Misery Amidst The Happiness

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Dark Pit's P.O.V.

"Will you marry me?"

She started to cry when I asked her that question. She didn't answer it though. "Hello? Skyworld to (Y/N), can I have an answer now? It hurts to kneel like this you know." I joked. She flinched and hugged me.

"Yes! Yes! A million times infinity yes!"

I broke the hug then removed the ring from its box. I was about to slip it in her finger until....

Something horrible happened....

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"My, my! What an amazing event that's going on here!" A familiar voice shrieked. Interrupting Dark Pit's engagement. Who's voice? It's the one and only Pandora.

"What are you doing here Pandora?!" I asked quite loudly. She interrupted something very important to my life, and I'm pretty angry.

"Better question is what are you doing here?" She gave me a smirk.

"That doesn't make any sense at all! She lives here at Skyworld! Its you who's out of place here!" Dark Pit answered her question. His voice shows clearly that he's very pissed about this.

Then she laughed like a maniac. Her laughter died in a short while. Dark Pit embraced me like there's no tomorrow. He really didn't want to lose me again.

"Didn't you know? She almost killed Pit! You should stay away from her, she's a monster!"

Dark Pit's P.O.V.

"Monster? Monster?! MONSTER? You know who's the real monster here? Oh, I don't know. Maybe you!" I shouted to Pandora while pointing at her. Nobody calls my wife, well, almost-wife because Pandora interrupted us, a monster!

I looked towards (Y/N) and she was just staring into thin air. Her eyes were showing that she's really hurt. I gritted my teeth as I placed the ring back in the box and summoned my bow. I stood up and was ready to show no mercy.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Come at me!" I taunted as I shifted into my fighting stance.

"Alright, time for this party to get started!" She said as she took out her sword. I looked back to where (Y/N) was, she was still staring into thin air. But this time, small tears formed in her eyes.

I cursed under my breath. "You'll pay for making my sunshine lose its beautiful radiance!" Then I rapidly shot some arrows aiming towards Pandora.

Pandora somehow blocked all my arrows. I ran quickly towards her ready to strike with my blades. She just stood still with a bloodthirsty smirk plastered in her face. She's planning something, but what? I better watch out.

I struck her with one of my blades, but she blocked it effortlessly with her sword.

"You know, you should leave her while you have the chance." She said while pushing back my blade.

"Why should I listen to you? You're not the one who gets to decide in my life." I stated while pushing back.

"Maybe I am, who gave you the chance to enter this world? This life?" She managed to break free from my blades. Then she swept my feet, which caused me to fall. She pointed the tip of her sword towards my neck. "Let me guess, me?"

"Not you, its the mirror of truth and Pit! It was never you!" Then I swept her feet causing her to fall over then I quickly stood up and pointed my blade towards her neck. "You were just a minor detail."

"Well, this minor detail is about to become a major detail!" She shouted as she blasted a strong heart-shaped blast, capable of killing me. But, she missed!

When Light Meets Dark (Dark Pit X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now