Chapter 3 - Cynthia and I, on our way.

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I woke up the next morning a few minutes before my mother was suppose to wake me up. I turned onto my side and saw a glass of milk and a few cookies on a saucer. I lay staring at the white closet against the wall, thinking about the previous day's events.

Knock! Knock!

My mom thought I was still asleep and tried to wake me up by banging on the door.

I lay quiet with my eyes open when she opened the door.

"Oh, Good. You're awake." She said and sat on the edge of the bed. She was dressed in a bright pink gown, her hands wrapped around a cup of coffee.

I sat upright in bed to eat my cookies and drink my milk before getting up to get ready.

"The guy from the towing service brought you car not long after you left for the party. How was it by the way?." My mother asked then took a sip of her coffee.

"It was fine." I said and hoped that she doesn't ask any more questions.

She finished her coffee and left the room.

After brushing my teeth and combing my hair I walked to the living room where my mother was sitting on the couch watching TV.

"I'm quickly going home to fetch my suitcases and change clothes." I said before walking out the house to my car. The drive to my house felt like hours.

The gate opened immediately after I pressed the button on the remote and drove up to my front door. In a rush I unlocked the door and hurried to my room to pack and change because I didn't want to be late for our flight. My two dogs ran with me to the room probably thinking that I needed their assistance with the packing. I locked the house after checking their food and water and put my bags in the trunk of my car before driving back to my mother's house to pack everything over into the trunk of her car. We got in the car and my mom drove to my sister's work. She is a waitress at a little restaurant in the mall.

My mother parked the car in front of the mall's entrance and I saw my sister taking of her apron while running towards us, her blonde ponytail swaying left to right from the motion.

"You smell like cigarette smoke, Cynthia." My mother said when my younger sister got in the car and shut the door a bit harder than necessary.

"I'm sorry. It was a hectic morning shift and I chose to serve the smoking area because they tip better. It will make up for working only half my shift today." Cynthia said out of breath.

My mother drove to my sister's apartment and parked the car in front of her gate.

"I will be quick, you don't have to get out I will only grab my stuff." Cynthia said and quickly got out the car and ran up to her front door.

Cynthia is three years younger than me. I'm twenty-three and she is twenty years old. We look completely different maybe it was because we don't have the same father, but we had the same blond hair and blue eyes. We were both single at the moment. Me because I was too picky with who I choose and Cynthia have too much guy friends and doesn't want to commit to a relationship. She works long hours and her apartment is never tidy.

"I am going to miss you guys so much. This will be the first weekend that neither of you are with me." My mom said with pity on her face.

"It's only one weekend and besides, I have to leave my dogs alone as well." I said.

"They will be fine. I will pick them up after I drop you off and take them to the park." My mom said and rubbed the back of my hand that rested on my thigh.

Cynthia's front door slammed shut and me and my mom both looked up as she locked it.

She had on clean clothes and her hair was loose.

She loaded her suitcases in the trunk before getting into the car again.

My mother drove to the airport and walked me and Cynthia inside. We checked in our luggage and walked over to the waiting area. The voice over the intercom called all passengers boarding the flight to Mykonos to go through security. My mother gave us each a hug and she took out of her pocket two white bracelets.

"I saw them at the flea market last weekend and thought of you two." My mom said and put one of them around my arm and the other one around Cynthia's. It was braided from twine into a pattern of white flowers.

We left my mother in the seating area and walked through security. After all our hand luggage was checked, we walked out of the building towards the plane. We turned around and waved at our mother one last time before boarding.

I sat at the window on the first set of seats and Cynthia sat next to me. The flight attendant closed the door and gave us the safety and emergency tutorial then disappeared into the flight attendant's cabin.

"I'm so excited!" Cynthia said and tapped her feet as the plane took off from the ground.

"I am a bit nervous. This will be the first time that I am this far away from home." I replied to her excitement.

"Maybe you will meet a tall handsome tanned bodybuilder, just think. You and him lying on the deck and making love under the stars." She said and her eyes practically turned into little hearts as she daydreamed.

"Maybe you should do that. I will focus on myself and enjoy the vacation. Tanning on the deck while drinking cocktails and lying under the stars and drinking cocktails." I over exaggerated, because I almost never drink alcoholic drinks.

The flight was long. I watched a movie and eventually fell asleep. 

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