The One and Only

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*7 Months later*

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Hey....Wake up. Wake up! Hey!! You'll be late for a mission! HEY!!!" Pit struggles as he tries to wake me up.

"Okay, okay! I'm-" I yawn at the middle of my sentence "awake"
My eyes could not stay open, I'll just close them for a few- Zzzzz...

"(Y/N)!!!!!!" cried Pit, who was already annoyed "Why is it so hard to wake you up?"

"Yeah? Huh? I'm awake... I'm going, I'm going..." I said as I struggled out from my bed. "Mission? I don't have one...."

"Yeah, Lady Palutena assigned you to one. Oh, but you won't be going alone." Pit explained

"Really? Who?" I asked while brushing my teeth.

"Pitt- Dark Pit" he pouted. I guess he wanted to come too. Awwww, he's just like a child. Wait, did he just say-

"Dwark Fwit?!" I said with my toothpaste foam all over my mouth.

I finished everything. I did my daily hygiene, changed my toga, and did my hair. Okay, all set!

I walked towards the throne room to meet Palutena. "Palutena? What's my mission, that you assigned to me in the last minute and didn't ask for my permission to accept?"

The goddess only giggled "I'm sorry, (Y/N). It's really an important mission, that requires you and Dark Pit."

"So, what do we have to do?" asked a voice behind my back. That voice was owned by Dark Pit. I turned to look at him, when I looked at him my cheeks were dark red. I tried my best to hide it from him. Yes, I know what your thinking and I admit, I have a crush on Dark Pit. It's been 7 months now and the way I look at him is different now.

"You have to go get me a special specimen for Viridi, she wants a
(F/C) gem which is found in the human world.

"What? In the human world?" I said with frustration. To be honest, I'm terrified of the human world. It has things that are more advanced than the things here in Skyworld.

"Eh, don't worry about that" Dark Pit said with his hand on my shoulder. "The humans can't do anything to us, we're angels for crying out loud."

"But don't underestimate humans Dark Pit, they can do things beyond your imagination" Palutena warned us

"I know, I know" grunted Dark Pit with an annoyed look at his face. He's so cute when he pouts.

Dark Pit's P.O.V.

"So? When do we head out?" I asked

"Oh, right now" Palutena points towards the door, where I see
(Y/N) already flying. I quickly ran towards the door to catch up with (Y/N). Man, even if she's just granted the power of flight she's fast.

"Hey! Wait up!" I scream. She looks at me with a mischievous grin. Oh, she's planning onto something, I can feel it. She slowed down just to fly neck and neck to me.

"So, I hear that your faster than Pit" she taunted me with a cheeky smile at her face.

"That's a true statement." I replied at my defense.

"And I've proven myself faster than Pit." she continued "So, that just means that I'm faster than you!" she declared as she flew right in front of me.

"Oh, its on!" I screamed at her. Having a race now are we? Well, if you want to play, let's play! I tried to gain more speed. I past her already. "Hah! Who's faster now?" I screamed.

I turned my head back to see her losing face. But she's not there. She's gone! What? Where? "(Y/N)?" I called out. "(Y/N)?! (Y/N), this is not funny!" I'm so worried, I don't want to lose her.

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