Chapter 42

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I so totally love this song above. ^


Xavier did in fact join me in the shower. He looked rather uncomfortable as he stood behind me.

I had been singing and dancing, something that I had missed doing when I was with Camen because he hated me singing and dancing in the shower because it took too much water, according to him.

Xavier didn't really do anything in the shower. He did put conditioner in my hair after I had placed the conditioner in his hands and placed them on my head.

Goddess, I had almost fallen asleep when he massaged the conditioner into my hair, his touch soft and strong.

After he finished with my hair, Xavier gently pushed me under the shower head and helped rinse it out.

When he was done with that, I placed some of my shampoo in my hand and gestured for Xavier to kneel so I would be able to put it in his hair.

He didn't do it off the bat but finally did what I had asked when Kelly Clarkson's Heartbeat Song started to play. He watched as my eyes light up and started to dance with the music.

After that, he grew rather comfortable and let me help him shampoo and condition his hair before he grabbed a scrub brush and used my body was on me as we as him.

I would be lying if I said that we didn't kiss each other because we did, and I had left Xavier feeling slightly aroused which I was pleased with as I walked out of the shower to get dressed.

As soon as I was finished getting dressed, Xavier was sitting on my bed, fully clothed and looking rather upset but not as aroused as I had left him.

When I walked over to him, he instantly stood and made his way over to me until we were close to each other, and I pulled him into a kiss and apologized for teasing him.

Of course, I wasn't that sorry, and I was sure that Xavier knew it because he had promised me that the next time I teased him, he would not care that I had made a promise to myself and my ex that I wouldn't have sex with anyone, including him, because he would make me pleasure him.

That had made me sort of aroused, but I was able to control myself and make it to where my family was waiting for us.

Cheers sounded through the dining room as Xavier and I made it down there holding hands.

"It's about damn time," Sergio said, causing me to roll my eyes. "I was about to make sure that you still alive."

"Sure you were," I said, sarcastically. I looked around and was relieved to see that two seats were open, and I was near my son. "Hi, Baby," I cooed, going over to him.

Bryson squealed happily when he saw me and held out his chubby arms. His gray eyes were alert, and I was relieved that he was here and healthy.

"You have a fighter," Commander said, watching as I picked up my son before sitting down with Xavier by my side. "He'll do well with the Guardsmen."

"Can I join the Guardsmen?" Clara asked as Aunt Heidi placed some food in front of me and Xavier.

"Talk to me when you are fifteen," I said, picking up my fork. "If you two want, I can start training you two, but officially joining will have to wait until you are fifteen."

"But, you joined when you were six," Clara said, pouting. She placed her fork on the table and folded her arms across her chest.

"I was also a threat to myself and others," I replied, pointing my fork at her. "Your dad decided that it would be best to send me to the castle. Unfortunately, there was a lot of miscommunication which ended me up in prison first before becoming a Guardsmen."

My uncle shifted in his seat. "I am sorry for..." He trailed off when I shook my head.

"I never once blamed you, Uncle," I said, offering him a smile. "You had actually saved my life, both you and Commander, and I can never be more grateful."

Uncle Sebastian smiled and nodded his head. He looked rather relieved that I had never blamed him for the pain that I had been through during my time as a prisoner.

"And, at least you did listen to me when I said that some stuff had to change so that no had to go through the pain that I had gone through."

"As well as close Cell 26 so that Cass could flick it off every time she walked, or skipped, by," Sergio said. "We still flick it off sometimes."

"It confuses people a lot, especially those that are close to Cell 26," May said.

"We need to have a sign that says 'here lies Cassandra Kristen, reborn as C-1-19-19,'" Charlie said. "That way people won't be as confused."

"We have been telling people about you," Hank said. "And that creepy bunny of yours."

I rolled my eyes, feeling a blush appear on my face. I had no idea why they would continue the running joke of not pissing me off or make me bad, but I was kind of grateful.

It... felt good to be wanted, to be needed and to have a family. It felt like I was important, something that Camen had taken away from me all those years ago.

"You're still family, Cass," Charlie said. "No matter what he had said or had done. We still care about you and your little nuggets."

"Speaking of family, have you contacted your uncle?" Uncle Sebastian asked, causing me to stop putting food in my mouth.

"Wait, uncle?" Parker asked. "I thought your uncle was dead."

I cleared my throat and placed my fork down. I looked at my son as he looked around from his spot on my lap. "I have... three other uncles and two aunts," I said, softly. "And, only one of them claimed me as family."

"Which uncle claimed you as family?" Xavier asked. He placed his hand on my knee and squeezed it gently. He knew; I could tell that he knew who my family was and how important he had been to me.

I took in a deep breath and let it out. "Alpha Brody LeBlanc," I said, "of the Pack Blanc du Sud, or South White Pack."

Parker stopped eating and dropped his fork with a soft clatter. He stared at me with wide eyes as if he hadn't heard me correctly. "W-w-what?" he asked, stuttering.

"My uncle is Brody LeBlanc," I said, again. "I took his middle name and made it Bryson's in honor of him like I took my other uncle's first name in honor of him."

"I still don't understand why they don't want anything to do with you except for Alpha Brody," Justin said. "Does it have something to do with us?"

"I think it has to do with the Guardsmen general and because I have "fully" submitted to the King." I grabbed my juice and took a sip of it, making sure to be careful of Bryson. "And, they don't like how "close" I w- am to other species."

"Mmmm, I am glad that you mentioned that," Sergio said, putting down his drink. "King Henry hasn't been cooperating with us on projects. He "claims" that we are too stupid to know what to do. He wants to talk to you."

"So does King Ferdinand," Charlie said, causing Sergio to nod his head. "As well as Leader Collen."

"Who?" Parker asked, furrowing his brows.

"King Henry is the Warlock King," I said. "King Ferdinand is the Vampire King, and then Leader Collen is the leader of the Shifters. His son is a huge dick."

"We'll call your uncle after you finish eating," Uncle Sebastian said. He gave his sister a look. "After she is done calling him, then you can take pictures of everyone. After that, you all can call everyone to let them know that Cass is alive and well."

"And after that?" I asked.

"Do whatever. We will have a family movie night tonight. Understood?"

"Yes, Uncle."

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now