Chapter 13 - To have the ability to fly

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"So, I have already seen most of you, anything else I need to know about you?" Alvaro asked on the way home while chuckling.

"Ha- Ha, very funny. No, I have no dark secrets anymore. I've lived a rather boring life back home. Everything that will go wrong shall go wrong in my life, like you know, getting stranded on a deserted Island." I said sarcastically.

"It can't be that bad. Imagine being alone for more that ten years on a deserted island." He said and giggled which showed that it doesn't bother him at all.

"I guess I am guilty. I always think I'm the only one with problems but in real life there are people with problems far worse than mine." I said out loud and though deeply about it.

"I'm so glad you came here. Everything have changed for me since you came." He said and smiled with peace in his eyes.

"Woah, I didn't come here, I was put here. " I said and laughed. I started feeling more relaxed in his presence.

"I want to show you something!" Alvaro said and smiled before checking where the sun was. I looked at the sun as well but couldn't see what he saw and frowned.

"I'm looking at the sun to see what time it is. They are usually at the waterfall by this time." He said and grabbed my hand to take me with him.

"Who are they?" I asked him curiously. He didn't answer, just walked on.

He stopped before we got to the pond and pulled me behind a bush.

"Who are we looking f..." I said before he interrupted me by put his finger on my lips to keep me quiet. We sat in silence for a few minutes before I heard the bushes rattle a few meters away. I lifted my body a bit to prepared myself to run because I was certain that it was the tiger Alvaro told me about earlier. He pulled my arm towards the ground with a smile on his face which made me relax a little.

There came a herd of horses out of the bushes to the water. There were four big horses and one foal. They were so beautiful and in great condition. They finished drinking water and Alvaro gently walked out of the bushes towards them. The big horses looked up at him when they first saw him and just continued grazing. He was almost by them when the foal noticed him for the first time. He got the fright of his life which caused all the horses to flee. They came back slowly when they realized there was no actual danger. He stood still until the big black mare came to sniff him. He lifted his hand and rubbed her muzzle. He signaled me to come closer. I stood up slowly and walked over to him. My heart raced as I gently stroked the animal's fur. They stood still as he gave them affection.

"Get on." Alvaro said and pointed towards the horse's back.

"No way, last time I was on top of a horse's back was when I was six years old, and it was a pony on a lead." I said and looked at him in surprise.

"I promise you nothing will happen. I've ridden them so much and they are really gentle with people." He said and gave me a smile.

I had a nervous look on my face and my heart raced.

"Trust me, please." Alvaro said and looked into my eyes. I did trust him, with everything inside of me.

I nodded and he grabbed my leg and lifted me onto her back.

"Steady, Girl." He said to the horse and grabbed her mane when I was on her back.

"Hold on to her mane and keep your knees pinched." He said and gave me the piece of the mane that he held in his hand.

He left me and walked around to a chestnut mare and quickly jumped on her back.

"Just hold on. They will follow me. Do not let go and watch your head!" He said as his horse walked off into the woods.

I held on tightly onto her mane. They walked in a row following each other's every move. We walked onto the beach again and they changed positions to walk next to each other.

"I'm going to let them gallop. Hold on tight. Are you ready?" Alvaro asked when he came next to me.

"I'm scared. What if I fall off?" I asked in a state of panic.

"I'll ride with you." He said and steered his horse closer to mine. He told me to move backwards and I did. He grabbed my horse's mane and pulled her closer to him so he could climb over. I held on to him tightly while he took control of the horse.

"Ready?" he asked and I nodded while burying my face into his back. I could feel his abs flex with every stride the horse took.

He kicked the horse by the sides and all the horses immediately went into a gallop. It was the most thrilling feeling in the world as we went faster and faster. I saw the other horses keep up with the ocean flashing by. I threw my arms out and yelled. I've never had so much fun in my entire life. I felt free and invincible. 

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