have to go now. They need me in the kitchen otherwise they'll burn the mansion down. I'm putting Joker in charge in the meantime. I'll see the rest of you later today." you said your goodbye's and started heading back to the mansion to help Ganondorf and Marth.

When you made it to the kitchen you saw it in a terrible state, the walls and ceiling were covered in food and the floor had many spills varying in different colors like a rainbow. In the middle of the mess stood Marth and Ganondorf, both covered in batter, staring each other down. Just as they were about to throw a handful of food at each other you yelled at them to stop.

Marth looked over at you and said happily, "(Y/n)! You're here-!"

"It was Marth!" Ganondorf said pointing a large finger towards the blue haired male making you look at him dumbly.

Needless to say, Ganondorf was back in the closet.


Once it was time for the event to start, all the smashers headed to the teleporter to the floating platform as Master and Crazy Hand made their way to the gym to gather the new comers. The strange thing was that when they went to gather them they were surprised to see Isabelle and Piranha Plant jumping on the unconscious bodies of Ken and Chrom as Joker sat off to the side giving them both a thumbs up.

When you left, Isabelle and Piranha Plant decided to show Ken and Chrom how strong 'weak' smashers can be. Since you put Joker in charge, he allowed it and even watched the match cheering the both of them on. This resulted in him getting a flower from Isabelle as a 'thanks' for cheering her on.

After the Hands removed Isabelle and Piranha Plant from the smashers back they continued to bring them to platform. Once they brought them to the platform they flew off to the side and discussed the situation with you choosing your powers. They had to get their powers ready to erase the smasher's memories just in case she chose wrong.

Yet, there was one little smasher not willing to let you choose wrong, he'd make absolute sure you chose right. While you were in the gym he was preparing his master plan and was already in position. All he had to do was wait for the right moment.


The event went by smoothly as you and your co-host, Bayonetta, did a flawless and dare you say magnificent job at announcing the new comers. As you both announced the last smasher Master and Crazy Hand flew to the platform and made an announcement to everyone. That was your que to leave the booth with Bayonetta as you waited for them to call your name to choose your power.

While you were eagerly waiting, the little smasher stood on top of the booth with an item in hand ready to strike. You were finally called up to the stage as everyone cheered for you. The Hands clenched their hands and opened their palms to reveal two orbs.

"You have a choice, do you choose the shining and intense power of Light?" Master Hand stated,

"Or the embodiment of chaos, the power of Darkness?" Crazy Hand stated.

You stood a few feet away, staring at the two floating, glowing orbs thinking carefully. Joker and Isabelle stared at you with determination in their eyes. Ken and Chrom stood there with shock clearly written on their faces as they came to realize their mistakes and felt regretful. The other stared at you curiously feeling deja vu as they watched with anticipation.

Everyone's heart seemed to stop as they saw you take a step forwards.

You finally decided which orb to touch.

But, just before you could get close enough to touch the one you wanted a banana peel was thrown in front of you causing you to slip forward. Your put your hands out in front of you to catch your fall but your fingers touched both the orbs as you body made contact with the floor. You absorbed both light and darkness. The overwhelming feeling of darkness and light flowing through your body caused you to pass out on the spot as your body switched from glowing to darkening. The Hands floated around you in a panic.

"She touched both orbs? Oh no she failed. Get ready brother we have to erase everyone's-" Master Hand started before he was stopped by his brother.

"Wait brother look. Galeem and Dharkon aren't rejecting her." Crazy Hand said. The glowing and darkening of your body seemed to stop as your breathing calmed.

You officially had new powers. The little smasher's plan worked. The portal to your world didn't open right after you chose your powers and the orbs were absorbed! Although he was a little worried you passes out. He'd have to visit you later once you were awake.


Later that day, you were brought back to the mansion resting in your room with Lucario and Mewtwo guarding your door preventing others from letting you in. Master and Crazy Hand were in their office discussing today's events and writing a letter to their creator. While, the others were trying to get past Lucario and Mewtwo the little smasher was smarter and decided to climb through your window. Once they made it inside they trotted their way over to your bed and sat on your belly patting your face to wake you up.

You woke up and saw Kirby sitting on your stomach smiling down at you in glee. Kirby started to dance, still on top of you, as you giggled at him confused as to why he was so happy. "Kirby what are you doing?" you said jokingly.

"I'm celebrating!" said a soft yet cute, happy voice. You widened your eyes in shock as you stared at Kirby.

"Did you just talk?"

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