Chapter 72- Xavier's POV

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I looked at my "pack" and watched as some of the Guardsmen act and look like children, running around and chasing each other while some of the others lounged around. I leaned against the railing exhausted because I had not slept in the past two days, preparing for the war that was about to come.

No one knew when they would get here, but they, we, knew that it would be some time today, sometime during the next twenty-four hours, in which our fates would be decided.

"You should be joining them," the king said from behind me and walked to my side. He leaned against the fence beside me, his gaze trained on the men and women that served him. "You are the Alpha of this pack."

"And, you are the king," I replied. "You should be celebrating as well."

"Yes," he mused. "However, like you, I am not in the mood to celebrate." He glanced at me before looking back at the party. "Not until she is safe and back in our care."

I hesitated but nodded my head. I felt the same way, the same hope that she would be here and be alive, and she would live the rest of her days here by my side until the end of time, however long our lives should be.

However, there was that small bit of doubt, the little whisper that told me I had fucked it up. I had fucked up the future I had with her by telling her to get out of my sight and that I would kill her if she ever crossed paths with me again.

I should have never said that, but I did, and I knew that I was going to pay the price. There was no way I could get her back or get her to trust me again.

The king sighed, and I looked to see that he was studying me. "Your fate is tied with hers, Xavier," he said. He looked away and across the field. "That is what that necklace means. Your fate is tied with hers."

I set my jaw, and my hand twitched, the urge to grab the necklace strong, but I held back. I had no idea how he knew about the necklace, the silver eye on white fur, resting against my chest.

King Sebastian looked at me before looking away. His gaze was focused on eleven figures gathered in a corner away from everyone, and he stood. "You are not the only one that wants to know what is happening to her," he said. "However, there are those that do have eyes on her, and it appears that they are going to be helping with this battle." He looked at me. "She isn't the only one that has eyes on her." He paused. "You do, as well."

I raised an eyebrow in question and received a shake of the head in answer.

"It is not my place to tell, Son," he said. He clasped me on the shoulder and cleared his throat. "Excuse me; it looks like I do have some business to attend to." He bowed his head and left, and I watched him go to the eleven gathered there, silently.

One, a male, looked at me, and I stood up, curiously, but I stayed in my spot. He smiled and bowed his head in respect before going back to the conversation he was having with someone.

His eyes...

...were gold.


Camen walked onto my packland like he owned the place, and I growled a soft warning, barely audible for the king, who was beside me, to hear. He bowed mockingly to the king and sent me an arrogant smirk that I wanted to wipe off of his face. "Well," he said, looking at the Guardsmen before looking at me. "It's so nice to throw a party in my honor. I am quite pleased."

"This is not anything to deal with you," the king said, baring his teeth. He was about to take a step forward but stopped when Justin pulled him back. "This has to deal with my son and finding his mate." He gestured to Julian who stood beside my Gamma. "So, I suggest that you leave."

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now