Chapter 21 - Forgot to remember

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"I have a bright idea. May I cut your hair for the wedding, please?" I asked as the thought popped up by me, jumping up and down from excitement.

"With what?" He asked surprise while still digging water out of his ear.

"With the clam shells that we use to cut our food." I said and excitedly waited for an opinion. I knew he was going to over react about it.

"Well, I have nothing to lose and nobody can see me except you. So, if you do a bad job you will have to look at me every single day until it grows back again." He replied and pulled up his shoulders.

"I think I will manage. I always cut Cynthia's hair back home." I said and a sharp pain shot to my heart from longing for my sister. I fell to the ground and broke out in tears.

"Sammy? What is going on?" Alvaro asked in a panic state. He rushed to my side and caressed my shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I suddenly really miss my family and my home." I said as the tears stream down my face.

"You never speak of them." He said and his face fell.

"If I have to be honest I haven't really thought of them since I have found you. I feel like I have started a new life and left my old life behind with the pain and insecurity but not everything was bad. I have an amazing mother and I love my sister very much and my dogs as well." I said and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"I wish you could meet them. I still can't believe you have managed living without a single soul for so long." I said and took his hand in mine and squeezing it gently.

"I'm sure they miss you too." He said and I could see that he doesn't really know what to say to me or how to handle my little breakdown.

"I will be fine. I enjoy being with you just as much as my family. You became the most important person in my life. This was the first time that I have been sad since meeting you." I said and gave him a friendly smile. He picked up a clam shell that was lying near the water and brought it to me. I took it in my one hand and he turned around and sat in front of me facing the other way. My hands were sweaty but I felt special from him trusting me that much to cut his hair. I slowly took a bunch of hair and cut it halfway with the sharp clam. I repeated it a few times until all of his hair was shorter. He faced me again and I inhaled quickly from surprise. He looked very different and I did a good job with his hair.

"Well how does it look?" Alvaro asked curiously with wide eyes.

"It looks good actually." I said and smiled at him.

"I will only be able to see my reflection tomorrow in day light." He said and felt his hair with his hands.

We fell asleep immediately after going to bed. We were both really exhausted.

I swear the birds were singing with more excitement this morning on my wedding day. Alvaro had slept in the living room because we stuck to the 'no seeing each other the day before the wedding'.

He was already gone when I woke up. We arranged the night before that we will meet at the waterfall by noon.

I cleaned the house and cut up fruits for Alvaro and I. I had no idea where he was so I left the bowl with fruit pieces on the counter before leaving the house.

I gathered all sorts of flowers that I could find and took them back to the tree-house to attach to my self-made wedding dress.

I lay everything on the ground and attached the flowers on it before getting dressed. I put the crown, also entwined with a bunch of flowers, on my head and wrapped vines around my feet. I noticed that the fruit that I had set out was gone, Alvaro had been in the house without me knowing.

The sun was starting to set when I walked over to the waterfall. The weather was perfect and the whole jungle were in bloom. I picked a few flowers along the way to hold in my hands as a wedding bouquet.

I heard one of the horses neighing just before I reached the waterfall.

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