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Five years later.

"Time for dinner!" I yelled out the door in a rush to get back to finishing the food. I was making garden salad and fish filets for diner.

I finished setting the table and walked outside again.

"Saro! Time for dinner!" I called out loudly while standing in the garden. The flowers were in full bloom and the butterflies and bees were all doing their last rounds before sunset.

I was about to call out again when he came running around the corner.

"Little five-year-old boys should eat their dinner to get big and strong." I told the very dirty Saro standing in front of me. His blond hair was a mess and the dirt stuck to his eyelashes around his big hazel eyes.

"I'm sorry Mommy. I was chasing butterflies and running around with Rufus." He said and pointed to our golden retriever that decided to join us.

I knelt so I could be his height and have him a tight hug. My shirt was stained with mud when we released each other and he ran inside.

We finished eating our food and Saro took a quick shower before he climbed into his bed. He covered himself with his George of the Jungle themed blanket and waited excitedly for me to come and read him his bedtime story.

"Are you comfy?" I asked and stroke my fingers over his cheek.

"Yes Mommy." He said with a big smile on his face.

"Once upon a time there was an island somewhere far away in the ocean. It was a beautiful island with a lot of different plants and animals. On this island lived a hero. He had a monkey for a sidekick named Chance who always sat on his shoulder, ready for action. This hero's name was.." I started before Saro interrupted me.

"Alvaro!" Saro yelled out, knowing the story by heart already.

"Yes, that's right. The Legend of Alvaro. Not everybody believed that he is on the island but a few, only these with a very big heart knew he existed." I continued telling him.

"I believe he exist, Mommy. When I grow up one day I want to be just like him." Saro said and his face glowed up.

"You are already just like him, Love. I promise that when you are a bit older I will take you to him." I told the little excited face in front of me.

"My life will be fulfilled when I meet my hero." He replied and rolled on his side and closed his eyes.

"It sure will, and he will love you just as much as I love you.." I whispered softly to Saro, already fast asleep before I gently kissed him on the forehead and walked away to switch of the light.

I stared at him sleeping for a few seconds before I switched off the light. I was so thankful for the reminder he was to what I once had. 

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