Open Your Eyes

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Dark (Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"No....Please stop.....It hurts.." Pit pleads weakly due to the torture I just gave him. I tighten my grip on my blades and clenched my teeth.

This is new....
Pity? No way...

"S-so what if it hurts? It feels nothing compared to what you med me feel!" I shouted with anger.

I raised both of my blades for a finishing blow. I looked at Pit, he had scars covering his face, blood dripping from his wings..... Snap out of it, Dark (Y/N)! Your a dark copy, your not supposed to feel anything but anger!

I was about to stab Pit, but was stopped by Dark Pit holding my wrists.
When did he get here?

Few minutes ago (Before Pit was tortured)
Dark Pit's P.O.V.

"C'mon Palutena! Let me come to! I could just run there!" I tried to convince Palutena to let me join the mission.

"No, its too risky." She turned to this monitor thing to look at Pit and (Y/N).

"Hah, what's wrong pretty angel? Too scared to kill me?" Pandora taunted Pit.

"I killed you once, I can do it again" Pit pointed his blade closer to Pandora's neck.

Then the monitor stopped showing anything. "What? What happened?" The goddess looked concerned and scared.

"Why? It just stopped showing Pit, so what?" I shrugged. "Maybe there's no signal there."

"That monitor shows Pit and (Y/N), I can do that because of your laurel crowns. If its off, that means something is wrong. Pit rarely removes his laurel crown..." The goddess looks scared.

"I'll go and check up that Pit-stain" I said while placing my hand on the goddess' shoulder. "The journey might be far and rough, but its bearable."

I hope (Y/N) is alright....

Back to the Present (You know, the first part of this chapter)

"(Y/N)? What are you doing?" I stared at her red eyes with disbelief, still holding her wrists.

"(Y/N)? Who's that? Whoever that is, that's not me..." She gave out an evil smirk.

"What?" She managed to break free from my grip. I crouched down to Pit's level. He's deeply injured, and he's resting his eyes a bit.

"I'll get him treated, so go focus on (Y/N)"

"Thanks Palutena..." I turn to (Y/N)... What happened to her?"

She just smiled at me, evilly. She never smiles like that. I clench my fists. "Your not her, are you?"

"Isn't it obvious?" She shrugged. I pointed my staff at her. I could feel my hands shaking as I pointed my staff at her.

"Up-pup-pup, if you shoot, both me and (Y/N) will die. I don't really care if I die, Hades can just find me a soul and revive me." She explained.

"Tch, darn it" I muttered under my breath.

"Hehehe, how are you going to save her now?" She laughed, no, more like a cackle.

She ran towards me, with her blades and took a strike on me. I didn't block nor countered. I couldn't afford (Y/N) to get hurt.

"Hahahaha, what's wrong pretty boy? Too soft to even strike back?" She mocked while slashing her blades.

I stayed silent, and tried to protect myself with my bare hands. Tears were forming in my eyes. (Y/N)..... Where are you?...

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