Chapter 24 - It all started when my mom met my dad

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"My mom and dad met when they were both teenagers. They grew up in the same small town and were very poor. My dad then met a man that changed their lives forever. He started working for the man and worked himself up until he was in the same position. The company folded and the man my father had worked with disappeared. Everybody that had invested in the business went after my father and wanted to kill him and his family. There was no money left which meant he couldn't pay everyone back." Alvaro told me without looking up from his hands once.

"They came to our house and broke and stole everything they could find. My father locked us in the basement for days. The one day he went out to get food and some of the men came inside the house and tried to kidnap me until my father pay back the money, but he managed to stop them before they could take me away. He took the last of his money and bought the plane before he flew us out the night after." He continued the story and I felt my heart swell from sadness.

My mind searched for words, but I couldn't find anything to say. I had nothing that I could relate to this dark time in their family's life. I took his hand which was still nervously fiddling with the other one, and held it tight. He took his other hand and brought my head closer to his and kissed me on my forehead.

"The first few weeks on the island were hell. My dad had fallen into a deep depression and the guilt of failing his family kept him awake at night. We barely spoke until one day we were working in the garden. My mother couldn't take it anymore and picked a big ripe tomato and threw my father behind his head. He angrily swung around and stood still for a few seconds before he picked a tomato as well and threw my mother on her forehead, soaking her hair in red juice. They both started laughing and I joined in. After that day we were a family again and had the time of our lives." He said and a smile spread across his face.

"You are truly an inspiration. There should be books written about your life." I said to him.

"I didn't do anything?" He said and frown surprisingly at me.

"You survive. You are living. You are living your life without worrying about financial problems or a day job that steals away half of your life. You are experiencing the purest way of life. I was miserable back home. I was working for someone who didn't approve of me and I was depending on my work because I had to pay all my expenses that I will never need on this island." I told him and realized that I was wasting my life away.

I was miserable because I was chasing the idea of a perfect life, having a perfect job, no debt, the perfect car and got depressed when things didn't work out the way I hoped for.

The sky filled with clouds and a strong wind came up. Alvaro stood up and held out his hand to me. I took it and pulled myself up before we went into the house just in time before it started raining. I picked up Chance while Alvaro closed everything he could to try and keep the house as dry as possible. We ran into the bedroom and got into our bed, while Chance was clinging onto me , still fast asleep.

We were safe and cuddled up together while the storm outside washed everything clean.

I woke up the morning after to the smell of rain. The sun was already out but it was still raining very slightly. Alvaro was still sound asleep next to me with Chance cuddled up against his chest. I stared at the sight of them and wished for the world to stop so I could cherish this forever. I stood up silently, trying hard not to wake one of them but Alvaro's eyes opened up the moment I was on my feet. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me down again. I took Chance in my arms as he pulled me closer and closer to him until I was lying tight against his body with his warm legs entwined with mine.

"Just a few more minutes." Alvaro whispered with a sleepy voice in my ear.

"We can't do anything anyways because it's still raining and everything is wet." I whispered back to him.

Alvaro had fallen asleep again and I listened to the rain falling gently on the roof. I had peace in my heart and mind, this was the best feeling in the world, I thought. We lay like that for almost the whole morning until the rain eventually stopped. Alvaro got up and I picked up Chance and we walked outside. Once we were on the ground I set him down so he could do his business and walk around for a bit. He has been sleeping since we have found him, probably from the tension of being alone.

Alvaro brought him a few pieces of fruit and he gladly took them from his hand and started eating them.

"I want to take a bath. Do you want to join me?" He asked and took my hand.

"No it's way too cold." I said and my body shivered only thinking of the water against my skin.

"Fine. I'm quickly going to." He said and started walking into the jungle.

"Please be safe and watch out for Valencia!" I yelled after him. Chance jumped at the sudden change of tone in my voice and I picked him up and hugged him against my chest. He was so warm and it made me miss my dogs at home. I wondered if my mother and Cynthia had given up searching for me. 

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