Sweet Betrayal

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~The Next Day~

Dark (Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"How's the new life, my slave~?" Hades asked me with a sly tone.

"Okay; first, I am definitely not your slave. And second, its going well. Dark Pit and I trust each other completely. Pit and Palutena? They're completely clueless! I realize that the so-called Dark Pit is just a big softy! I wonder why you took so long to extinguish his soul." I laughed at the end of my sentence.

"I could do so in the snap of my fingers, deary. But I want him to feel pain and suffering as much as I want him to meet death." Hades tone changed quite quickly.

"Or maybe you just don't have the guts to do so" I mocked him.

"Heh, you really are (Y/N)'s darker half." Hades chuckled and disappeared.

Pshh, like I'm so loyal to you. I'm just doing this to get sweet and tasty revenge. I would love to see the look of (Y/N)'s face when I slowly destroy everything she loves. It would be priceless!

"Hey, (Y/N)" And I guess I'll start with this one.

"Hey there, Pit!" I greeted him with a smile.

"Ready for your mission?" He asked with a cheerful grin.

"Very." I said as I ran out of my room while pulling Pit's hand so that he could follow me. Earlier today, Palutena assigned a mission for me and Pit. Wow, such an amazing timing.

Pit and I didn't hesitate to wait for Palutena's instructions and jumped out of the door. I screamed with delight as we fell down the sky while Pit screamed in terror.


"Don't worry, I got you two"

"Huh?" Me and the brunette said in unison. We started to fly effortlessly in the sky. Oh, it was Palutena.

"Now, since you two were so impatient to wait for my instructions, you and Pit won't have floor ice cream for a week!"

"Awww" Pit pouted. Ewww, who would eat something as disgusting as floor ice cream? I guess Pit and (Y/N) would.

"You're mission is to defeat Pandora, the goddess of calamity. She's in Dark Lord Gaol's castle or what's left of it at least."

"Wouldn't it be easier with Dark Pit with us?" I asked.

"I wish it would be that simple. But Dark Pit still has Pandora's powers. So if he even went near Pandora, she would be 10x stronger."

"Alright, let's beat this so-called goddess of calamity into a pulp!" I said with confidence. Hehehehehe, #acting!

Pit's P.O.V.

We arrived at the ruins of Dark Lord Gaol's castle. It looked even more evil than the last time I went here. As we landed, (Y/N) and I summoned our bows and went to the castle entrance.

"Hahahahaha" I heard a faint laugh in the distance.

"Who's there?" I acted confident. Then, a woman with blue hair appeared from the shadows.

"Why how nice of you to drop by once again" That voice. The voice that I wish I could forget. Pandora's....

"And you even brought a visitor! Who's this? Your significant other?" Pandora was describing (Y/N).

"Nah, I got someone else." (Y/N) gave a smug face.

"Ouh? And who might that be? I bet he's even more annoying than Pit!" Pandora gave out a hysterical laugh.

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