I'll Wait

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

The day after...

He's asleep. That's right, I won't say that he's dead. But instead I say that he's asleep. He's right in front of me. But the difference is that he's laying in a infirmary bed. And I'm sitting in a stool beside him.

You asking what happened before Pandora's bomb hit me? Well...


"Not if I can help it!"

I looked up to the direction of the shout. It was Pit. How did he get here? He blocked the bomb and redirected it to hit Pandora. He had tears in his eyes. His eyes were full of anger and sadness.

"Take Pittoo and run... Heh, this is gonna be the last time I'll call him Pittoo..." He gave out a weak chuckle.

"I can't just leave you here..." I said with concern.

"Just go!"

I obeyed and carried Dark Pit on my back. Gods, he's heavy. I started to walk slowly towards Palutena's temple. I turned my back and saw Pit.

His eyes, were still blue but full of anger and aggression. This was my first time seeing Pit so aggressive. I guess he'd do anything for his twin. And Pandora looks like she's having a hard time. I looked away and started to walk again.

Minutes later, I arrived at the temple. Palutena immediately came running towards me with a worried face, along with Viridi. I still kept crying as I explained what happened. They then told me to place him in the infirmary. And I did.

End of Flashback

Once again tears flooded my eyes. I took a good look at the ring that Dark Pit gave me that was now on my finger. It had a gold base with a black line in the center. It had a diamond on the top. It had words that were engraved that are saying, "I Love You, Sunshine".

I still cried but gave a small laugh when I read the words that were engraved at the ring. Just in that moment, Palutena entered the room.

"Good morning, Palutena" I greeted while drying my tears.

"Good morning to you too, (Y/N)." She greeted back with a smile.

She took a stool and placed it beside mine, then sat down. I just looked to where my feet were and said nothing. Silence filled the room.

"Do you know why Pandora came?" Palutena broke the silence.

"Guessing her, I guess that she wanted her powers back?" I tried to guess. But I still didn't face her.

"Well, that's one of the reasons. Do you know the other one?" She asked.

"I'm out of ideas." I said calmly, still looking towards the floor.

"Its because..." She gave a strong sigh. "Its because of me..."

"WHAT?!" I stood up and my stool fell to the ground.

"Yes, its because of me. Did Dark Pit tell you the reason why he could fly again?" She asked another question.

"Yeah, you had an agreement with Hades." I now faced her, with disbelief and curiosity.

"He says the truth. The agreement was a matrimonial agreement and a share of both our lands. I accepted, for Dark Pit's sake of course. But what I didn't know that he sent Pandora for a mission to kill you. I didn't know why he wanted you dead, but he and his forces are allowed to enter half Skyworld without any problem. And you stood in their half. I found out too late about Pandora, but I sent in Pit anyway to help." She explained.

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