Chapter 32 - Making sense of everything

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The light shone through the bindings in front of the window. I quickly opened my eyes as I realized what had happened. I was in the hospital room, once again. I sighed loudly.

Not again! I really thought that I was free from this dull place.

"Good morning Samantha." The doctor said as he entered the room and saw me awake. I was on a first name base with the hospital staff.

"How are you feeling?" He said with a smile but I could sense a bit of concern in his expression.

"I fine, honestly." I said and sat upright in my bed.

"We performed blood and urine tests to determine if there were any after effects of the disease. We found that you have anemia which can be treated and one of the reasons you fainted. We also picked up that you are pregnant." The doctor said and folded his hands in front of him.

"Really? How long? Why didn't they pick it up sooner?" I asked, the news couldn't quite sink in.

"We can't determine exactly because the fetus could be underdeveloped because of the disease you had. The medical center didn't pick it up, I have no explanation for it." The doctor said.

I couldn't believe that a hospital could make a mistake so big that could be life threatening to me and the baby. My mother will sue them for this. Wow, pregnant, how could they not believe me about Alvaro being on the island with me. I am going to be a mother and its Alvaro's baby.

"We are going to give you enough supplements and vitamins and keep close watch on this pregnancy to try and prevent the baby being born premature but I can almost guarantee you that he will be born too early." The doctor continued to explain and left the room after giving me a prescription.

What am I going to tell my mother? I can't tell them it's Alvaro's because they will send me back to the loony bin. It's so ironic that they won't be able to determine exactly how long I'm pregnant, they will think it happened on the ship or even before we went on the ship.

My mother came to pick me up. I had to tell her what the doctor said.

"They said that I'm going to be fine and that I'm pregnant." I said after getting in the car with my mother and closing the door before she drove off.

Her eyes stretched twice its size and her slowly opened and closed her mouth a bunch of times without saying anything.

"Please say something." I begged her after a few minutes of silence.

"I'm glad for you. We will get through this." She said eventually in a calm tone. She didn't ask who the father was or when it happened or where.

The car came to a stop in front of my mother's house. I told her to give me a few minutes alone.

She nodded and walked up the steps and disappeared behind the front door. I walked in to the garden. I thought about Alvaro. I admitted to myself that I doubted his existence a few times while everybody told me I imagined him.

I rubbed my hand over my tummy. My heart felt warm for a moment. I am going to be a mother. The birds were singing and the sun shining and I had peace in my heart. I was excited.

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