Chapter 53

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"Hey, Guys," Alessandra greeted when we walked in. She smiled when she saw our hands in each other and looked at Xavier. "It took you a long time to ask," she teased. She winked at me when I scowled. "We knew that it was going to happen one day. He couldn't keep his hands off of you. Follow me."

I shook my head at my friend and followed her to a secluded area away from everyone else.

"So," Alessandra said, handing us our menus. "I am going to be your hostess this evening on Dad's orders, so what can I start you off to drink?"

I smiled when she rolled her eyes, knowing full well that her dad was using her as a "spy." "Tell Bill that I told him to fuck off," I said, causing her to chuckle and nod.

"Tell Dad to "fuck off,"" she said, "writing" it in her notebook. "What else?"

I looked at the menu and noticed the words: 'Meals for Cass's Date.' "So, what, my burger isn't fancy for the date?" I asked, flicking through the menu to see that it wasn't there.

"Nope," she replied. "But, I will make sure that she makes you a full one to-go. Now, can you please tell me your drink orders, so I can tell my dad to fuck off?" she asked.

"Black wine with... about six olives and four slices of lime," I said, ordering a drink that basically meant the whole Werewolf population was in danger, and shit could be happening in about six weeks.

Alessandra stilled and looked up at me. Her eyes were wide with fear, and I could tell that she wanted to question me further. Thankfully, she didn't because I shook my head. "Ok, I will see if we have that in stock," she said, her voice shaking slightly. She cleared her throat. "If we don't have it?"

"Special Rosier sprinkled with salt," I replied. This "drink" meant that I already knew what was happening and was on the case.

Alessandra nodded her head and marked it down. "This drink comes with stuff on the rim, would you like that?" she asked, calming down.

That question meant her asking if they should be prepared to step up if things got out of hand.

"Yes," I replied. "Can you also add the tiny sword with the fruit to it?" I asked.

This symbolized me going to contact other species to help us in the quest because Camen was doing that on the pretense that the king lied and didn't want an alliance with the other species.

Alessandra nodded her head. "Sure," she said. "Which fruit?"

"Grape, strawberry, and cherry," I replied, indicating that I was going to contact the Warlocks, Shifters, and Vampires.

"What about blueberries?" she asked, indicating the Hunters that were actually good and not out to harm all of us.

I nodded. "And water," I said which was going to be my actual drink.

"Ok," Alessandra said, looking relieved. She looked at Xavier who was watching us and looking confused about what was said. "And for you?"

"The same as her," he said. "I just want water, though."

Alessandra nodded her head. "Will do," she said. "I will get those drinks ready. Excuse me." And with that, she left, quickly, to tell her dad what I had asked for.

A war was going to happen, and it didn't look good.


I had my hand in Xavier's as we waited for the surprise dessert that Alessandra's mother had prepared for us. I was relieved that nothing bad had happened, yet, but I had a feeling that something was going to happen.

I watched as Xavier played with my fingers when Alessandra came by followed by my ex-Beta and his father.

Alessandra looked nervous as she sat them down beside us before looking at us. "I'll be back with your dessert," she said, causing me to nod my head. "Did you need anything else?"

I shook my head, tearing my gaze away from them. "I think that is it. I do want that discount that you owe me." I winked and smirked.

Alessandra relaxed and nodded her head. "What about the other thing that Dad owes you?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Do you want us to add that?"

"Shhhhh," I said, instantly knowing what she was talking about. "We don't need him to know everything, especially that. Besides, that is like seven years old. Is he seriously going to honor it?"

She looked at me as if I was stupid. "Uh, ya, you never got a whole year of free food yet, and you are his favorite customer."

I rolled my eyes and ignored the amused glances from my uncle's Beta. "I thought I told you not to say that out loud," I mocked whispered.

"Well, I am sorry that he is right there in front of you," Alessandra teased. "And when have I ever listened to you?"

I opened my mouth to say something but stopped when she raised her hand.

"Besides the time that I had to listen to you during training and the time when we snuck out of those boring meetings and..." She frowned as she thought about it.

"And the times that I had to instruct you what to do because your mom and dad were out of town, and my group was freaking out because they thought I was dying."

"Well..." She stopped when I gave her a look. "Ok," she chuckled. "I will shut up now and get you your dessert. Do you want some Cheese Fries to-go as well?"

"Of course," I replied. "And I guess some cookies as well because Clara would be mad at me if I didn't get anything for her." I gave her a pointed look which caused her to nod her head in understanding.

"I am sure that she can handle not having some, but I think Mom had already made some for her as well as TJ. I will bring those out as well."

"Thanks, Less," I said as she walked away and signaled that she would take the drink orders of my ex-Beta and his dad when she got back.

"No problem, Ass." She shot me a smile when she heard me snort before turning back around and walking away.

"You two have a strange friendship," Xavier mused, squeezing my hands. He ignored the two Betas, but I could tell that he was tense that they were beside us.

I shrugged my shoulder but didn't reply. I mean, most of my friendships were strange, especially the ones with my group, since I had been there from a young age.

Then again, who wanted a normal relationship anyway?

I mean, I wouldn't. That would have been too boring, and boring was not something that I strived to be no matter how dull and submissive I had been because of the pain I had been through.

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now