Chapter 28 - Trying to adapt

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A nurse brought me a plate with white porridge and dried out green beans. It looked disgusting so I called her back.

"Excuse me, Nurse! I'm terribly sorry for doing this but I can't eat this. Isn't there any raw fruit or vegetables for me to eat?" I asked her while handing her the plate back.

She nodded and took the plate before leaving the room.

She returned after a few minutes with a small bowl. She set it down on the bedside table and left without saying anything. I sat up and eagerly took the bowl from the bedside table. I was filled with pink yogurt.

I sighed loudly as I stared at the bowl in my hand. I was so hungry so I slowly ate the yogurt, trying to swallow without tasting.

I hated being in the hospital and wanted to be outside. I wanted to go back to Alvaro.

The morning after, a nurse waked me to give me coffee. I drank the coffee although it tasted different from the coffee I had on the island.

My first appointment with the psychotherapist was this morning. I laughed to myself as I thought of them trying to figure out what was wrong with me while they had trouble believing the truth.

The nurse helped me to get dressed because of the IV in my arm. She walked with me to another section in the building.

"You may go inside. Doctor Ellis is waiting for you." The nurse said and pointed to a door a few feet from us.

I grabbed my IV stand and entered the door.

There sat a man with grey hair behind a messy desk, writing something in a book in front of him.

He noticed me and excitedly jumped up to meet me at the door.

"Good day Miss Perdita. I am Doctor Ellis, you may call me Ellis." He said with a big amusing smile on his face.

I uncomfortable shook his hand. This whole hospital was a bit mental.

"Please come and sit." He said and led me to a couch standing on the other side of the room.

I sat down and he went to sit on an arm chair next to where I was sitting.

"How are you today?" He asked me while fiddling with the pen in his hand and tapping it on the pad on his lap.

"I'm feeling very good. I wish I could go outside because I hate being indoors for so long." I replied him.

"Listen Samantha. I'm going to try and make it as simple as possible for you. Everything that you thought happened on the island didn't. There were no other people with you. If you believe that you created all these things in your mind, the road to recovery will be so much easier." He said after leaning forward to look me in the face.

"With all due respect, Ellis, I know what happened on the island and I wish you could believe me because it was such a magical time for me." I replied him with a humble smile.

He wrote on the pad and turned his gaze back to me.

"Did you miss your home town? It must have been cold on the island?" He continued, completely ignoring my statement from before.

"I missed my mother and sister and my dogs but I would never exchange it for the time I had with Alvaro. He kept me warm and we had enough blankets." I replied him.

He wrote on the pad and suddenly stopped when I mentioned Alvaro's name.

He asked me a few other questions, not asking anything about Alvaro or the tree house we lived in.

"Thank you Samantha. I will see you again tomorrow. We will be having sessions every day of the week." He said after we were done and walked with me to the door. I shook his hand confidently and exited out of his office. The nurse from before waited outside for me. She walked me back to my room while I told her about Alvaro and my time on the island. She didn't reply, just nodded frequently and smiled at me every now and then.

"Call me if you need anything. Sleep tight." The nurse said after helping me into my hospital bed again. I gave her an appreciating smile before she left the room.

I lay staring out the window. It was so beautiful outside in the garden. I am going to ask my nurse if I could go outside tomorrow. I thought about Alvaro before falling asleep.

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