Chapter 27 - A different world

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Samantha's POV

My mind was awake but I could get myself so far to open my eyes. It was cold but at the same time I felt the warmest I have in the past few months. I tried to listen what was happening around me. I heard noises but couldn't make out what they were. I forced myself to open my eyes. My eyelids were really heavy but I took everything inside me to slowly open them. They closed a few times before I could successfully keep them open. I felt tired and my body ached. My vision was still blurry but it slowly focused, along with my hearing that got clearer. I saw white. It was an unfamiliar sight. I turned my head to the side and saw a window and just outside was a tree with a little bird sitting on a twig. I was inside a building.

Where am I? What happened and where is Alvaro?

"Al..varo? Alvaro!" I tried to yell but my voice was hoarse and it hurt when I spoke.

There was no answer or movement. I moved my legs but they were weak so I grabbed on to something and tried to pull myself up. My vision went blurry again and I felt a sharp pain in my left hand. I let go and fell on my back again, struggling to breath.

"Miss Perdita, Miss Perdita. Can you hear me?" I heard a voice said and I uncomfortably nodded my head.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" The feminine voice asked again.

I slowly opened my eyes again and tried to focus but my vision blurred too much.

"Alvaro!" I yelled again.

"Please be calm, you pulled out you IV. I'm just going to reattach it, Miss Perdita. The doctor will be here shortly." The voice said again and I could feel a cold hand on my left arm.

I waited until my head stopped spinning to open my eyes again. There came a man with a white jacket inside the room. I was in a hospital.

"Good day Miss Perdita. How are you feeling?" The man asked me.

"I'm thirsty. Where is Alvaro? Where am I?" I asked irritated because my throat burned from dryness.

"We will be able to give you water soon. Do you know what happened to you? Do you know who you are?" The man asked again.

"Yes, my name is Samantha and I was pushed overboard. Is Alvaro here? He was on the island with me." I asked again. A bit more irritated than before.

"There were no other people on the island with you, Miss. We have found the remains of an old airplane that had crashed there many years before but there were no survivors" The doctor said concerned.

"Alvaro was with me, he lived in a tree house and we had a baby monkey, named Chance." I explained to the man that stood emotionless in front of me. He just continued writing on his clipboard.

"Are you listening to me?" I yelled at him and it hurt my throat again.

"Miss Perdita. You were in a coma for longer than a week. We found you suffering from severe malaria. You might have been having hallucinations from the illness or even from loneliness. It is completely normal. You have been missing for a few months and it's a miracle that you are still alive. We will let you see a psychotherapist if you are strong enough to eat by yourself." The doctor explained to me.

"You don't understand. Alvaro was with me every day. We got married. You need to save him." I continued to beg the doctor when my mother and sister entered the room. My heart sunk and I felt emotional.

My mother's face was stained with mascara tear-marks. She quickly walked closer to me and gave me a gentle hug.

"Mom, I have missed you so much. I have so much news. I met a man and we.." I said before she interrupted me.

"Hush Baby. You need to rest and get better so you can come home." She said in an angelic voice and stroked my hair away from my forehead with tear filled eyes.

"I feel fine. I feel better than fine, I am truly happy for once in my life." I said and took her hand in mine.

A tear escaped her eye and she gave me a pitiful smile before she stood up and walked over to where the doctor was standing only a few steps away.

Cynthia came to me and gave me a hug.

"I'm so glad you are all right Sis, I was worried sick. We will come and visit you again tonight during visiting hours." She said and walked back to our mother before I could say anything.

My mother and the doctor were busy talking when Cynthia reached them. They were in my hearing range and didn't seem to try and talk so I won't hear the conversation.

"I can't say for sure if the patient will recover completely but the psychotherapist will do everything possible to get her back to normal." The doctor said to my mother and she nodded in understanding.

"You have to treat her the same as you did before she disappeared. Don't encourage any of the stories she tells you she claims happened to her after her disappearance." He continued telling my mother and sister.

"I understand. Thank you, doctor." My mother said after nodding one last time.

There are treating me as if I'm a child. They didn't care at all that I might be hearing their conversation. They think I'm crazy but they are the crazy ones. I decided to keep my news to myself. If they didn't care about what happened to me, there would be no use telling them my news, but I didn't care. I was happy being the only one knowing the truth.

My mother and Cynthia said goodbye to me and left after promising to come and visit again.

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