Chapter 6 - A few drinks

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I woke up to the door being slammed. I jumped up from the bed still half asleep. I blinked a few times until my eyes adjusted. The alarm clock on the bedside table showed that it was just past five in the afternoon.

"Cynthia?" I asked confused, blinking my eyes rapidly to try and focus.

"Yeah..." A very drunk and happy Cynthia replied me. Her skirt wasn't fitted properly and her hair was a mess. She looked awful.

"Where were you?" I asked now sitting on the edge of my bed.

"I bumped into Devon and we had a few drinks." She said casual as if she haven't seen him the whole day.

"Really Cynthia. Do you even know the guy? Do you even know if he has a wife?" I asked her, slowly losing my temper.

"Well... he's so sexy and he doesn't wear a wedding band and If he is married, too bad for his wife." She said and pouted.

"You could get pregnant and what If you pick up diseases from all this sleeping around?" I said louder than I intend to.

"You don't have to care about me! You have always been Mom's 'Miss Goody Two-shoes'!" Cynthia yelled back. Her face turned a bright crimson and I could see she was getting sober from all the anger.

"You don't do anything wrong and you have other ways of coping with your emotions. You run to mother and let her baby you until you feel better again and turn your back towards the world." She continued.

Her words hit me like a brick wall and it felt like the anxiety and sadness ate me from the inside.

Cynthia stood at the door after everything she have said to me. A tear roll from her left eye and I could see that she had held this pain in for quite some time.

"I have suppressed all my feelings into sleeping with guys while getting high. I bet you won't know the feeling. The rush of falling in love or chasing after a guy that only compliments you on your looks and make you feel like you are the most beautiful girl even tough, inside yourself you know he only say these things to get to sleep with you and after you've slept together you cut him loose and make sure you never see him again before he gets rid of you first.. You tell yourself that this is the lifestyle that makes you happy but after every time you have meaningless sex you feel disappointed in yourself and empty inside." She said and I could see the pain in her eyes. I couldn't get a word out and just sat there and stared at her.

"I just need some time away from you." Cynthia said before she walked out the door and shut it behind her. I felt so guilty about what had happened. I decided to give her some time before talking to her again. She will hopefully be completely sober by tonight and I will be able to make things right. I walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower before taking my clothes off and climbing under the soothing hot water. I washed my hair with the shampoo that was in the showers. A strong smell of Jasmine lingered on my body and hair afterwards. I dried myself and walked over to where my suitcase was standing next to my bed and opened it. The dress code for tonight is semi-formal so I decided on a red cocktail dress and medium height wedges. I had no idea where Cynthia was at this time. I shut the door behind me and walked to the deck where the entertainment will be. I found a seat in the second row on the edge and sat down. People came in one after the other all dressed in their evening wear. Adonis appeared on stage in a very colorful suit. The lights dimmed while there was a big spotlight focusing on him and the music got softer.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman. Our show for tonight will be divided into three parts. There will be a break of fifteen minutes in between each item. Please sit back, relax and enjoy the show!" Adonis said over the microphone and then walked off the stage

The spotlight vanished and when it reappeared therewas three women in very flashy outfits. They climbed up ropes that hang fromthe ceiling. It was like a type of circus act. Cynthia came out from behind thestage area from the direction of the rooms and sat down in the front row. The women finished their routine and thelights went back on. 

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