Start of a New Beginning

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(Y/N)' s P.O.V

Imagine an angel, whose wings are as white as ivory, never to be used again. Destined to stay in the darkest place in the universe, the Underworld. Without hope, I gave up on seeing the light again. I was imprisoned here for 5 years, working as a slave. It felt weird, an angel helping the demons to succeed. Without food nor water, working everyday.

"Hades!" shouted an unfamiliar voice, interrupting my deep thinking

"Pit!" shouted back Hades

Pit? Who is that? No one ever dares to come here to the Underworld, let alone go near it.

I heard a lot of fighting, screams from terrified humans. I wanted to see what was going on, but I was too weak to stand.


A misty smoke appeared in my sight. When the smoke cleared up, I looked up to see an angel with black wings. An angel here? In the Underworld? He turned to my direction and laughed.

"What's an angel like you doing in a place like this?" the dark angel asked

I was too scared to reply back. My throat is really dry, my head started spinning, my vision became blurry. Then everything became black.

Dark Pit's P.O.V

An angel lying down in the ground right before my very eyes. I knelt down to carry her, up close she looks very cute- WHAT AM I SAYING!? Snap out of it Dark Pit. I touched her forehead- she's feverish! I gotta take her to the temple.

I ran towards the Lightning Chariot, carrying this mysterious angel

"Phox! Lux! Let's go!" I ordered.

In a blink of an eye, we arrived at Palutena's temple. The green goddess ran towards me with a worried look in her face

"Let's take her to the infirmary" said Lady Palutena

I took the angel to the infirmary, just like she said. I placed her down in the bed, and sat down beside her. She looks so pale... Did she eat? Most importantly, why was she there in the Underworld?
Man, every after a battle I get tired. Closing my eyes won't hurt a bit

(Y/N)' s P.O.V

*50 minutes later* head hurts. Wha... Where am I? The ceiling looks new...

I stood up, surprised to see the same angel I saw before. He's sleeping! I guess he's tired, I mean after a battle, you must be tired.

I got of the bed and wandered around the place.

"Ah, I see your a awake" said a voice behind my back

I turned around to see who it is. I was surprised to see a tall beautiful, green-haired goddess.

"O- oh! I'm so sorry. I don't know how I came in here I-" I looked towards the ground and a verge of tears appeared in my eyes.

"It's alright" replied the goddess as she came close to me and hugged me tight

No one has ever hugged me before. Without saying anything, I cried even more.

"Now then" said the goddess "Let's start with the introductions, I'm Lady Palutena, the goddess of light"

Palutena, isn't that the goddess that Medusa despises the most? Is this really her? She looks nothing like how Medusa described her, she looks much better.

"How about your name?" Palutena asks

"(Y/N)" I replied

"(Y/N), what a beautiful name!" The goddess replied with a smile at her face.

"Palutena!" Interrupted  an angry voice

"Oh dear, Pittoo?" said the goddess

"Don't call me that!" replied the voice

Isn't he the angel who slept in the infirmary?

"And where's the-" he cut off his sentence, right as he saw me behind Lady Palutena's back

I looked at him with curious eyes, his red crimson eyes and his black locks... A golden laurel crown on his hair... And I guess his name is Pittoo? What an unusual name. Come to think of it, he sounds like the person Hades was fighting earlier

"Hi?" I simply replied

He didn't say anything and walked past me and Lady Palutena. Ugh, talk about rude!! I just looked at him with annoyed eyes as he disappears towards the hall.

Palutena chuckled "Don't mind him, he's just being himself. That reminds me, you should thank him.''

" What? Why?" I asked with a surprised look in my face

"He was the one who brought you here to my temple" replied Lady Palutena "If he didn't do that, you might have died."

I was shocked to hear such actions that angel did for me. No one ever helped me or had pity for me. My eyes were filled with tears and yet I was happy.

"Lady Palutena!! I'm back!!!" shouted a lively voice

"Ah, Pit, hello!" replied Lady Palutena "Welcome back!"

Pit? Isn't that the person who was fighting Hades? I quickly turned around to see that person.

I was shocked. He looked like the black angel awhile ago. Are they twins? They look exactly the same expect for the colors.

Pit's P.O.V

I was shocked to see another angel here in the temple, well, other than the centurions. It's a girl angel with (H/C) hair. Isn't she the girl that Pittoo brought here? She looks in much better state than she was before.

"Hey there, nice to meet you! I'm Pit, servant of the goddess of light and I'm happy to see you okay and well!" I greeted the girl

But... She didn't look well, she was in a verge of tears. Did I say something wrong? Why is she crying? What do I do? Ahhhh! Don't panic! Don't panic! Alright, PANIC!!!

"O-oh! Did I say something wrong? I didn't want to make you cry..." I said as I tried to comfort her. Without thinking, I spread my arms and wrapped her in my arms.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I was surprised to see Pit embracing me, as if he knew me or something. He barely knew me, I am a stranger and yet...but this hug is making me feel better. More tears came into my eyes and I hugged the light angel back.

My head resting onto his shoulders. His shoulders felt comfortable... I felt tired,My eyes were tired due to all the crying. I'll just close my eyes for a little while. I went out like a light.

Dark Pit's P.O.V

I hid behind the pillar, eavesdropping (Y/N), Pit, and Palutena's conversation. Hey, I was curious! As I saw Pit embracing (Y/N), I was angry.

Wait-What!? Don't feel jealousy, Dark Pit! That girl is nothing but trash! And that Pit-stain is even worse! But still... Argh!!!! Snap out of it, Dark Pit!

Oh, now what's that Pit-stain doing now? What? She fell asleep? Carry her to her room?  Pathetic! Stupid Pit, flirting with girls, I- Argh!!! Snap out of it!

Oh, now what's that Pit-stain doing now? What? She fell asleep? Carry her to her room?  Pathetic! Stupid Pit, flirting with girls, I- Argh!!! Snap out of it!

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