Chapter 12 - There is only one fish in the sea

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We climbed down from the treehouse and I followed him into the jungle once more. He walked slower than usual so I could walk beside him.

"How old are you?" He asked after we have walked a small distance.

"I'm turning twenty four next year, and you?" I replied him.

"I don't know. I was born in the year 1996. In what year are we now?" He asked. I was shocked that he didn't even know the year we were currently in.

"Well, we are in the year 2019 so that will make you twenty three If you are born before August." I replied.

"I was born in January, so that makes me twenty-three years." He said and I could see he was thinking deep about it.

"Have you ever thought about going back to a city or town?" I asked curiously.

"Society is terrible. People kill each other for wealth. No soul will be truly happy living with war and corruption. My father did everything to protect his family." He said and stared off in front of him while he walked.

I saw the pain in his eyes. Something terrible had happen to him, I could tell.

We came to a big waterfall with a big pond underneath.

"I will give you your privacy. I'll be right behind the bushes because there is a tiger in the woods. Call me if you need me." He said and walked off. I watched him until he was out of sight. I felt vulnerable while taking off my dress. My feet burned inside the cold water from walking bare feet the whole time. It was so calming and it felt like I washed off all my sadness and worries. I grabbed my underwear and washed them before hanging them onto the branch of a tree to dry.

"You can use the white flowers on the bush on the left side of the pond to wash yourself! The flower smells amazing!" I covered my breasts with my arms when I heard Alvaro yell from the bushes. I swam over to where he said it would be and found a Jasmine bush. I pluck a few flowers and squished them between my fingers and rubbed them over my exposed body and went underwater afterwards to wash off the oil. There was no towel when I got out so I shook myself like a dog to dry off. I put on the clothes that he gave me to find that it is two sizes to big so I made a knot in the shirt around my waist.

"Alvaro? Do you maybe have a belt somewhere?" I yelled to him in the bushes after seeing that the skirt has belt loops.

He quickly came out the bush to find me holding up the skirt with my fist on my hip.

"No, I don't but let me help you." He said and pluck a vine from the tree right next to him and braided it to the size of a belt. I couldn't take the belt because the the skirt will drop immediately to the ground if I let go, so he put the belt through the loops and made a knot in the front. My heart started racing when his scent caught me. His face was inches from mine and he kept looking from my eyes to my waist. His breath was minty fresh and I quickly turned my head away because I haven't brushed my teeth since I was on the ship. He smiled and handed me a mint leaf out of his pocket.

"Chew it for a while then rinse your mouth with water." Alvaro said as I took the leaf from him.

It tasted really bad and not like mint at all. After rinsing I tasted the mint flavor and could feel the cleanness in my mouth.

"Do you want to come with me when I go to catch fish?" Alvaro asked with a smile on his face.

"Sure." I said unsure of myself, thinking of the misery of hunting for food. We walked together through the jungle to the beach where I had washed ashore.

"Do you like swimming?" Alvaro asked me while we walked.

"I think I had enough swimming before I came here." I said and laughed a little at my own stupid joke. A smile stretched across his face when he saw me laughing.

"There are mussels growing on the rocks in the shallow water. If you like I can show you how to harvest them." Alvaro said while bending a big branch out of the way so I can pass through.

"I can do that." I said and started thinking about ways to get off the island. I didn't plan on staying here any longer that necessary.

We walked onto the beach. The sand was warm against our feet. Alvaro walked into the water and climbed onto the first rock he could find. He took off his shirt and threw it onto the beach. I stared at his body, it was perfect. He had tanned skin with only a few hair on his torso. He flexed his muscles before diving into the water. I stood on the beach and waited for him to surface again.

He walked out of the ocean towards me. The water dripped from his hair and body.

"Are you going in?." He asked and brushed his wet hair out of his face.

" I don't think I should get these clothes wet." I replied shyly, remembering that I left my underwear on the branch earlier to dry.

"You can take them off. I won't look I promise." He said with a smirk, standing really close to me. I felt my cheeks get really warm from blushing.

"I- I'm not wearing anything underneath." I said and quickly looked at the ground to avoid him seeing me blush.

His mouth opened from surprise. I could see that he was really enjoying this conversation.

"I still won't look. If you are in the water I will go on with fishing. I won't be able to see through the ocean water, so you don't have to worry and the salt will burn my eyes underwater." He said very amused. I agreed because it sounded fair to me and I really wanted to take a swim. He turned round and I took off everything except my mother's bracelet. I gently walked into the ocean and covered my whole body under the water.

"Okey, I'm covered!" I yelled to Alvaro, still standing on the beach, looking the other way. He turned around and walked into the ocean as well. He came really close to me without breaking eye contact once.

"The mussels is stuck on the rock behind you. Just take another rock to knock them off with." He said and pointed to the big rock behind me and swam further into the ocean.

I got off about five mussels when Alvaro returned. He carried two big fish in both hands when he walked onto the beach.

"Let me just put the fish down before you get out." He said before turning around.

I quickly ran out of the water towards my heap of clothes lying on the beach, but halfway there I saw one of the fish was still alive and was flopping towards the ocean to escape.

"He's escaping!" I screamed and ran towards it. Alvaro jumped around and ran to help me catch the fish. It was inches away from the water when Alvaro caught up with me and we both dived simultaneously into the sand and caught it by the tail just in time. I lied on the sand with my pale white bottom exposed and Alvaro right next to me. We stared into each other's faces before finally breaking out in laughter. He covered his eyes while still holding the fish tightly with his one hand, while I stood up to find my clothes and put them on. We carried the fish and mussels back home. 

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