Chapter 1 - Bad Luck

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"Samantha!" Rica, one of my colleagues, yelled into my ear. I quickly turned my head towards her voice as she startled me. Her rich red curly hair had extra volume this morning. 

Sometimes she could be just a bit too much for me too handle. I like people and being around them but Rica sometimes made me wish I could go to a deserted island for a while.

"Morning, Rica." I said friendly with just enough sarcasm to make her realize she's being annoying. I ran two fingers through my blond hair to get them in place. She didn't bother seeking any more attention from me and left the office.

We work for a company which both sells properties and do graphics designs. I am a graphic designer and Rica sells properties. We have never had to interfere with each other's jobs except the one time that Rica was at home with a twisted ankle and I had to take clients out to see a house. They bought the house and gave me a five star rating on our website. It was a bitter pill for Rica to swallow because she sometimes struggle months without getting any sales.

The Friday went by fast because I had so much planning left to do before the trip we were going on this weekend. My Mother bought me and my sister a ticket for a boat cruse and it's for this up coming week. I've been waiting for this vacation for a really long time because I've been having bad anxiety the past few months. My dad passed away at the beginning of the year and everything went downhill from there. I got into a minor accident with my car and when I wanted to claim with my insurance they told me that one of my bills haven't been paid a couple of months ago so they cancelled my insurance because they couldn't get a hold of me. I went to see a lawyer regarding it, but it turned out that I am responsible for giving the correct details on my application form and my telephone number was incorrect. It left me with the bill of my car's damage and the lawyer's fees. I spend every month working night shifts at my aunt's guesthouse for extra cash. I'm almost done paying my debts. I made sure that my medical aid was paid up to date and that all my information with them were correct before I went on this trip in case I need to seek medical care.

Our company is having a year-end function and our boss told us that he have something to tell us but he's keeping it a secret until the evening. I am really excited because I might be getting a promotion or a raise at least. I've been working with them since I was nineteen. Every year one of us get a raise. We are only five in our department at the moment and I am the only one that haven't had a raise yet so I have a great feeling that this will be my year. I have been waiting patiently because I am the youngest and have been employed after everybody else.

I packed up my things and locked my office after work before walking into the parking lot to my car. I turned the radio up to hear the weather for this weekend while I was stuck in traffic.

"It will be a sunny weekend with a slight chance of clouds. My name is Rodger and I bring you your weekly weather! " The man on the radio said before they played a nice upbeat song.

I inhaled deeply. Our trip will probably be ruined. If there is even a slight chance of clouds in the air it will rain because I will be on this trip and the devil is out to get me.

"I can't  even get one weekend away without having clouds in the air. Great." I said out loud  to myself. I inhaled and exhaled deeply trying to calm my anxiety.

The traffic light changed to green and I drove off.

'Pop!' There was a loud sound outside my car just before the steering wheel pulled strongly to the left. I quickly stepped on the brakes and pulled up the handbrake. Breath in, breath out. After opening the door, and getting out of my car I saw the damage that was done.

"No! Why now?" I yelled at the car after I saw the flat tyre.

I took out my phone and called my mother.

"Please come fetch me and help me with this mess. I am fed up!" I yelled over the phone when my mother answered.

"Sammy, What is going on? What happened?" My mom asked calmly over the phone.

"I have a flat tyre, I think it burst. I'm at the traffic light closest to my work. Please come before the devil gets me first." I said sarcastically into the phone.

My mom told me that she was on her way to come fetch me. I didn't mean to be so nasty with her but I was so frustrated and stressed out and she was the first person that I spoke to in that moment.

I sat in my car until my mother's car pulled up in front of mine. She got out and walked over to see the damage then took out her phone and dialed a number.

"Hi, I want to report a flat tyre. We are in the west area by the first traffic light after the traffic department." My mom said over the phone to whom I assume was the new insurance company that she arranged for me.

"No, we don't have a spare." She replied to the person on the other side. I had a flat tyre the other day and haven't gotten the time to get it fixed so I drove with the spare wheel on my car.

She drove us back to her house after the towing company eventually arrived. At her house, she made me tea while we waited for the towing company to bring me back my car after fixing the tyre. My mom was the sweetest and always had so much patience and hope with me.

"I'm so tired." I said while lying on the couch with my hands covering my face.

"You have to get ready for tonight, you may rest as much as you like tomorrow. I will get your car when the guy from the towing place bring it back." She said and rubbed my forehead with her hand.

"Will you please wake me up tomorrow morning if I sleep through?" I asked not looking in her direction.

"With warm milk and you favorite chocolate cookies." She replied.

I gave her a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek before I went to the garage and drove her car to my house. 

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