But I Just Got Here!

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Dark Pit's P.O.V.

Dark Pit...

Dark Pit...


I quickly sat up the bed. I quickly scanned the room, it was the infirmary in Palutena's temple.

I officially did it, I'm back.

I took some seconds to process everything that just happened.
I died, then I met this goddess, then did some trials, then reincarnated back to life.

I took a deep breath and chuckled.

It's been a long time since I've seen (Y/N), I wonder how she would react.


That shrieking voice brought me back from my senses. I hopped off the bed and walked to the door.

Just as reached for the doorknob, the door flung open hitting me in the process.

I stumbled down and looked up to see who flung open the door in such a hurry.
It was Pit, with some battle wounds.

Was there a battle?

"This is bad... Lady Palutena and I got separated, and I can't fight her in my own..." Pit groaned in frustration "If only Dark Pit were here, he could help me out."

"Well, it's your lucky day, Pit-stain." I answered as I stood up from my fall.

He jolted and quickly looked at me. He took a few looks at me and after a while he suddenly gave me a big hug.

"Let go of me, you Pit-stain!"

"Why would I? I've never seen you in a few years and finally you're back!" He replied while sobbing.

"Few...years?" Was I gone that long?

"Yeah, I guess you didn't know that." He answered as he broke the hug. "You really gave (Y/N) a hard time when you were gone and now things got a little worse."

"What do you mean by that?! Is (Y/N) alright?!"

"Uhh... Well... She's completely healthy?"

I growled in response and shot him with my glare of seriousness. He just gave me a small laugh.

"Fine! When some goddess visited us and suddenly attacked us. (Y/N) tried to attack her and she suddenly disappeared into thin air!" Pit quickly answered my question.



"I'm going to go and find her. You could stay here if you want to. If not, then beat the crap out of these intruders." I shot a glare at him and went out.

Oh man... I hope she won't get possessed like the last two times.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Where is she?!" "Lady Eneri wants her alive ya gook!" "Shut up and help me out!"

Panting while sweat runs at my neck. I am currently hiding in some room around Palutena's temple from some intruders.

Wanna know what in the world is going on? Well, alright.

Flashback to some minutes ago

"Hey (Y/N), wanna hang out? I found this super amazing sweets shop just a few flaps from here." Pit asked me. "Wanna check it out?"

I was currently eating lunch in the infirmary with Dark Pit. I wanted to come, but yet I wanted to stay.

"Maybe some other time Pit." I replied, only to receive a sad, disappointed face from Pit.

When Light Meets Dark (Dark Pit X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now