A Slight Change

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"C'mon, all your pains and sorrows will go away. If you could just come with me." My dark self persuaded me.

"In what way? You can't just make me forget all what happened." I am rather confused on how she wants to help me.

"Maybe I can" She gives me a bloodthirsty smirk.

"What? Erase my memories, you? Puhleeze!" I laughed at her "You're joking right?"

"I'm not joking" She gave me an annoyed look.

"Oh, you're not..." I gave out a fake laugh.

"Just take my hand, and all of those bad memories will go away. Like, poof!" She held out her hand.

"And what about the good memories?" I asked. Look, I'm not dumb enough to accept an offer coming from my dark self.

"Like you have any" She gave me another bloodthirsty smirk.

"Yeah, I have a few.... I guess...." Then, I realized that the only good memory I have is Dark Pit. I don't really have a past, I don't really remember my own parents. All I remember is Hades...and all that pain and suffering.... And now, Dark Pit is gone... I can't accept the fact that he's gone. All that... It hurts...

"You know what? You lead!" I accepted the offer and held her hand.

Dark Pit's P.O.V

I walked up towards (Y/N)'s doorstep. I took a deep breath and knocked on her door.

Knock, Knock, Knock

"(Y/N), its me Dark Pit. Look, I'm sorry of what happened this morning. I don't want us to end just yet. And I understand if you wont open the door but, I need you, and I hope you still need me."

I started to tear up as I continued to talk. "And you're right, I can't stand the fact that I can't fly anymore. I want to fly once again, feel the wind between my feathers and be free. But; although I want to fly once again, nothing beats it other than seeing you smiling. On that day when I found you in the Underworld, the day when I led you to a fake mission just so that I could ask you out, and the day when I saved you from Hades. All those memories are special. Even if you say its your fault, its not. Its mine... Its my fault because I was the one who decided to bring you out of the Underworld. I was the one who played hero and risked my life just to save you. I love you with all my heart. I don't want you to leave, you're my sunshine who melted my dark heart. If you leave, I don't know what I'd do. So, please, give us another chance. Give me another chance?"

I stare at the door. She didn't open the door. I guess, she really did wish I didn't meet her. Tears flowed down on my cheeks. I sighed and walked away from her house.

"Wait!" I heard a familiar voice. I quickly turn around, it was (Y/N) smiling. "I wouldn't want you to stay into a crying mess, would I?"

I ran to her as quickly as I can. But as I ran closer to her, I noticed that her eye color was now red. Huh, did she change it? I don't care and hugged her. "(Y/N), I'm sorry. I didn't want us to end just yet. Please, forgive me...." She hugged back.

I broke the hug and smiled. She smiled as well. "But, can I ask? What's up with your eyes?"

"O-Oh, I wanted to...uh... match my eye color with yours! You know; I got lonely went we broke up and I wanted to see your red crimson eyes, so I changed mine. Ehehe...." She scratched the back of her head.

When Light Meets Dark (Dark Pit X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon