Epilogue 2

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"It's Christmas! It's Christmas," an excited boy said, jumping on the bed and waking us up. "Wake up, Papa! Wake up! Who is that?" The jumping boy stopped jumping when I slowly peeked my head from underneath the covers. "Is that the slut that Uncle Julian and Uncle Justin warned me about?"

I opened my eyes and stared at a blonde head boy with gray eyes, watching me curiously. I blinked sleepily but didn't untangle myself from Xavier's arms. "No," I said, my voice hoarse. I closed my eyes and moved closer to Xavier. "I am not the slut that your uncles warned you about."

"Then who are you?" he asked. "Why do you have my eyes?"

I smiled. "You have my eyes, Bryson," I said, opening them and studied the male before me. "And, you have my nose and cheeks and ears. Basically, you have my face."

Bryson furrowed his brows and cocked his head. "I do?" he asked, and I nodded. "Does that mean you are my mom?"

Again, I nodded.

"Where have you been?"

"Working," I replied. I cleared my throat and shifted in the bed until I was facing him. "But, I am back now."

"For good?"

I nodded. "For good," I promised. "Though I think I will be forced to do Hell Week with my group. Other than that, I will be staying here and watching you grow up."

He furrowed his brows. "But, I thought you were watching me grow up," he said. "Your presence feels familiar to me..."

I smiled, seeing the TruthSeeker in him appear. "I have been," I agreed. "But, I mean like this. Where I can do this." I moved his hair from his eyes, and he scowled and pushed my hand away.

"Stop," he complained, and he shook his head until his hair fell into his eyes. "And you can hug me now, right?" His eyes were wide, and I had a feeling that he wanted me to hug him.

I smiled sadly. "I will when we get out of bed and dressed," I replied. "I promise."

Bryson furrowed his brows and cocked his head. "So you are a slut," he said, and Xavier chuckled from beside me.

I smacked my mate against his chest and earned another chuckle. "No," I mused. "I am not a slut. What has your uncles taught you?" I asked.

Bryson shrugged. "That a slut is a female with her clothes off and is in bed with a male."

"There is more to it, but I think that it would be best if you learned it later." I gave him a pointed look, and he closed his mouth. "Do not search for any information from them, do you understand? Your uncles are crazy."

He pondered what I told him before he nodded his head. "I know," he said, and I bit back a snort. "They told me that you made them crazy."

I smacked my mate when he chuckled again. "I did not," I said. "They were crazy before they met me. I just merely made sure that they did not get their butts into too much trouble."

Bryson blinked and looked at me, and I could tell that he didn't believe me. "Un-huh."

I rolled my eyes. "Go and get dressed. We'll be down shortly. Ok?"

Bryson nodded his head. "Ok." He furrowed his brows. "Will you give me a hug then?"

"I pinkie promise," I said, wiggling my pinkie. "Oh, and you can't say anything about seeing me. Ok? It's a surprise." I winked.

Relief filled my son's eyes, and he nodded his head. He locked his pinkie around mine before he let go, hopped out of bed, and ran out of the room to get dressed.

I turned towards my "sleeping" mate and stared into orbs of blue. Slowly, I placed a kiss on his lips, and he quickly kissed me back. "I need a shower," I whispered against his lips. "Care to join?"

Xavier kissed me harder before he picked me up and took me to the bathroom where the shower wasn't the only steamy thing in the bathroom.


"But, I don't want to open any presents," TJ said from somewhere nearby. "Cass isn't back yet, and I want to save some presents and open them with her."

"Well, I think you should open just one present," Justin said. 'How are you holding up in there?'

'I have no idea why you gave me such a small box to be in,' I grumbled. 'I thought you had said that it did take TJ a long time to decide whether or not he would open presents with everyone.'

'It was the only box that they had,' Julian piped up, and I had to bite back a snort. He was lying.

After Xavier's and I's steamy makeout session in the shower, I had quickly gotten dressed because Justin and Julian had arrived with an empty box that I resided in to surprise my cousins and my son, even though the surprise had been ruined for my son.

They just had to make it smaller where I had to fold myself and become cramped in the tight-fitting box. However, it was part of the plan between the three of us, so I couldn't complain that much.

I did want to see the surprised looks on their faces, and I prayed that they wouldn't be too mad at me for working and missing multiple Christmases, where family was important between us.

"Come on, TJ," Clara said, somewhere near the box. "Let's just see what Julian and Justin gave of this year. I wonder if it is good."

"Please?" Bryson asked. "I wanna see."

"Fine," TJ grumbled. "Only for Bryson, though."

"Gee, thanks," Clara said, sarcastically, and I had to bite back a snort. She tapped on the box, and I tapped back and bit my lip when I heard her jump back and away from the box. "Woah."

'Nice one,' Justin said, and his brother snickered in agreement.

"What?" Xavier asked. Concern filled his voice, but I could tell that he was trying not to laugh. He also knew that I was in the box. "What happened?"

"I don't know, but something tapped back."

"Let me try!" Bryson exclaimed. He tapped on the box, and I tapped back. "It's alive whatever it is." Again, he tapped on the box, and I tapped back a second time.

"Well, why don't you three open it," Justin said. "Or, do you want to tap on it TJ?"

TJ huffed. "If I must," he grumbled. He tapped on the back, and I tapped back, instantly. "Yep, there is something alive in here. I wonder what." His voice shook, and I wondered if he thought that it was me.

"I don't know. Why don't you all remove the paper and open the box to find out?"

There were multiple ripping sounds while my cousins and son unwrapped the present. Their hearts started to pound faster in their chest, and I could sense their excitement from inside the box.

My heart started to pound faster also, and I was grateful that I had decided to wear my uniform underneath my clothes so that they wouldn't hear it and ruin the surprise.

Finally, after what felt like forever, they stopped ripping the paper off of the box and opened the top. As soon as they opened the box, I jumped up and yelled, "Merry Christmas" to the shocked faces of both TJ and Clara.

"Cass," TJ sobbed. He ran towards me, knocked the box and me over, and gave me a big hug all the while we were laughing.

I laughed and hugged him before pulling my son and my other cousin to my arms when they jumped on me as well. "I am here," I said, placing a kiss on all three of their foreheads. "And I will not be leaving your sides any time soon. I promise."

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now