Untitled Part 9 - Is this the end?

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Samantha's POV

I opened my eyes. I felt like that time I woke up from anesthesia when they took out my tonsils. I remembered it like yesterday. I can't remember that I fell asleep but then it all hit me at once. I've been thrown overboard and I died. Did I die?

I sat upright . The sun on my skin felt like I am standing next to a big fire. I was on a beach with white sand and behind me was really tall trees. I doubt that I fell over board but my ruined dress and no shoes confirmed it.

I stood up but fell back down again from an intense pain throughout my whole body. My muscles were so sore from all the paddling and struggling to keep from drowning. How did I not drown? I stood up slowly and walked until my muscle aches faded. The sand felt really hot and cold under my feet at the same time.

I walked down the beach until I came to really big rocks and couldn't pass without climbing over them so I turned around and walked back from where I woke up. I walked pass my silhouette lying in the ground until I came to another small mountain.

There was nobody on the beach or anywhere in the water as far as I could see. I should have never came on this stupid cruise. Did I really think I could go somewhere or do something without everything going wrong? I was stranded. I fell onto my knees from frustration. My dress was still wet and the coldness touching my feet caused me to jump up again. I didn't want to scream because I was scared the wrong people will hear me. Deep down I knew there was nobody with me but I was still really afraid.

I walked around on the beach for a few more hours before I finally started calling out for help. After every cry I listened if somebody might answer me but all I heard was the waves crashing softly onto the beach. My stomach ached and I realized it was from hunger. I threw my body onto the sand and started sobbing uncontrollable, while the thirsty sun baked sand drank my tears the instant they fell. Maybe Cynthia will realize that I'm missing and they will come look for me.

I hate to feel this way but I had to admit to myself that nobody will miss me except my mother. The company that I work for will have somebody before I'm in my grave. This is why it had happen to me, because I will be least missed of all the people on the ship. I don't even know why I survived and not drowned before I washed ashore. After forcing myself on my feet and started walking again, I found a few coconuts lying next to a tree. It was enough for me to feed from for a few days but I have to make a plan soon to start catching fish. I hated the idea of catching my own fish and killing them with my bear hands but it was the only solution to prevent starvation. After hours and hours of sitting on the beach staring at the waves going to and fro, I went to sleep under a big leaf, that I found, to protect me from the cold evening breeze.

I woke up the next morning. The first thing I heard was the waves still coming and going strong like the night before, too scared to open my eyes and realize I wasn't dreaming. The mosquitoes had bit my ankles that wasn't covered under the leaf. My legs was covered in a hundred red bumps. I sat upright to scratch the red marks on my feet and legs. The days got longer and I grew more tired everyday because I didn't have any clean water and the only nutrition I got was from the coconuts. My body started building up a fever and everything ached.

It felt like I was falling into a deep lonely pit. Nothing or no one mattered anymore. I was going to die on this island, alone. My thoughts were bleak and cold. I never had a happy ending or a legacy to die from. I never had the chance to have a family or children. I will die and be forgotten in a few years and never be talked about again.

I knew I had to go into the jungle. A very small piece inside me was still fighting and hoping. It was my only chance left of survival. It was just before sunset when I had enough courage to go through the thick jungle wall and into the wilderness. I found a gap in the trees and squeezed through. I placed every step very carefully because I knew I had to get my way back again before darkness.

I walked deeper and deeper and the air got cooler as the shade of the trees covered every piece of ground. I heard something high up in the trees then in the bushes right behind me. I knew these woods could be filled with snakes, scorpions, poisonous plants and so many other species that could kill me instantly. 'Snap' I heard a branch break behind me. Something might be following me. It's getting dark and I still haven't found anything safe to eat. I walked faster when I heard the bushes and trees creak louder behind me. The evening breeze folded around me like a cold sheet. There was no path of any sort so I stepped on the smallest plants to avoid snakes and thorns. The sap of the plants had a strong smell as it crunched under my bare feet. The sound of the trees creaking grew louder and closer until it was just behind me. I am sure now that something is following me. I jumped over a small stream as I run faster but slipped on a wet stone and fell backwards into the water. The Ice cold water soaked my clothes. I looked up into the open sky and saw the moon hanging over me like a sad farewell of my life.I pushed my body up with both my hands but slipped again and fell on both my knees. The trees creaked loudly and incessantly. I buried my head between my knees and covered it with my arms, whatever chased me had to kill me now and I prayed for it to be quick.

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