Chapter 5 - Give me a break!

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After half an hour the whole presentation was done and we could go and explore the boat and find our cabins. We walked to the lower deck and found the room number that matched the number on our tickets.

It was a spacious room with two single beds and a closet that stretched from the one wall to the other. I sat my suitcases on the ground and fell backwards onto the bed with my arms stretched out next to me. Cynthia threw her suitcase on the bed and unzipped it.

"Are we going dancing tonight?" Cynthia asked while holding a bikini top, that she took out of her suitcase, in front of her torso.

" Let me check whats on the program." I said and unfolded the pamphlet that we were given earlier.

"We have a buffet lunch at one o' clock. There is a snake performance at three o' clock. No thank you. Dinner at half past seven and a special evening with Adonis at eight till late." I read out loud to Cynthia.

"Let's go to the pool now and join the others with everything later, what do you say?" she asked already undressing to put on her swimsuit.

"Fine, but I have to eat lunch. I am starving." I said and got up to put on my swimsuit as well. I glanced at myself in the mirror in the bathroom before leaving the cabin. My new bikini was light blue with charms hanging in the middle of the top and on each side of my hips from the bottom.

I caught up to Cynthia a few steps away from the deck. The swimming pool was on the edge of the ship and it had a half moon shaped bar with a thatch grass roof around the top-side of the pool.

We found two open patio chairs and set down our towels. I lay down with my sunglasses over my eyes while Cynthia jumped into the pool. A shadow fell over my face and I took off my sunglasses to see what was blocking the sun.

"Devon!" Cynthia said surprised before I could get up to recognize the person standing in front of me, blocking my sun.

I sat up to see what Devon wants. He stood in only a pair of swimming shorts and sunglasses. He had a muscular and dark tanned body. Cynthia exit the pool rather quickly and came to stand beside him. She stared at his toned body in awe. He could see that she was head over heels for him and flexed his muscles even more every time she looked at him. I rolled my eyes and moved my towel to the chair beside me to get away from them blocking my sunlight and trying to avoid another episode of them flirting with each other.

I like good looking men but I am put off immediately when a guy has an ego. That is probably the reason why I am still single.

I looked at them through my sunglasses so they couldn't see me looking at them. Cynthia was touching his arm while talking as If she was sixteen years old and had a crush on the bad boy in school. I suddenly felt so mature against Cynthia.

Cynthia and I are so different. She is outgoing and irresponsible and I am an introvert and too scared to do anything because it might blow up in my face or cost me money. My mom always tell me that I must have friends and go out sometimes because I will miss being young when I'm old one day, but I'm always thinking about what people will think of me and I don't want to be judged.

Devon grabbed Cynthia's hand and walked with her towards the bar. I turned my head just a little so I could see what they were doing. The bartender disappeared under the counter just after Devon whispered something to him. He returned with a bottle of clear liquid and packed out four shooter glasses on the counter in front of them. He gave the bottle a good shake before pouring the shooter glasses full. Devon smacked a few bills on the counter and down two shots with Cynthia doing the same with the other two. I turned my head forward in the direction of the pool again. I wasn't going to let my sister and her scattered mind ruin my vacation.

The day went by and Cynthia came and went through out the day. We at least got to eat lunch at the buffet together before she disappeared again even though she didn't eat much. I got so annoyed every time she disappeared and left me alone by myself in a crowd of people. I said to myself that I am going to confront her this evening before the entertainment show.

I went back to our cabin after lunch by myself because Cynthia hasn't return yet. I turned on the radio and fell asleep on the bed.  

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