Chapter 2 - Night before my Vacation.

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I had set out everything that I was going to wear on my bed the night before. I quickly washed and dried my hair before putting on my black dress. My hair curled naturally so I never bothered styling it otherwise.

After applying my make-up, I put on my shoes and walked to the car again. It felt strange driving to my workplace at this time of the evening.

I parked outside where the clients usually park and switched off the car. I have social anxiety, which so it was torture going to social events and even more when I had to go alone. Unfortunately my boss said we may only bring our partner and not a family member. I am one of the very few that isn't in a relationship.

Another car pulled up next to me. Rica climbed out of the passenger side of the car and waved at me before her date took her hand and they walked inside together. I had to go in now otherwise she would be wondering why I'm sitting in my car for so long. I grabbed my purse on the seat next to me before I climbed out of the car and walked to the front door. Before I opened the door I looked at my reflection in the windows. I looked good in the long black dress which complimented my blond hair.

I opened the door and stepped inside the building. The office was decorated with flowers and fairy-lights. There were a lot of people already present.

I walked over to the snacks table in the corner where only three people stood, including Rica and her date. She looked at me front head to toe as I took a sandwich from the table and stuffed it in my mouth, catching the crumbs in my hand as it fell. I noticed that I was the only one with a dress that covered my cleavage and legs. All the other women had on very revealing outfits and very high heels. I had on very low wedges because I could never manage to walk in any higher heels.

"Good evening everyone! I want to start by saying welcome to each of you that could make it tonight." Our boss, Richard, said while standing on a platform that was set up a bit higher than the floor. Everybody stood with champagne glasses so I grabbed myself one from the table as well.

Everybody clapped their hands before he continued.

"I won't have a long speech because I know everyone wants to enjoy the party but just before we continue I want to reveal the secret that the whole office is waiting anxiously for." He said.

"Finally!" Rica said loudly and twisted her bright red hair around her finger while crowd laughed at her remark, including Richard.

I rolled my eyes at her self-consciousness. She isn't very pretty but she has amazing long legs and her boyfriend is very rich so she always have expensive clothes and accessories. The men always checked her out while being in the office and she knew they were interested in her.

"Without further ado. .." He said and I felt a bit of excitement running down my spine. I nervously fixed my dress and wiped my bangs out of my face.

"I'm proud to present.. Miss Bridgette Montgomery. She will be joining us in two weeks when we open again." He said and a tall blond woman stepped onto the platform with him. She had on a green mini dress and very high heels. Her makeup was really bold and she had perfect white teeth. Richard kissed her on the cheek which drove the men in the crowd into a frenzy of sarcastic wolf whistling.

My face fell instantly and I could feel tears threaten my eyes. They stepped down from the platform and everybody started to mingle again. I sat the champagne glass down on the table and made my way to the bathroom to avoid crying in front of everybody. I saw the sign that read 'Ladies' steps away when Richard and Bridgette appeared in front of me, blocking my way.

"Bridgette, Samantha will do your printing. You will just send everything to her and she will take care of it." Richard said while looking in her direction. I didn't say anything, just prayed they would move so I could get to the bathroom before my face floods with tears or I throw up in front of everybody.

"Excuse me." I said to them and tried stepping out of their way . Richard grabbed my upper-arm lightly and leaned towards me before I could manage to get past them.

"Listen Samantha. Everybody in the office is complaining because you don't dress up to standard. A lady should not wear jeans to work. Nobody is going to take you seriously." He said and I saw Bridgette eyeing me. Richard walked pass me before I could say anything.

"Don't worry Honey, I will fix this quickly." Bridgette said and gave me a fake smile.

I was so embarrassed. I quickly walked past her while focusing on the ground until I got inside the bathroom and could close the door behind me just in time before I burst out in tears. I pushed my back against the door and slid down until I sat on the ground.

I just wanted to go home. I don't like these people and they are too full of themselves. I have been working for five years without any improvement on my salary and now Richard hires a woman and tell her in front of me that I will be doing her work for her . This is one of the worst nights of my life, sitting on a dirty bathroom floor wishing I could run away from my current life. I know they will replace me in a blink of an eye. It's a jungle out there. If you don't enforce respect then everyone will use you as a doormat and walk over you every time they get the chance.

I stood up after a few minutes of sobbing and walked over to the big mirror mounted on the wall. The black mascara ran from my eyes all the way down to my chin. I hugged myself as the pain shot through my body once more. I didn't want to think that anything is wrong with me but maybe they were right. I dust myself off before leaving the bathroom to where everyone was gathered.

I stayed only till the first person left then drove home. I cried on my way home again and gave myself a pep talk before I reached my mother's house. I didn't want her to see my like this or ask questions about what had happen. All the lights were off when I entered the house. I walked on my toes to her spare bedroom and climbed into the bed.

I cried myself to sleep, wishing that I would never had to go back to that awful company.

Legend of Alvaro #featuredOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora