True Happiness

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Dark Pit's P.O.V.

"Dark Pit?" (Y/N) yawned at the end of her sentence.

"Yes love?" I asked her.

"I'm tired... Like, real tired..." She said weakly and started to close her eyes.

"Yeah, I see that" I chuckled. We've been reading books in the archives for a faster cure for my wing. But, no luck. All the cures involves the Rewind Spring, which can't help me at all.

(Y/N) rested her head in my shoulder and began to sleep. I carried her and walked towards her room. I gently placed her in her bed and shut the door to her room.

I leaned at the door and sighed. I don't think anything will fix this stupid wing. I sighed once again and started to walk towards my room.

*The Next Day*

I woke up as the sun shined on my face. I stood up and got prepared for the day to come. I got out of my room and walked around the temple.

"There must be something you could do!"

I heard a faint scream from another room. I walked closer and took a peak of what was going on. It was (Y/N), Palutena, Pit and Viridi.

"I'm afraid there really is nothing else we could do" Palutena said with a worried tone

"Listen, it was my fault that he can't fly anymore. So its me who has to make him fly again" (Y/N) said with frustration.

"(Y/N), it's not your fault..." Pit reassures (Y/N)

"Stop saying that! Its all on me! I allowed myself to be controlled by Hades!" (Y/N) shouted as tears formed in her eyes.

"There, she said it. Let's just help her or something. Why not the Rewind Spring?" Viridi says with an annoyed look.

"I'm afraid the Rewind Spring can't help us. When (Y/N), shot Dark Pit, her shots were cursed and it not only injured his wing but cursed it as well." Palutena explained

"So, there's nothing we could do to help, Lady Palutena? " Pit asks worriedly

"I'm afraid so..." Palutena said with a sad tone. "C'mon Pit, we have work to do". Then the goddess and Pit walked away, leaving (Y/N) and Viridi. (Y/N) sighed in defeat and hugged herself as she drenches herself with tears.

"Nature has it's ways and there's always something either good or bad everyday. As the goddess of nature, I get hurt on the process, but I still I keep going." Viridi comforts (Y/N) "Maybe there is something to fix Dark Pit's wing. And you'll find it, somehow..."

Viridi walks out of the room. (Y/N) slowly knelt down and dazed out. Tears formed in her (E/C) eyes, sobbing. It was a sight that I couldn't just ignore. I walked towards her and gave her a pat in the head.

She looked up towards me and quickly dried her tears. She stood up and gave me a smile.

"Good Morning, love" she hugs me

"I don't think that there's any good in your morning..." I said with concern. She breaks the hug and stares at the ground.

"I heard what happened and there's no need to hide it from me" I let her face me. She still didn't face me and started cry again.

"Didn't we talk about this already?" I asked her gently as I stroked her hair.

"We already did..." She replied. "But-"

I interrupted her sentence with a kiss in her soft desirable lips. I broke the kiss and placed my forehead onto hers. I stared at her (E/C) eyes and she stared into mine.

"Then you already know that even if I can't fly, I'm still happy because I get to see you" I said with a small smile

"I guess so..." She said with a small smile.

Then, I kissed her again. But this time, it was more passionate. I could feel her tears flow down.

But do know this, my true happiness was not because I could fly freely. But, my true happiness was being able to stay by your side (Y/N)
Guys, sorry if I couldn't update any sooner and sorry if this chapter is so short. I promise I'll update more often😊

 I promise I'll update more often😊

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