Chapter 31 - Free at last ?

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I picked up my bag, that my mom had brought me with enough clothes for a week, and threw it over my shoulder before walking out of the room into the corridor.

The lady at reception gave me a plastic bag filled with the belongings I had when I came to the hospital. My dress and the bracelet that my mother gave me was all that was inside.

"Are you ready to go?" I heard my mother's voice behind me.

I turned around and saw her and Cynthia approach me. I walked with them to the car in the parking lot.

I felt free for the first time again. I gladly inhaled the fresh air outside, I felt amazing. I didn't have any stress or anxiety like earlier, just thankful for the people in my life that I love. My mother turned on the radio as we drove home.

"It will be a rainy weekend with a good chance of thunderstorms." I smiled at the thought of a nice weekend with the smell of rain hanging in the air.

"I thought we could go and talk to Richard this week to ask if he would give you your old job back." My mom said while focusing on the road as she drove home.

"I'm not going to work there again, I have something else in mind." I said and could see my mother's face fell in disappointment.

"What are you going to do?" She asked and I could sense a bit of nervousness in her voice.

"I'm going to open a shelter for rehabilitating monkeys." I said as the idea suddenly came up.

"Are you crazy? Where will you find the money to do something like that?" She asked and laughed in disbelief.

"I will start small. It's what I want to do." I said and smiled at her as she glanced at me.

"They are looking for Devon. We opened a case of attempt to murder against him." My mother said, dismissing our conversation from before.

"It doesn't really matter to me if they catch him or not." I replied her.

"Did you turn into a complete pacifist, or went completely bonkers. He almost killed you!" Cynthia said in a state from the back seat.

"Cynthia!" My mother yelled and swung her head around to face my sister in the backseat.

Cynthia just lowered her head and then stared out the window.

I wondered how long this was going to last, everybody thinking that I'm crazy.

My mother pulled into her driveway and my two dogs ran up to the car as it stopped.

I jumped out and fell on my knees to hug them. They licked my face and waged their tails excited to see me.

My mother made me and Cynthia dinner while we watched television. I helped her to wash the vegetables and asked her to keep my food as raw as possible. She gave me a confused look but prepared it the way I asked.

After we ate and finished the movie, we went to bed. I was the first one to stand up and walked to my room. I got really nauseous as I reach the corridor to the rooms. Sweat started dripping from my forehead and my vision got blurry as I collapsed on the floor.

"Sam! Sammy." I could hear my mother yell at me before I lost consciousness. 

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