Chapter 25 - Fading

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I went back inside the house and started cleaning the leaves on the floor that blew inside during the night and made our bed.

I got a pounding headache and decided to lie down for a while until Alvaro returns.

"Love, are you all right?" I heard Alvaro say, trying to wake me up.

I blinked my eyes a few times to wake up from the deep sleep. I saw Alvaro's face and a few inches away I saw Chance sitting happily on his bare shoulder.

Pain shot through my whole body as I sat upright.

"You have a fever. I will get some medicine." Alvaro said after placing his hand on my forehead.

"No, I will be fine. It's probably just the flu." I said and stood up.

I got light-headed and sat down again on the bed. Alvaro grabbed me by the arm to keep me from falling over.

"Maybe I should lie down for a while." I said softly while my head was still spinning terribly.

"I'm going to get the medicine plant. I won't be long." I heard him say just before leaving me.

I could feel that this wasn't a light fever. I had no energy and couldn't keep my eyes open. I wanted Alvaro to be with me. I lay still listening to the birds chirping outside.

A while later Alvaro returned. He gave me a bitter paste and I swallowed it quickly.

"May I have some water, please?" I asked him and opened my eyes. They burned from the fever still burning up my body.

He brought me water in a bowl and I sat upright and drank it. He had a worried look on his face.

"Don't worry Love, I will do everything to make you better." He said and stroked my hair with his hand.

The days passed and I fell more and more ill. Alvaro gave me medicine every day , which slowed my illness but didn't cure it. My body got weaker each day and after a week of not being able to do anything, just concentrating on my breathing, I realized that if I didn't get any medical care, I will die.

"We.. have to get.. to a hospital.." I struggled to say to Alvaro sitting protectively at the end of my bed.

"We can't, we just can't. I will get you more medicine and give you a stronger dose..." Alvaro started before I interrupted him.

"I am dying." I managed to get out, while my throat hurt like hell. Every time I swallowed it felt like a dozen rocks going down my throat at once.

Alvaro looked at me with tears in his eyes. He hit his fist on the floor with all his force. Chance jumped from his shoulder and ran behind me to hide from the sudden anger.

I closed my eyes again and heard him leave the room.

I took every single bit of energy that was left in me and crawled over to where the radio was hidden under a blanket. I switched it on and a few yellow lights appeared. I heard a white noise and fell flat on the hard floor, before I could continue anything.

"Come in, Come in, Over." A voice said clearly over the radio.

"We have an unknown location, can you hear me? Over." The voice said again.

The tears streamed from my face and I could feel I was busy losing consciousness.

I heard Alvaro enter the room and quickly ran over to where I was lying.

"No, No, No, No. Please, No." He said over and over and I heard him switch off the radio.

He picked me up in a swift motion and carried me to the bed again. He sat on the bed and held me in his arms while rocking me back and forth, whispering while crying that everything will be all right and that he will look after me.

Alvaro's wet tears against my skin and his soft voice reassuring me was the last thing I heard and felt before I fell into a coma.

I was awake in my head but couldn't speak or hear or see anything around me. I felt like I was dreaming. The time I was on the island played off in my mind.

I lay on the beach in a white dress. I was clean and well groomed. I saw a person walking towards me but I couldn't recognize his face because the sun was shining directly behind him. Two big muscular arms picked me. I saw Alvaro's eyes, it felt like the first time that I saw them, the peace and calmness in his hazel eyes. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. His lips left my skin feeling soothed. He carried me into the jungle to the waterfall and walked inside the water. I could feel my dress getting soaked inch by inch as we walked deeper into the water until only our heads was above the surface. We sunk slowly until we were completely under water. He let go of my body and we slowly drifted apart. He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him and kissed me on my lips. The water wasn't cold or warm. We were only floating gently.

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