Chapter 14 - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

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"Ready to hold on again?" He asked me over his shoulder and I threw my arms around him again, holding him tight.

Alvaro slowed the horse down and steered her towards the waterfall. I realize that I was stroking his abdomen muscles and quickly moved my hands to his sides.

He got off and caught me around the waist and gently set me down on the ground next to him. He stared into my eyes with his hands still on my hips for a few seconds before I broke eye contact and took a step back.

"Good Girl." He said and turned towards the horse to rub her muzzle while looking into her big brown eyes. I could see the love and affection he had for these animals.

"Wow that was beyond amazing!" I said while smiling widely as the herd walked off into the bushes.

Alvaro's face lit up while he looked at me.

"So you didn't have any friends growing up? You never had a girlfriend?" I asked Alvaro while grabbing my underwear where I left it before we started walking back to the treehouse.

"Well, the girl that sat next to me in second grade said she would hold my hand if I give her my watch and I did, so if that's not having a girlfriend, I don't know what is." He said jokingly and I burst out laughing at his joke.

"So you are still a ..." I asked curiously, hoping he won't be too embarrassed to talk about it if he even knew what I meant.

"You are asking if I've ever had sex." He asked me without any hesitations.

I nodded shyly and looked down at the ground.

"I haven't but, I have seen a lot of it." He said confidently.

I quickly glanced over to him, my eyes wide with surprise from his statement.

"Well the horses do it and the monkeys as well." He replied to my shocked face.

I laughed as I enjoyed his sense of humor. He had a special look in his eyes every time I laughed at one of his jokes.

We arrived at the tree-house and I climbed up the stairs first while Alvaro followed me to the top.

"I want to show you something else later but first we have to cook the fish. I grabbed the bowl with mussels and fish and followed him to the ground again. He made a fire in a previously used pit with only a stick and some dry leaves. We cleaned the fish and mussels with water and brushed of the scales with a rock. He placed the mussels on a rock really close to the fire and he impaled the fish with a steel rod and laid them over the fire.

"I'm really glad you ended up here. I'm glad it's not anybody else." Alvaro informed me for the second time. I just smiled at him. The fire reflected in his bright eyes that glowed in the night sky. I felt so peaceful with him. I had almost forgot that I was stranded and that I had a life back home in the United States.

"I have never been so relaxed in my life." I said to him. My soul was happy and excited for the first time since I could remember.

We broke off pieces of fish from the rod and ate it. We divided the mussels between us and he gave the extra one to me. It tasted like the ocean but I kind of liked the taste.

We sat for a few minutes before he stood up and invited me to come with him to see something magical. He took my hand and led me into the jungle. I got butterflies in my stomach from his touch. The warmth of his hands made mine sweat but I didn't mind.

We walked all along the stream until we came to where it flowed into the ocean. He climbed onto a big rock and helped me up as well. There was a cave under the rock which we went into. It was dark inside with only the moonlight shining onto the water. He knelt and signaled me to get down as well and keep quiet.

"Look there." Alvaro said softly and pointed to something in the water. I looked closer and saw a tiny seahorse swimming towards us and was soon followed by a dozen more. Each one was a different color and size. They looked so gracefully swimming around. I looked up at Alvaro to find him already staring at me.

"You have shown me more in these few weeks than I have ever experienced in my entire life. Thank you for everything, Alvaro." I said and felt really emotional. I had a blast with him.

He gave a smile of appreciation just before he came closer to me until his face was inches away from mine. I could feel his nervous breath on me. My hearts started racing and I concentrated on my breathing. Our lips finally touched gently, like the sunset sinking into the ocean every afternoon. He pulled his face away from mine after a few seconds. I realized that this was probably the first romantic kiss he ever had with a woman. He expressed his relief in a quick breath. I could see that he was nervous.

"Let's go back home." He said and got up onto his feet. He offered his hand and I grabbed it to pull myself up. I took one last glance at the seahorses before we climbed out of the cave and walked home.  

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