Jealousy From The Heart

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Ever since Dark Pit asked me to be his I am very happy. I get to be with him every single day. Could life get any better? I'm here sitting at the edge of a floating island waiting for Dark Pit to finish his mission from Viridi. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Pit.

"Oh, hi Pit!" I greeted with a smile.

"Hey, (Y/N). What's up?" He asked.

"The clouds" I joked. "What are you doing here?" I asked

"Oh, just trying to pass the time." He replied while scratching the back of his head. "What are you doing here?"

"Just waiting for Dark Pit" I answered. I looked at him, he's pouting. "What's with the face?" I asked him

"Nothing" he said while covering his face. "Oh, there's this new cake shop nearby. You wanna check it out?" He asked.

"Oh, I don't really know." I replied "I mean it would be awesome to hang out with you, but..."

"But?" He asked. I stayed silent and bit my lower lip "Oooohhhh, I get it. You're scared"

"Scared? Scared of what?" I asked. "Scared of Dark Pit would get the wrong idea, right?" He answered.

"No, I'm not!" I screamed. "I'm not scared of Dark Pit.

" Reallyyy~" taunted Pit.

"No!" I screamed back. I looked at him with my "seriously angry" face. He looked back at me with his "Uh-huh" face. I stared at his ocean blue eyes and looked at him with defeat.

"Fine, your right." I said in defeat "You know, that happens a lot when regards to dating"

"You're right" he replied "But it would just be two friends eating cake, just as friends" he said with a cheerful smile

"Alright, let's go" I accepted as I stood up from the edge of the floating island. After that, Palutena teleported us to Skyworld market. It was a busy place but we headed the the cake shop as Pit suggested.

"So, what do you want to order?" asked the waitress

"Chocolate Cake" I replied

"Ice Cream Cake" Pit replied

"Okay, but I would like to suggest the Lovers Set" suggested the waitress. Pit exploded into a blushing mess but I looked at them with disgust.

"No, we're good" I replied

I looked towards Pit, he was covering his face. "What's wrong" I asked him

"N-Nothing" he replied still blushing.

"I'm pretty sure that something is wrong" I stated to him. He looked at me, then looked at the waitress from earlier. "Oh, okay. I get it now. Don't worry, people misunderstands sometimes"

After, our cakes arrived. It was delish! No wonder they have so many customers. Me and Pit even had seconds! He and I hit off so well, we joked, we laughed, we talked.

*20 minutes later*

"That's so funny, Pit!" I said while laughing

"You know, (Y/N) we should hang out like this sometime" he suggested

Before I could answer, a hand slammed into our table. I looked up to see Dark Pit.

"Yeah, and I think me and (Y/N) should have our time alone" Dark Pit retorted back to Pit.

"We're just hanging out like friends, Pit- I mean Dark Pit" Pit tried to defend himself.

"I've been watching you two since you walked into the store, and you were blushing, Pit-stain" The dark angel stated.

"Stalker!" The light angel said with an annoyed look

"Flirty!" Dark Pit retorted back

"Grumpy!" Pit answered back

"Annoying!" Dark Pit shouted back

"Black Heart!" Pit shouted

"Annoying!" Dark Pit screamed

"But you already said that" Pit said

"I don't care!" Dark Pit shouted back

"STOPPPP!!" I screamed to break the argument. "Stop acting like children and solve this problem like the adults you are right now!"
I said that while storming out of the place. I was outta there!

"(Y/N), wait!" Dark Pit called for me

I didn't look back, I was furious okay?! He ran to catch up with me

"I didn't mean to ruin your day" he apologized "I messed up your time with Pi-"

"You were jealous right?" I interrupted his apology

"Uhm..." He muttered "Yeah, I was"

"Heh, that's good then" I said

"Why?" He asked

"That means you don't like me with anyone else" I replied

"T-That's....true.." He blushed "But you should tell people that your taken."

"Yeah, your right. Wait, taken by whom?" I joked

"Is the person handsome?" He followed

"Hmmmm.. Yeah" I played along

"Is he strong?" He continued

"Yeah, I guess, he did carry me once" I replied back

"Does he love you dearly?" He asked

"I- " I blushed "I don't know, he won't tell me" I laughed

Then Dark Pit leaned in for a kiss, and of course I kiss back. "I love you, (Y/N)" he said "I love you too" I replied back.

I won't let anyone hurt you feelings. But I'll make you jealous to prove to me that you love me...

Hi, This is Zoe and I guess this is short? I dunno. I had something going on in school and I just didn't have the time, so yeah....

Oh, one minor setback, my username is now OutOofZeBlu, not Zoella_de_Tan. So please be considerate.

Quote for the day:
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted"

When Light Meets Dark (Dark Pit X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora