Chapter 47

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My uncle was the first to get out of the van followed by three cousins that I had met before and one that I hadn't met yet. His gray eyes were filled with worry before he saw me standing next to Xavier and smiled.

I offered him a hesitant smile before I walked over to him and gave him a big hug. "Hello, Uncle Brody," I said, my voice cracking.

My uncle placed a kiss to the side of my head. "Hello, my Love," he whispered, squeezing me, reassuringly. He pulled away from me and pushed a strand of brown hair behind my ears. "Have I told you that you look like your mother before today?" he asked, smiling at me.

I rolled my eyes, my cheeks turning slightly red. "One hundred and thirty-five times before, Uncle," I said. "Today would make it one hundred and thirty-six."

He shrugged, grinning. "Too few," he said. "I should tell it to you more often." He pulled at my ears. "Though, you did get your father's ears and nose."

I scowled and pushed his hand away. "At least I didn't inherit the LeBlanc's big nose."

Uncle Brody chuckled and rubbed his nose. "Cela signifie-t-il que vous êtes un vrai LeBlanc sans le gros nez?" he asked, switching to French.

"Unfortunately, yes," I said, causing him to scowl. I looked at my cousins before looking at my uncle, again, not surprised that only four came with him. "How many kids, now?" I asked, knowing full well that he has had a lot of kids.

"Thirteen," he replied, patting my shoulder. "We are working on child fourteen and fifteen. Your aunt should be ready to give birth in a month or so." He gave me a look, and I knew that he was wanting me to be there for it.

"I will see. I don't know what will happen in a month." I did a small gesture towards Parker causing my uncle to look at him.

"I see," my uncle said, his voice turning a little colder. He studied the male before looking at me. "Parle-t-il français?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.


He glanced at Parker again before looking at me. "Then we will talk later, especially about what had happened to you." He gave me a pointed look, causing me to shrug my shoulder. He gestured to his children. "You remember them, yes?"

"The oldest three, yes," I replied. I nodded to the boy who looked to be about five years. "I don't know him."

"Well, of course not. He hadn't let you meet him." Bitter disgust filled his voice, and I could tell that he hated how Camen started to keep me away from him and his family. This wave anger came off of him, causing me to hesitantly take a step back and Xavier to take a step forward.

"Papa," the third oldest, Gage, warned. He took a step forward and placed a hand on his father's shoulder. "Arrêtez, vous lui faites peur."

Uncle Brody closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, curbing his anger. "Je suis désolé," he said, switching to French while he opened his eyes. His gray eyes were speckled with gold, a look that I knew all too well for it happened to me. "Forgive me, Alpha." He looked at Xavier when he said that.

"Xavier is fine," he said, his voice shaking a little. He set his jaw, and I could tell that he was trying to curb his anger as well as his protective instinct.

Uncle Brody nodded his head and looked at me. "Va le voir."

I nodded my head and offered my uncle a small smile while I walked over to the man that claimed my heart as his. I pulled him into a hug, causing him to wrap his arm around me because he was still clutching my son. "I'm safe," I whispered. "He won't hurt me."

Xavier grunted and nodded his head. "I know," he growled, softly. He took in a deep breath before relaxing. "Let's take care of our guests," he muttered, placing a kiss on the side of my head, "and getting you to catch up with everyone."

I smiled and nodded my head. "I want to talk to my uncle privately, but you can join me while I catch up on everything. It's been..." I furrowed my brows, not knowing how long I had stopped talking to my uncle.

"About five or six years," Uncle Brody said, causing me to nod my head. "A lot has changed. Most of it for the best, but we can discuss that later. I do want to go over our alliance, Xavier, when we have the chance if that is alright."

"It is," he replied. He sounded a little jealous that I was wanting to talk to my uncle alone, but I could tell that he understood.

"I will tell you everything later," I promised, pecking his lips before pulling away. "I just need some advice."

Xavier set his jaw but nodded his head. "You may take my office," he said. "I will get the others settled and change Bryson's diaper." He made a face causing me to chuckle and peck his lips again.

"You're the best," I whispered before placing a kiss on my son's cheek. "Goodbye, Baby. Be good and don't pee on him again."

My son squealed and placed his hand in his mouth. He smiled at me, his gray eyes filled with happiness.

I looked at my uncle to see him watching us with a thoughtful look in his eyes. "If you will follow me, Uncle, I will lead you to the office."

Xavier pulled me to him when I was about to walk past and kissed me on the lips, hard. "You are the best thing that happened to me," he whispered. "Never forget that."

I nodded my head, stunned. I had never thought that Xavier would kiss me like that in front of anyone especially my uncle, but he had proved me wrong when he did that, leaving me speechless.

Xavier smirked, looking rather satisfied that he had made me speechless. "I will see you soon," he said, putting a strand of brown hair behind my ear.

I nodded my head still rather speechless before walking away with my uncle following me.


Cela signifie-t-il que vous êtes un vrai LeBlanc sans le gros nez? - Does that mean you are a true LeBlanc without the big nose?

Parle-t-il français? - Does he speak French?

Oui- Yes

Arrêtez, vous lui faites peur. - Stop, you are scaring her.

Je suis désolé- I am sorry

Va le voir. - Go to him.

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now